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todo-txt.vim : Vim plugin for Todo.txt

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created by
David Beniamine
script type
# Todo.txt-vim

        #####                                                #     #
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                        Efficient Todo.txt management in vim

## Table of Contents

1. [Release notes](#release-notes)
2. [Introduction](#introduction)
    1. [Todo.txt rules](#todo.txt-rules)
    2. [Why this Fork ?](#Why-this-fork)
    3. [Installation](#installation)
3. [TodoTxt Files](#todotxt-files)
4. [Completion](#completion)
5. [Hierarchical Sort](#hierarchical-sort)
6. [Mappings](#mappings)
    1. [Sort](#sort)
    2. [Priorities](#priorities)
    3. [Dates](#dates)
    4. [Done](#done)

## Release notes

+   V0.8.1 Incorporates yet antoher Fretep work : highlithing for tasks due today.

+   v0.8 Incorporates Fretep's work on overdue dates (PR#13 and PR#16) witch
removes python dependency, allow to control the cursor position after a sort by
todo (see (sort)[#sort] and/or issue #15) and fixes bug when sorting a file
containing only lines with due:date (issue #14).

+   v0.7.6 Incorporates [Sietse's work](https://github.com/sietse/todo.txt-vim/commit/57d45200c8b033d31c9191ee0eb0711c801cdb1d) to make cancel and mark as done mapping repeatable using [vim-repeat](https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat).
+   v0.7.5 Incorporates [Fievel's work](https://github.com/fievel/todo.txt-vim/commit/0863e1434e9a89ace06c4856b6cb32ba9906e3de) to make overduedates work on python3.
+   v0.7.4 includes the overduedate support from Guilherme Victal (see pull

    [request #45 on freitass version](https://github.com/freitass/todo.txt-vim/pull/45)),
    it highlight dates in overdue tasks as an Error. It depends on a
    Python library, however, and as such will only be able to work if your version
    of Vim was compiled with the `+python` option (as most common versions do).

    If your Vim installation does **not** have Python support, this plugin **will work just fine** but this feature will be disabled.

+   Since v0.7.3, `TodoComplete` is replaced by `todo#Complete`, you might need to update your vimrc (see [completion](#completion)).

## Introduction

Todo.txt-vim is a plugin to manage todo.txt files it was initially designed by
[Freitass](https://github.com/freitass/todo.txt-vim) then forked and improved
by David Beniamine.

### Todo.txt rules

Todo.txt is a standard human readable todo notes file defined [here](http://todotxt.com):

"The todo.txt format is a simple set of
that make todo.txt both human and machine-readable. The format supports
priorities, creation and completion dates, projects and contexts. That's
all you need to be productive. See an example Todo.txt file":

    (A) Call Mom @Phone +Family
    (A) Schedule annual checkup +Health
    (B) Outline chapter 5 +FamilyNovel @Computer
    (C) Add cover sheets @ComputerOffice +FamilyTPSReports
    Plan backyard herb garden @ComputerHome
    Pick up milk @ComputerGroceryStore
    Research self-publishing services +FamilyNovel @ComputerComputer
    x Download Todo.txt mobile app @ComputerPhone

### Why this fork ?

This plugin is a fork of [freitass
todo.txt-vim](https://github.com/freitass/todo.txt-vim). It add severals cool
functionalities including:

+ [Hierarchical sort](##hierarchical-sort)
+ [A completion function](#completion)
+ [A proper handling of due dates](#dates)
+ [A Flexible file naming](#todotxt-files).
+ Syntax Highlight for couples key:value.
+ `<LocalLeader>x` is a toggle which allow you to unmark a task as done.
+ `<LocalLeader>C` Toggle Mark a task cancelled
+ If the current buffer is a done.txt file, the basic sort sorts on
  completion date.
+ ...

### Installation

#### Vizardry

If you have [Vizardry](https://github.com/dbeniamine/vizardry) installed,
you can run from vim:

    :Invoke -u dbeniamine todo.txt-vim

#### Pathogen install

    git clone https://github.com/dbeniamine/todo.txt-vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/todo.txt-vim

Then from vim: `:Helptags` to update the doc

#### Quick install

        git clone https://github.com/dbeniamine/todo.txt-vim.git
        cd todo.txt-vim
        cp -r ./* ~/.vim

If you want the help installed, run `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` inside vim after
having copied the files.  Then you will be able to get the commands help with:
`:h todo.txt`

## TodoTxt Files

This plugin provides a Flexible file naming for todo.txt, all the following
names are recognized as todo:


And obviously the same are recognize as done:


Moreover, `<LocalLeader>D` moves the task under the cursor to the done.txt
file corresponding to the current todo.txt, aka if you are editing
2015-07-07-todo.txt, the done file while be 2015-07-07-done.txt. If you don't
like this behavior, you can set the default done.txt name:

    let g:TodoTxtForceDoneName='done.txt'

## Completion

This plugin provides a nice complete function for project and context, to use
it add the following lines to your vimrc:

    " Use todo#Complete as the omni complete function for todo files
    au filetype todo setlocal omnifunc=todo#Complete

You can also start automatically the completion when entering '+' or '@' by
adding the next lines to your vimrc:

    " Auto complete projects
    au filetype todo imap <buffer> + +<C-X><C-O>

    " Auto complete contexts
    au filetype todo imap <buffer> @ @<C-X><C-O>

The `todo#Complete` function is designed to complete projects (starting by `+`)
and context (starting by `@`). If you use it on a regular word, it will do a
normal keyword completion (on all buffers).

If you try to complete a project, it will propose all projects in all open
buffers and for each of them, it will show their context and the name of the
buffers in which they appears in the preview window. It does the same thing
for context except that it gives in the preview the list of projects existing
in each existing contexts.

## Hierarchical sort

This fork provides a hierarchical sorting function designed to do by project
and/or by context sorts and a priority sort.

`<LocalLeader>sc` : Sort the file by context then by priority
`<LocalLeader>scp` : Sort the file by context, project then by priority
`<LocalLeader>sp` : Sort the file by project then by priority
`<LocalLeader>spc` : Sort the file by project, context then by priority

The user can give argument for the two calls to vim sort function by changing
the following variables:


Defaults values are:


For more information on the available flags see `help :sort`

## Mappings

By default todo-txt.vim set all the mappings secribed in this section. To
prevent this behavior, add the following line to your vimrc

   let g:Todo_txt_do_not_map=1

`<LocalLeader>` is \  by default, so ̀`<LocaLeader>-s` means you type \s

### Sort

+ `<LocalLeader>s` : Sort the file by priority
+ `<LocalLeader>s+` : Sort the file on `+Projects`
+ `<LocalLeader>s@` : Sort the file on `@Contexts`
+ `<LocalLeader>sd` : Sort the file on due dates
+ `<LocalLeader>sc` : Sort the file by context then by priority
+ `<LocalLeader>scp` : Sort the file by context, project then by priority
+ `<LocalLeader>sp` : Sort the file by project then by priority
+ `<LocalLeader>spc` : Sort the file by project, context then by priority
+ `<leader>-sd` : Sort the file by due-date. Entries with a due date appears
sorted by at the beginning of the file, the rest of the file is not modified.

When you sort by due dates, at the end of the sort, your cursor will be placed
at the top of the file. This behavior can be set with the following global
variable :

    let g:TodoTxtSortDueDateCursorPos = "top"

Possible values are :

+ `top` (default): The first line of the buffer, i.e. your most outstanding task
+ `lastdue`: The last task with a due:date set
+ `notoverdue`: The first task that is not overdue (requires #13)
+ `bottom`: The last line of the buffer

### Priorities

+ `<LocalLeader>j` : Lower the priority of the current line
+ `<LocalLeader>k` : Increase the priority of the current line
+ `<LocalLeader>a` : Add the priority (A) to the current line
+ `<LocalLeader>b` : Add the priority (B) to the current line
+ `<LocalLeader>c` : Add the priority (C) to the current line

### Dates

+ `<LocalLeader>d` : Insert the current date
+ `date<tab>`  : (Insert mode) Insert the current date
+ `due:`  : (Insert mode) Insert `due:` followed by the current date
+ `DUE:`  : (Insert mode) Insert `DUE:` followed by the current date

### Done

+ `<LocalLeader>x` : Toggle mark task as done (inserts or remove current
+ date as completion date)
+ `<LocalLeader>C` : Toggle mark task cancelled
+ `<LocalLeader>X` : Mark all tasks as completed
+ `<LocalLeader>D` : Move completed tasks to done file, see [TodoTxt

More at https://github.com/dbeniamine/todo.txt-vim
install details
# Installation

## Vizardry

If you have [Vizardry](https://github.com/dbeniamine/vizardry) installed,
you can run from vim:

    :Invoke -u dbeniamine todo.txt-vim

## Pathogen install

    git clone https://github.com/dbeniamine/todo.txt-vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/todo.txt-vim

Then from vim: `:Helptags` to update the doc

## Quick install

        git clone https://github.com/dbeniamine/todo.txt-vim.git
        cd todo.txt-vim
        cp -r ./* ~/.vim

If you want the help installed, run `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` inside vim after
having copied the files.  Then you will be able to get the commands help with:
`:h todo.txt`


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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
todo.txt-vim.tgz 0.8.1 2017-09-11 7.0 David Beniamine +   V0.8.1 Incorporates yet antoher Fretep work : highlithing for tasks due today.

+   v0.8 Incorporates Fretep's work on overdue dates (PR#13 and PR#16) witch
removes python dependency, allow to control the cursor position after a sort by
todo (see (sort)[#sort] and/or issue #15) and fixes bug when sorting a file
containing only lines with due:date (issue #14).

+   v0.7.6 Incorporates [Sietse's work](https://github.com/sietse/todo.txt-vim/commit/57d45200c8b033d31c9191ee0eb0711c801cdb1d) to make cancel and mark as done mapping repeatable using [vim-repeat](https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat).
+   v0.7.5 Incorporates [Fievel's work](https://github.com/fievel/todo.txt-vim/commit/0863e1434e9a89ace06c4856b6cb32ba9906e3de) to make overduedates work on python3.
+   v0.7.4 includes the overduedate support from Guilherme Victal (see pull

    [request #45 on freitass version](https://github.com/freitass/todo.txt-vim/pull/45)),
    it highlight dates in overdue tasks as an Error. It depends on a
    Python library, however, and as such will only be able to work if your version
    of Vim was compiled with the `+python` option (as most common versions do).

    If your Vim installation does **not** have Python support, this plugin **will work just fine** but this feature will be disabled.
todo.txt-vim.tgz 2015-09-22 7.0 David Beniamine + Cancel tasks with <localleader>C
+ Full documentation re organisation
todo.txt-vim.tgz 0.7.3 2015-08-22 7.0 David Beniamine + Use vim autoload to speedup vim start
TodoComplete is now todo#Complete, you might need to update your vimrc
todo.txt-vim.tar.gz 0.7.2 2015-07-08 7.0 David Beniamine CHG: More flexible file naming files matching one of the following are todo
Moreover, remove complete tasks (<LocalLeader>D) moves the task to the
done.txt file corresponding to the current todo.txt, aka if you are editing
2015-07-07-todo.txt, the done file while be 2015-07-07-done.txt.
This behaviour can be cancelled by fixing the done filename using
FIX: Bug while completing empty file
todo.txt-vim.tar.gz v0.7.1 2015-07-05 7.0 David Beniamine FIX: Typo in sort function
FIX: Keyword completion
CHG: Sort done.txt by completion date
todo.txt-vim.tar.gz 0.7 2015-07-05 7.0 David Beniamine Due dates sort and syntax highlights for couples key:value  
todo.txt-vim.tgz 0.6 2015-06-10 7.0 David Beniamine Completion is now on all open buffer.
todo.txt-vim.tar.gz 0.5 2015-03-14 7.0 David Beniamine Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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