Vim (the editor) isn't the only Vim around. It's no surprise that
other products have latched onto the same catchy name. We're always
looking for more evidence of Other Vims.
The oldest appearance of Vim (so far) is the detergent powder made by Unilever.
According to
this article it appeared in 1911.
The pictures below are thumbnails, they link to full-size images,
which are sometimes quite sizeable.
Found in Vietnam. Click to see the monsters.
Does Vim do your dishes? Certainly!
Found in a supermarket in Udaipur, India.
"Vim" fashion outlet on Broadway in NYC. Everyone knows Vim is
always in style.
This appears to be their website.
They already existed in the 80s, see
This truck cafe in Sicily is known for it's Vi burgers:
If you think exiting Vim is difficult, get this book.
Judging by this old advertisement, Vim (the detergent) has
probably been around a bit longer than Vim (the editor).
Vim will clean pots shiny bright, especially if this pot is any
A very old Vim advertisement with funny text.
Vim in the supermarket, good for your health!
You never knew Vim can "Make your woman smile for a week"!
Also see VIM in a bottle.
Old German Vim advertisements. Not quite a Mona Lisa smile!
Screensaver with genetical intelligence?
See Vim fly!
Hi, I'm your helpful Vim assistant!
An average Vim user.
Vim at the beach.