VimMyTools.vim : python and buffer navigation utility
script karma |
Rating 3/2,
Downloaded by 72 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
John Pazarzis |
script type |
utility |
description |
Running Scripts: Execute Python scripts or tests from vim.
Open File from traceback: Navigate through files referenced in tracebacks or errors.
Automate docstr creation: Generate docstrings for functions or classes by leveraging the `querycrafter` AI service.
Buffer Navigation: Manages buffer navigation within split windows.
Scratch Pad: Open a scratch pad.
install details |
The preferred method of installation is using `Vundle`. However, other plugin installers should work fine as well (although they have not been tested). To install using Vundle, add the following lines to your .vimrc file:
Plugin 'codingismycraft/VimMyTools'
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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