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vartabs.vim : Make your TAB-Key stop at arbitrary positions

 script karma  Rating 7/4, Downloaded by 1372  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Fitz
script type
The usual <TAB> stops at any 'shiftwidth' position.
Sometimes (eg. when programming in RPG or /370-ASM) it is useful to have arbitrary positions (eg. for /370-ASM they are 10,16,71).

This script will give you this feature depending on the filetype.
install details
1) Copy VARTABS.VIM into your plugin-directory
2) Add in the approbiate filetype-plugin the following line (numbers must be ascending!):
  :call VarTab_SetStops([10,16,71]) means: <TAB> will now stop on column 10, 16, 71, <S-TAB> will do in reverse direction.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
VARTABS.VIM 2.0 2014-07-25 7.0 Michael Fitz Now allows Lists as argument in VarTab_SetStops (eg.: :call VarTab_SetStops[10,16,72])
Old String-argument furthermore supported for backwards-compatibility.
Internal logic completely switched to Lists.
VARTABS.VIM 1.0 2003-10-07 6.0 Michael Fitz Initial upload
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