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vimcdoc : Vim online documentation Chinese version

 script karma  Rating 67/21, Downloaded by 2815  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Wenzhi Liang
script type
This is an effort to translate the wonderful Vim online help into
Chinese. The targetted Vim version is 6.4. We've already translated
*all* the documents including the user manual as well as the reference

See our web page:

http://vimcdoc.sf.net (English)
http://vcd.gro.clinux.org (Chinese GB)

for more detail.
install details
See INSTALL in the package. There is win32 installation program
available on our home page too.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimcdoc-0.9.0.tar.gz 0.9.0 2006-03-21 6.0 Wenzhi Liang This is a major milestone release! All Vim documentation are now translated and updated against Vim 6.4. This release is almost single-handedly made possible by Willis, who has only joined us for no more than a month. Everybody is encouraged to upgrade (hint: read the INSTALL file). Online HTML version will be updated shortly.

PLEASE NOTE that the attached package is a dummy one as the real one is too big. Please
download from our website.
vimcdoc-0.8.0.tar.gz 0.8.0 2005-08-11 6.0 Wenzhi Liang With four new files and many bug fixes.
vimcdoc-0.7.0.tar.gz 0.7.0 2004-07-07 6.0 Wenzhi Liang Fully compatible with the new Vim 6.3.
vimcdoc-0.6.1.tar.gz 0.6.1 2004-06-01 6.0 Wenzhi Liang This is mainly a bug fix release. Quite few changes really.
Also, this would be the last vimcdoc release for Vim 6.2
and below.
vimcdoc-0.6.0.tar.gz 0.6.0 2004-01-12 6.0 Wenzhi Liang Yet another major release from the hard working vimcdoc team! Three important pieces were finished: windows.txt, pattern.txt and quickfix.txt. Enjoy the new release and wish you a very happy new year!
vimcdoc-0.5.0.tar.gz 0.5.0 2003-10-19 6.0 Wenzhi Liang Milestone release. All user manual are reviewed and of good quality.
ip used for rating:

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