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increment_new.vim : Subsitute a pattern with incremented values ENHANCED

 script karma  Rating 34/10, Downloaded by 1253  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ely Schoenfeld
script type
This is a great (I think) improvement of the plugin increment.vim made by William Natter (natter at magma.ca) (vimscript #842).

I tried to contact William, but his mailbox does not exist... So here it goes.

As William wrote:
"This is a handy plugin that makes easy replacing your favorite pattern ("@" by default) with a sequence of incremented values using the "Inc" command.  "

Besides what the original script can do, it has two new features:
    a) Now you are able to search for a pattern and replace the Nth word from the beginning of the line with the incremental number.
    b) And also you can get a confirmation message before change.

The help file is also greatly improved.

Here is an example:

       You have: (beginning with spaces only)
           ----- cut -----
                   LMsgInstall6 = 7; // @
                 LMsgInstall7 = 8;   // @
               LMsgInstall8 = 9;     // @

               LErrConnectionStandAlone1 = 10; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone3 = 7; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone5 = 12; //THIS
           {some text}
               LMsgExitConfirm = 30;
           ----- cut -----

       You do: (with confirmation)
           :'<,'>Inc p^\ *\\\<\[A-Za-z0-9_]*\\\>\ =\ [0-9]* w3 i25 s100 c
                                   (Note that I had to use tree "\" before the "<" sign. Since Vim 7 the "<" and ">" have to be skiped by a "\")

       You get:
           ----- cut -----
                   LMsgInstall6 = 100; // @
                 LMsgInstall7 = 125;   // @
               LMsgInstall8 = 150;     // @

               LErrConnectionStandAlone1 = 175; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone3 = 200; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone5 = 225; //THIS
           {some text}
               LMsgExitConfirm = 250;
           ----- cut -----

       Then you do: (without confirmation)
           :'<,'>Inc pTHIS w3 i3 s5

       You get:
           ----- cut -----
                   LMsgInstall6 = 100; // @
                 LMsgInstall7 = 125;   // @
               LMsgInstall8 = 150;     // @

               LErrConnectionStandAlone1 = 5; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone3 = 8; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone5 = 11; //THIS
           {some text}
               LMsgExitConfirm = 250;
           ----- cut -----

       Then you do: (without confirmation)

       You get:
           ----- cut -----
                   LMsgInstall6 = 100; // 0
                 LMsgInstall7 = 125;   // 1
               LMsgInstall8 = 150;     // 2

               LErrConnectionStandAlone1 = 5; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone3 = 8; //THIS
               LErrConnectionStandAlone5 = 11; //THIS
           {some text}
               LMsgExitConfirm = 250;
           ----- cut -----

Hope it helps.

Keywords: Inc Increment increment increment.vimnumber numbers num replace substitute subst pattern regex
install details
- Put increment_new.vim into a plugin directory.
- Put increment_new.txt into a doc directory.

  (see :set runtimepath)

For example in *nix OS:
    - The plugin directory should be: ~/.vim/plugin
    - The doc directory should be: ~/.vim/doc

    Something like:
        mkdir ~/.vim
        cd ~/.vim
        tar -zxvf increment_new.tar.gz

For example in Windows:
    - The plugin directory should be: %PROGRAMFILES%\Vim\vimfiles\plugin
    - The doc directory should be: %PROGRAMFILES%\Vim\vimfiles\doc

    (To extract the files from a tar.gz in windows, I use a great program called 7Zip (http://www.7-zip.org)

-Install Help
    To be able to do:
        :help Inc
    in vim, you have to do, for example:
        :helptags ~/.vim/doc
        :helptags C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\doc


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
increment_new.tar.gz 1.1 2007-06-23 7.0 Ely Schoenfeld Changes in documentation for better installation instructions and since something changed in the regular expression matching in Vim7.
Now I have to escape the "<" and ">" with "\"
increment_new.tar.gz 1.0 2005-02-04 6.0 Ely Schoenfeld Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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