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VimIM : Vim Input Method -- Vim 中文输入法

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Vim IM
script type
The VimIM is a Vim plugin designed as an independent IM (Input Method)
to support CJK search and CJK input, with or without vim omni popup window.
VimIM 是一个基于Vim的嵌入式中文输入法。


正常模式:  gi         无菜单窗中文输入   Insert text ...   
正常模式:  n          无菜单窗中文搜索   Repeat the latest "/" or "?" ...
插入模式: i_CTRL-_   开关中文输入法      Switch between languages ...
插入模式: i_CTRL-^    切换中文输入法      Toggle the use of language ... 
GitHub: https://github.com/vimim/vimim

标准字库: http://vimim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugin/vimim.cjk.txt
海量词库: http://vimim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugin/vimim.gbk.bsddb
英文词库: http://vimim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugin/vimim.txt
民间词库: http://vimim-data.googlecode.com
vim i vimim CTRL-^ CTRL-^  
日期:公元2012年7月4日 星期三
电脑:win32  0.011714 seconds
编码:utf-8 ucs-bom,utf8,chinese,gb18030
环境:English_United States.1252
词库:云词库:谷歌云 搜狗云 
联网:Python2 Interface to Vim
输入:VimIM 拼音 四角号码 英文 
    :let g:vimim_cloud = 'google,sogou,baidu,qq'  
    :let g:vimim_map = 'tab_as_gi'  
  " :let g:vimim_mode = 'dynamic'  
  " :let g:vimim_mycloud = 0  
  " :let g:vimim_plugin = 'C:/var/mobile/vim/vimfiles/plugin'  
  " :let g:vimim_punctuation = 2  
  " :let g:vimim_shuangpin = 0  
  " :let g:vimim_toggle = 'pinyin,google,sogou'
install details
    (1) 下载插件 vimim.vim
    (2) 把插件扔到vim的plugin文件夹里面
    (1) 进入vim, 进入插入模式
    (2) 输入彩蛋 vimim
    (3) 按 CTRL-^,显示菜单
    (4) 按 h,切换菜单左右排列
    (5) 按 j, 下移光标 
    (6) 按 k,上移光标 
    (7) 按 l, 切换菜单上下排列
    (8) 按 CTRL-^,输出菜单
    (1) 进入vim, 进入插入模式
    (2) 输入 dscj
    (3) 按 CTRL-^
    (4) 验证:“点石成金”出现在菜单 
    (1) 进入vim
    (2) 输入 /dscj 回车
    (3) 按 n
    (4) 验证:“点石成金”四个字被搜索
    (1) 下载插件 vimim.vim
    (2) (Windows) 安装 Python2或Python3 或wget或curl
    (1) 进入vim, 进入插入模式
    (2) 输入彩蛋 dscj''''
    (3) 按 CTRL-^,显示四朵云输入结果 
    (4) 按 CTRL-^,输出四朵云输入结果 
    (1) 进入vim, 进入插入模式
    (2) 按 CTRL-_,进入谷歌云输入
    (3) 按 CTRL-_,退出谷歌云输入      
    (1) 下载插件 vimim.vim
    (2) (option) 下载一个五笔文本文件,例如 vimim.wubi.txt
    (3) (option) 下载一个拼音文本文件,例如 vimim.pinyin.txt
    (4) 把上述文件扔到vim的plugin文件夹里面      
    (1) 进入VimIM (插入模式:CTRL-_)(正常模式:gi)
    (2) 按 CTRL-^,进入五笔输入
    (3) 按 CTRL-^,进入拼音输入
    (4) 按 CTRL-^,进入谷歌云输入
    (5) 按 CTRL-^,进入搜狗云输入
    (6) 按 CTRL-^,进入百度云输入
    (7) 按 CTRL-^,进入QQ云输入 
    (1) 安装 Python2
    (2) 下载47MB拼音数据库 vimim.gbk.bsddb
    (3) 把插件和数据库扔到vim的plugin文件夹里面 
    (1) 进入vim, 进入插入模式
    (2) 按 CTRL-_,进入拼音输入
    (3) 按 CTRL-_,退出拼音输入
    (1) 英文:She has ten dreams. (字母加空格:20键)
    (2) 中文:她有十个梦。     (字母加空格:22键)                       
    (1) 进入vim, 输入 gi
    (2) 输入 ta  按空格,按空格,出“她”
    (3) 输入 you  按空格,出“有”
    (4) 输入 shige  按空格,按空格,按空格,出“十个”
    (5) 输入 meng  按空格,出“梦”
    (6) 输入 .  按空格,出句号。             
    (1) 候选窗:无菜单之菜单显示在窗口标题或者状态栏之上
    (2) 数字键:选词:1 用于刷新 234567890 用于选词
    (1) 空格键:既可上字又可选词
    (2) 回车键:取消无菜单选择状态 (stop active completion)
    (1) 空格键:上字(取消无菜单选择状态)或空格
    (2) 打英文:建议在vimrc中设置 :set pastetoggle=<C-H>           

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimim.vim 2015-04-02 7.0 Vim IM just made it work for the latest version of vim ...
vimim.vim 2012-07-04 7.0 Vim IM Happy 4th of July from VimIM.
vimim.vim 2012-01-04 7.0 Vim IM Happy 3 year Anniversary to VimIM!
vimim.vim 2011-11-10 7.0 Vim IM removed over 1000 lines and finalized hotkey definitions, following the same way as Vim does: http://code.google.com/p/vimim/issues/detail?id=203
vimim.vim 2011-10-10 7.0 Vim IM #1 VimIM does menuless: http://code.google.com/p/vimim/issues/detail?id=182
#2 Less codes with more features: http://vimim.googlecode.com/svn/vimim/vimim.html#what-is-new
vimim.vim 2011-08-27 7.0 Vim IM Midas touch: http://code.google.com/p/vimim/issues/detail?id=172
vimim.vim 2011-08-05 7.0 Vim IM plug and play huge datafile: vimim.pinyin.db
vimim.vim 2011-07-04 7.0 Vim IM VimIM July 4th release for supporting Google/Baidu/Sogou/QQ clouds:
vimim.vim 2011-05-21 7.0 Vim IM tiny bug fixes, plus support for today/itoday and now/inow
vimim.vim 2011-05-07 7.0 Vim IM tiny bug fixes (issues 132 to 137)
vimim.vim 2011-04-21 7.0 Vim IM tiny bug fixes (issues 124 to 131)
vimim.vim 2011-04-06 7.0 Vim IM http://vimim.googlecode.com/svn/vimim/vimim.html#what-is-new
vimim.vim 0.9.9 2011-01-15 7.0 Vim IM Happy New Year Of the Rabbit!
Now, "OneKey" can do both hit-and-run and OneKeyNonStop using hjkl
vimim.vim 0.9.8 2011-01-03 7.0 Vim IM fine-tune:  http://code.google.com/p/vimim/issues/detail?id=112
vimim.vim 2010-12-13 7.0 Vim IM bug-fix: http://code.google.com/p/vimim/issues/detail?id=109
vimim.vim 0.9.7 2010-12-03 7.0 Vim IM Welcome to VimIM Chapter 2.
vimim.vim 0.9.6 2010-05-22 7.0 Vim IM http://vimim.googlecode.com/svn/vimim/vimim.html#what-is-new
vimim.vim 0.9.5 2010-03-28 7.0 Vim IM VimIM Cloud access is alive again:
vimim.vim 3414 2010-02-04 7.0 Vim IM Happy New Year Of the Tiger!
vimim.vim 20100104 2010-01-04 7.0 Vim IM Happy Anniversary to VimIM!
vimim.vim 3038 2009-12-24 7.0 Vim IM Merry Christmas to all VimIM fans!
vimim.vim 2858 2009-12-12 7.0 Vim IM Happy Brithday to You, Angelina!
vimim.vim 2686 2009-11-29 7.0 Vim IM Support wubi to join the CLOUD party
vimim.vim 20091126 2009-11-26 7.0 Vim IM CLOUD is colorful now. Happy Thanksgiving!
vimim.vim 2429 2009-11-19 7.0 Vim IM To CLOUD, or not to CLOUD, that is not a question:
vimim.vim 2410 2009-11-17 7.0 Vim IM CLOUD works by "plug & play" under Windows and Linux.
vimim.vim 2388 2009-11-16 7.0 Vim IM VimIM is promoting "CLOUD" input, along with ShuangPin.
vimim.vim 2323 2009-11-11 7.0 Vim IM VimIM is selling dummy "modeless" whole sentence input in various "language":  http://maxiangjiang.googlepages.com/vimim.html#id45

As always, "what is new" can be found from the end of manual:  http://maxiangjiang.googlepages.com/vimim.html#what-is-new
vimim.vim 2111 2009-10-27 7.0 Vim IM At last, VimIM has a business model:
vimim.vim 1949 2009-10-02 7.0 Vim IM On October 1, I found that vimim.vim was downloaded by 1949.
vimim.vim 1802 2009-09-03 7.0 Vim IM [what's new]   http://hi.baidu.com/maxiangjiang/blog/item/64f93a0338b11681d53f7c67.html
vimim.vim 20090714 2009-07-14 7.0 Vim IM (1) ATTENTION: finalized option naming convention
(2) all: http://maxiangjiang.googlepages.com/vimim.html
(3) new: http://vimim.blogspot.com/2009/07/vimim_13.html
vimim.vim 20090604 2009-06-04 7.0 Vim IM Introduced many new features, and doubled the GDP (line of codes).
New features:  http://maxiangjiang.googlepages.com/vimim.html
New codes:     http://maxiangjiang.googlepages.com/vimim.vim.html
vimim.vim 3.7 2009-04-21 7.0 Vim IM #1 (new feature) picking up char by word using brackets
#2 fine tunning: Enter=>English, seamless connection
#3 [dynamic] fix regression
vimim.vim 3.6 2009-04-20 7.0 Vim IM #1 finalize the default [chinese input mode] as [dynamic]
#2 finalize the default [dynamic] input style
#3 finalize the default [UI] with better user experiences
#4 [WuBi] support "non-stop typing" and "chinese punctuation"
#5 [ErBi] start to support ErBi using 31 keys
vimim.vim 3.5 2009-04-10 7.0 Vim IM #1 finalized "chinese mode" toogle key as CTRL-^, to be consistent with Vim
#2 [OneKey] default becomes CTRL-\, but can be set as CTRL-^ or <Tab>
#3 [OneKey][static] support classic vi key (hjkl) navigation in popup window
#4 [OneKey][static] can "translate" English punctuation into Chinese one
vimim.vim 3.4 2009-04-04 7.0 Vim IM #1 [static mode] support "no extra space" when mixing Chinese and English
#2 [static mode] Chinese punctuation is ON by default
vimim.vim 3.3 2009-03-29 7.0 Vim IM fix regression on selection by number
vimim.vim 3.2 2009-03-28 7.0 Vim IM # make "static mode" as default; better user experience: <Space> => Chinese; <Tab> => English
# to enable "dynamic mode": :let g:vimim_enable_dynamic_menu=1
# support "Double Pinyin (ShangPin) Input Method" and upload sample datafile, double_pinyin.txt
# add one more easter egg as tradition: **credits
vimim.vim 3.1 2009-03-21 7.0 Vim IM # full support of direct CJK input using Unicode number, integer or hex, as updated at http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode
# add support "Phonetic Input Method", which is auto enabled when datafile has "phonetic" like sample datafile, vimim.phonetic.txt
vimim.vim 3.0 2009-03-14 7.0 Vim IM # add support "array input method", including special char like .,;/?
# it is auto enabled when datafile has "array" like sample datafile, vimim.array30.txt
vimim.vim 2.9 2009-03-08 7.0 Vim IM (1) better user experience for static "VimIM Chinese Input Mode" by
setting let g:vimim_disable_dynamic_menu=1
(2) upload a better/cleaner pinyin datafile: vimim.pinyin.txt
vimim.vim 2.8 2009-03-01 7.0 Vim IM # make VimIM "easter egg" permanent, regardless of encoding and datafile. Four key strokes, "vim<C-^>", can guarantee that VimIM is working.
vimim.vim 2.7 2009-03-01 7.0 Vim IM add visual pleasure: green cursor indicates vimim Chinese Input Mode
vimim.vim 2.6 2009-02-28 7.0 Vim IM (1) make dynamic-order-sequence persistent
(2) add one super option for XingMa, which can be auto set
(3) build crash-proof logic to get rid of full table scan
(4) optimize search algorithm: faster with less CPU & memory
vimim.vim 2.5 2009-02-16 7.0 Vim IM (1) add a new feature: dynamically-adjust-menu-order on past usage frequency
(2) enable direct email/web addresses input using wildcard prefix
(3) standardize data file name with "txt" as filename extension
vimim.vim 2.4 2009-02-14 7.0 Vim IM add a dummy English to Chinese translator, showing the potential.
vimim.vim 2.3 2009-02-12 7.0 Vim IM enable signature by using wildcard *sign
vimim.vim 2.2 2009-02-07 7.0 Vim IM (1) add support for direct CJK input using unicode number
(2) add option g:enable_pinyin_tone_input for pinyin tone
vimim.vim 2.1 2009-02-01 7.0 Vim IM (1) add "easter eggs"
(2) add dynamic menu
(3) add quick English input
(4) support fuzzy search
(5) support fuzzy pinyin
(6) support "auto spell"
(7) enable all common options by default
(8) all options can be explicitly closed
vimim.vim 2.0 2009-01-18 7.0 Vim IM (1) relieve UTF-8 encoding restriction
(2) support all power wildcard *
(3) support labeling on menu
vimim.vim 1.9 2009-01-10 7.0 Vim IM (1) finalized naming: vimim
(2) made data file format simple and flexible
(3) offered 5 data files
(4) fix bugs
ChineseIM.vim 1.8 2009-01-07 7.0 Vim IM (1) Made new naming
(2) Added quick demo
(3) Showing more information on the popup menu:
(4) In ChineseIM_InsertMode, made punctuation intelligent
ChineseIME.vim 1.7 2009-01-06 7.0 Vim IM Improvement performance when searching started with one or two alphabets.
ChineseIME.vim 1.6 2009-01-06 7.0 Vim IM (1) i_<C-\>  IME Insert Mode has more default settings
(2) optional comments can be added at the middle on each line of the data file
ChineseIME.vim 1.5 2009-01-05 7.0 Vim IM Two cosmetical modification:
(1) g:ChineseIME_Toggle_InertMode (i_<C-\> as default)
(2) g:ChineseIME_Toggle_i_Ctrl6
ChineseIME.vim 1.4 2009-01-05 7.0 Vim IM g:ChineseIMESpaceToggle:
  toggle punctuation
  toggle the use of <Space> to trigger popup
  toggle cursor color to identify the 'IME mode'
ChineseIME.vim 1.3 2009-01-05 7.0 Vim IM Performance is boosted.
No more cache, no more full table scan, after the data file is sorted first.
ChineseIME.vim 1.2 2009-01-04 7.0 Vim IM (1) to speed up performance
     let g:CacheIMEDataAtStartup=1
(2) map i_<C-^> to pick up the default right away
     let g:ChineseIMEMappingCtrl6=1
(3) map i_<Tab> to make <Space> "intelligent"
     let g:ChineseIMESpaceToggle=1
ChineseIME.vim 1.1 2009-01-04 7.0 Vim IM (1) fix completion hanging after starting from non-word characters
(2) add pumheight=10 to limit the height of popup menu
(3) add two entries on data file for testing datafile:
       (3.1) english<C-^> should show Chinese translation for "English"
       (3.2) chinese<C-^> should show Chiense translation for "Chinese"
ChineseIME.vim 1.0 2009-01-04 7.2 Vim IM Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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