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TT2 syntax : Syntax Highlight for Template-Toolkit 2.x

 script karma  Rating 275/158, Downloaded by 7442  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
atsushi moriki
script type
Maintainer was handed over. Please visit below to find updated version.

Syntax Highlight for Template-Toolkit 2.x
( http://search.cpan.org/~abw/Template-Toolkit/ )
Contain Perl code in PERL/RAWPERL directive. (runtime sytax/perl.vim)
No fold.
HTML syntax for including TT2 syntax. ( tt2html.vim / unfinished )
Can define START_TAG/END_TAG for your style.
install details
Add this lines in your "filetype.vim":

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt2 call s:AdjustTT2Type()

func! s:AdjustTT2Type()
    if ( getline(1) . getline(2) . getline(3) =~ '<\chtml'
              && getline(1) . getline(2) . getline(3) !~ '<[%?]' )
       || getline(1) =~ '<!DOCTYPE HTML'
        setf tt2html
        setf tt2

To define START_TAG and END_TAG you like, you can set any pair of tags to 'b:tt2_syn_tags':
    :let b:tt2_syn_tags = '<% %>'
    :let b:tt2_syn_tags = '<? ?>'
    "TT2 and HTML"
    :let b:tt2_syn_tags = '\[% %] <!-- -->'

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
tt2.tar.gz 0.1.3 2007-03-15 6.0 atsushi moriki Changed fileformat from 'dos' to 'unix'
Deleted 'echo' that print obstructive message
tt2.zip 0.1.3 2007-03-15 6.0 atsushi moriki Changed fileformat from 'dos' to 'unix'
Deleted 'echo' that print obstructive message
tt2.tar.gz 0.1.2 2004-01-02 6.0 atsushi moriki full-directive comment, lower case reserved words.
tt2.zip 0.1.2 2004-01-02 6.0 atsushi moriki full-directive comment, lower case reserved words, upload zip-archive.
tt2.tar.gz 0.1.1 2003-11-25 6.0 atsushi moriki Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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