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nqc.vim : NQC programming support (for the LEGO MINDSTORMS RCX-Controller)

 script karma  Rating 64/30, Downloaded by 6868  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fritz Mehner
script type
gvim-menus for NQC (Not Quite C),  Version 2.3r1  (and newer).
NQC is a C-like language for programmimg the LEGO MINDSTORMS RCX-Controller.
These menus turn gvim into an IDE for the RCX-programming:
- insertion of NQC statements, function calls, comments, RCX constants
- download programs and firmware to RCX
- upload the datalog from RCX
- erase programs and datalogs in RCX

Here are some screen shots : http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-nqc/screenshots-en.html
install details
Copy the zip archive  nqcvim.zip to $HOME/.vim/ and run
      unzip nqcvim.zip
If you have already an older version of this plugin and you have modified the
template files you may want to save your templates first or copy the files from the
archive by hand. See also the file README.nqc within the zip file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
nqcvim.zip 3.1 2004-12-30 6.0 Fritz Mehner + Aligned line end comments for consecutive lines.
+ Uncomment more than one block at once.
+ The dialog windows (GUI) have been replaced by more flexible command line inputs.
+ Online documentation improved.
nqcvim.zip 3.0 2003-12-27 6.0 Fritz Mehner + Only one NQC root menu entry in the gVim root menu.
+ A marked region can be surrounded by a for-, if, if-else, while-,
   do-while-statement (with indentation).
+ 3 block comments are now read as templates or skeletons from files
+ The NQC root menu can be changed or disabled.
+ All hotkeys are only defined for NQC files (file type plugin added).
+ Install script added.
+ Customization improved.
+ Documentation improved (help file added).
nqc.vim 2.0 2003-04-26 6.0 Fritz Mehner + indentation: multiline inserts and code snippets will be indented after insertion.
+ Most menu entries are now also active in normal mode.
+ Code cleanup: register z no longer used. Most function calls are silent now.

nqc.vim 1.9 2003-02-07 6.0 Fritz Mehner - maintain your own code snippets in a separate directory
- additional for- and if-statements
- new hotkey (save, open file, save buffer and compile)
- analyse datalog with GNUPLOT
  + upload datalog in a separate buffer
  + show x- or x-y-plot
  + configure plot (type: impulses, lines, lines+points, points, steps)
  + set plot title
  + save plot (Postscript) or print plot
- make hardcopy of buffer or of a highlighted part (Postscript)
- show settings (target, serial port, firmware, hotkeys)
nqc.vim 1.6.3 2002-02-02 6.0 Fritz Mehner - menus can now be toggled (look for an entry in the Tools menu)
- additional NQC-statements:  break unti continue start
nqc.vim 1.5 2001-09-10 6.0 Fritz Mehner - API for NQC Vers. 2.3r1 complete
- configurability improved
- minor bugfixes and improvements
nqc.vim 1.4 2001-09-04 5.7 Fritz Mehner support for RCX, RCX2, CyberMaster, Scout
nqc.vim 1.3.1 2001-09-03 5.7 Fritz Mehner bug fix:
- datalog upload
nqc.vim 1.3 2001-08-21 5.7 Fritz Mehner Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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