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ftpsync : Synchronize files with a remote server

 script karma  Rating 44/18, Downloaded by 2334  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Fabien Bouleau
script type
The FtpUpdate script provides you the ability to synchronize your files with a server. The main idea when I created this script was to use GVim to edit the files on my local PC, which one has SVN or GIT, rather than directly on the remote server in a shared directory (similar to the staging concept in GIT).

With S-F7, you can define the server and the remote path used. The settings can be set for the buffer only or globally if you have many files to synchronize from/to the same directory. You can set both, and then buffer settings will preempt global settings.

Key mapping:

  - <S-F5> and <S-F6>: allow you to update your file respectively from and to the server. Asks for the synchronization parameters if needed.
  - <S-F7>: set the synchronization parameters.
  - <S-F8>: display the synchronization parameters of the current buffer.

Public functions:

  - FtpGetParam(): display the synchronization parameters of the current buffer.
  - FtpSetParam(...): set the synchronization parameters
  - FtpSetServer(...): set the server parameter
  - FtpSetPath(...): set the path parameter
  - FtpUpdate(): put the buffer to the remote server
  - FtpRefresh(): get the file from the remote server

Note that you can set both global parameters and buffer parameters for a specific buffer which needs different parameters. The buffer settings are taken into account before the global ones.

Further more, through the FtpSetPath or FtpSetServer functions, you can set only a specific path or server for a buffer, the second parameter (path or server) being taken from the global variable.


With <S-F7> you set global parameters srv1 and path /home/user1. Then for a specific buffer you type :call FtpSetPath() and set /home/dummy2 as buffer path (or type :call FtpSetPath("/home/user2","b")).
Then using <S-F5> or <S-F6> on this buffer will use ftp://srv1/home/user2 and ftp://srv1/home/user1 for the other ones.

The protocol used is FTP. Writing and reading are performed through netrw.vim plugin, i.e. as typing

    :write <proto>://<server>/<path>/<file>
    :read <proto>://<server>/<path>/<file>

Note that <proto> is set in g:FtpSync_Proto (scp by default).
install details
Copy the ftpsync.vim file into your $VIM/vimfiles/plugin directory and restart VIM

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
ftpsync.vim 1.2 2006-03-06 6.0 Fabien Bouleau Added g:FtpSync_Proto to select protocol (scp is default). See vim help on ftp for more details.
ftpsync.vim 1.1 2004-09-17 6.0 Fabien Bouleau Bug fix in displaying path with S-F8
ftpsync.vim 1.0 2004-08-24 6.0 Fabien Bouleau Added <S-F7> to set parameters without passing by <S-F5>
Added <S-F8> to display buffer parameters
Updated the documentation
ftpsync.vim 0.1 2004-03-12 6.0 Fabien Bouleau Initial upload
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