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table_format.vim : Formatting utility to arrange text into neat columns

 script karma  Rating 42/17, Downloaded by 2092  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Graz
script type
The plugin script table_format.vim is a text formatting tool.  It
arranges words or groups of words on consecutive lines into a neatly
formatted table.

There are two keyboard shortcuts defined: \t and \T.  Each work
slightly differently.

- \t (lowercase 't') is referred to as a mode 0 table command.  This
  means that words separated by a single space are arranged into
  columns padded with one or more spaces.

- \T (uppercase 'T') is referred to as a mode 1 table command.  Here
  fields consist of groups of words separated by one space.  The field
  boundaries are sequences of two or more spaces.  After formatting
  into a table, the padding between fields (groups of words) is three
  of more spaces.

- The \t and \T (specifically <Leader>t and <Leader>T) mappings exist
  for normal and visual mode.  In normal mode the range to be made
  into a table is from the current line (cursor position) until the
  next paragraph break (ie blank line).

- For visual mode table formatting works for both linewise visual and
  blockwise visual modes.  First highlight the text in visual mode
  with 'V' then movement (linewise visual) or '<c-v>' or '<c-q> then
  movement (blockwise visual) and then type <Leader>t or <Leader>T (ie
  \t or \T)

- The \t and \T mappings utilize the vim mapleader variable.  For
  example, if mapleader=',', then the mappings in table_format.vim are
  ,t and ,T

- The one-space/one-padding for mode 0 and two-space/three-padding for
  mode 1 are defaults and can be overridden.

- The internal table formatting functions can be called directly:

    :[range]call Table(space_split, space_padding, max_field_length,
        col_start, col_end)

  All of the parameters are optional.

        - The number of consecutive spaces that indicate a column
        - default: 1

        - The minimum number of spaces that are placed in between
          fields after formatting to make a column boundary.
        - default: 1

        - The maximum length of a field (word or group of words).  A
          value of 0 (the default) means that a field can be any
        - default: 0

        - The beginning column position for formatting.  A value of 0
          (the default) means to start at the beginning of the line.
        - default: 0

        - The end column position for formatting.  A value of 0 (the
          default) means to format through the end of the line.
        - default: 0

    There is an alternate version of the above function where the
    range can be passed in directly:

    :call TableRange(firstline, lastline, space_split, space_padding,
        max_field_length, col_start, col_end)
install details
To install place table_format.vim into your vim plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
table_format.vim 1.0 2003-12-14 6.0 Michael Graz Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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