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mupad.vim : Syntax file for MuPAD

 script karma  Rating 19/10, Downloaded by 2302  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fabio Stumbo
script type
This is a syntax file for MuPAD programs.

install details
Just put it in your ~/.vim/syntax
and add

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mu  exe "source ~/.vim/syntax/mupad.vim"

to your ~/.vimrc


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
mupad.vim 1.0 2004-05-10 6.0 Fabio Stumbo Small change in the way the names of procedures are highlighted. Moreover, they are highlighted also if the name is specified after the command "name"
mupad.vim 0.4 2004-02-02 6.0 Fabio Stumbo Added Axiom, Category and Domain library
mupad.vim 0.3 2004-01-07 6.0 Fabio Stumbo Corrected some bug
Redefined all colors (see the colors section)
Added all builtin functions (mupad 2.5.3)
Added the Type library
Improved sanity check
mupad.vim 0.2 2003-08-21 6.0 Fabio Stumbo Added definition syntax with semicolon checking and made some clean up
mupad.vim 0.1 2003-07-29 6.0 Fabio Stumbo Initial upload
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