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darkdot : yet another dark colorscheme

 script karma  Rating 22/9, Downloaded by 3120  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
David Lazar
script type
color scheme
This is a dark colorscheme that uses the colors found on http://slashdot.org. By this I mean that white, black and cyan are the most common colors, not that the programs will look like Slashdot postings.

It is a colorscheme both for the GUI and the console version of vim.

The latest version and a screenshot can be found at http://www.c7obs.net/~david/stuff/
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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
darkdot.vim 2.7 2006-08-25 7.0 David Lazar Changes the color of the matching parent to match the one of the cursor.
darkdot.vim 2.6 2006-07-25 7.0 David Lazar Adds support for vim 7.0 (should still work with 6.x though).
darkdot.vim 2.5 2006-05-11 6.0 David Lazar Minor updates. (the NonText color)
darkdot.vim 2.2 2004-05-20 6.0 David Lazar - changed the vimdiff colors both on the console and the GUI version
- minor updates in the gvim colors
darkdot.vim 2.0 2003-04-12 6.0 David Lazar It has a little less contrast to be easier on the eyes.

Screenshot at http://c7.campus.utcluj.ro/~david/darkdot2.png
darkdot.vim 1.0 2003-02-16 6.0 David Lazar Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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