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sonokai : High Contrast & Vivid Color Scheme based on Monokai Pro

 script karma  Rating 43/18, Downloaded by 1577  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Sainnhe Park
script type
color scheme
Screenshots: https://github.com/sainnhe/sonokai


Sometimes I need a high contrast color scheme, and I think monokai is one of the best solutions, it's very beautiful and vivid.

However there is one thing I can't stand -- the contrast is too high, which is totally unacceptable for me.

This color scheme is based on [Monokai Pro](https://monokai.pro/vscode), the contrast is adjusted to be a bit lower while keeping the colors vivid enough.

The `shusia`, `maia` and `espresso` variants are basically modified versions of Monokai Pro. I'm not going to port all variants of Monokai Pro because I don't like some of them. In addition, I designed some new variants inspired by other color schemes.


1. High contrast but within acceptable range.
2. Vivid colors.
3. Highly customizable.
4. Rich support for common file types and plugins.
5. Semantic highlighting support.
6. Tree-sitter support.
7. [Italic support](https://github.com/sainnhe/icursive-nerd-font) 🎉

See `:help sonokai.txt` for more information.
install details
1. Download this package and extract it.
2. Copy `/path/to/sonokai/autoload/sonokai.vim` to `~/.vim/autoload/`.
3. Copy `/path/to/sonokai/colors/sonokai.vim` to `~/.vim/colors/` .
4. Copy `/path/to/sonokai/doc/sonokai.txt` to `~/.vim/doc/` and execute `:helptags ~/.vim/doc/` to generate help tags.
5. To install airline theme, copy `/path/to/sonokai/autoload/airline/themes/sonokai.vim` to `~/.vim/autoload/airline/themes/` .
6. To install lightline theme, copy `/path/to/sonokai/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/sonokai.vim` to `~/.vim/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/` .

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
sonokai-0.3.2.tar.gz 0.3.2 2022-05-26 7.4 Sainnhe Park Added

- Add `g:sonokai_spell_foreground`.
- Optimize `junegunn/limelight.vim`.
- Generate `/after/syntax`.
- Add FAQ for configuration options.
- Optimize `rhysd/clever-f.vim`.
- Optimize `rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui`.
- Add `g:sonokai_disable_terminal_colors`.
- Optimize `voldikss/vim-floaterm`.
- Support `g:sonokai_transparent_background == 2`.
- Optimize `stevearc/aerial.nvim`.
- Optimize `wbthomason/packer.nvim`.


- Redesign coc symbols.
- Redesign `liuchengxu/vim-clap`.
- Redesign semantic hi groups in coc.nvim [neoclide/coc.nvim#3355](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/pull/3355).


- Update &runtimepath after generating syntax files.


- Remove alacritty theme from this repo. [`a05e702`](https://github.com/sainnhe/sonokai/commit/a05e70254c63e5f5a896081932868f97765e36ac)
- Remove examples of configuration options in help doc.
sonokai-0.3.1.tar.gz 0.3.1 2022-01-09 7.4 Sainnhe Park Added

- Optimize `fannheyward/coc-rust-analyzer`.
- Add [Diagnostic](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/15585) highlight groups.
- Optimize `vimwiki/vimwiki`.
- Optimize `hrsh7th/nvim-cmp`.
- Optimize `folke/trouble.nvim`.
- Optimize `TimUntersberger/neogit`.
- Optimize `lambdalisue/fern.vim`.
- Optimize `romgrk/barbar.nvim`.
- Optimize `rcarriga/nvim-notify`.
- Support `nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim`.
- Optimize performance in vim by disabling hi groups of neovim-only plugins.
- Optimize `lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim`.
- Optimize `airblade/vim-gitgutter`.
- Optimize `mhinz/vim-signify`.
- Optimize `glepnir/dashboard-nvim`.
- Optimize `glepnir/lspsaga.nvim`.
- Add modeline to generated ftplugin files.


- Disable tmux checking.
sonokai-0.3.0.tar.gz 0.3.0 2021-08-06 7.4 Sainnhe Park Added

- Optimize `lervag/vimtex`.
- Add `g:sonokai_diagnostic_text_highlight`
- Optimize `liuchengxu/vim-clap`.
- Add whitelist for extended file types.
- Support for leaderf popup mode.
- Optimize `nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim`.
- Add `g:sonokai_diagnostic_virtual_text`.
- Optimize `kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua`.
- Add installation guide for using pack feature.
- Add `espresso` variant.
- Add `g:sonokai_show_eob`.
- Optimize `McSinyx/vim-octave`.
- Support semantic highlight in coc.nvim .
- Optimize semantic highlight in some plugins.
- Support `thiagoalessio/rainbow_levels.vim` and `p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow`.
- Optimize coc symbols and coc tree.


- Diagnostics text highlights.
- `gui=undercurl` is enabled in tmux >= 2.9
- Adjust status line bg.
- Redesign syntax logic of tree-sitter.


- Remove `g:sonokai_sign_column_background`.
sonokai-0.2.1.tar.gz 0.2.1 2020-12-29 7.4 Sainnhe Park Added

- AUR packages.
- Support neovim lsp diagnostics.
- New highlight groups for coc-explorer.
- Outline of help doc.


- Adjust red and orange in the default variant.
- Adjust yellow in the default variant.
- Remove duplicate docs in README.
- Optimize diff colors.


- Fix errors when doesn't set `g:colors_name`.
- Fix `DiffText` in Vim.
- Fix `CurrentWord` in diff mode.
- Fix `CursorColumn` in diff mode.
sonokai-0.2.0.tar.gz 0.2.0 2020-07-20 7.4 Sainnhe Park Changed

- Adjust the background color in the `andromeda` variant.
- Adjust yellow in the `andromeda` variant.
- Adjust `Search` and `IncSearch`.
- Adjust `NonText`, `Whitespace` and `SpecialKey`.
- Rewrite based on gruvbox-material.
- Add `default` variant.


- Optimize Coc.
- Add hi groups for `iCursor` and `vCursor`.
- Optimize gitcommit.
- Add hi groups for builtin lsp and checkhealth.
- Optimize DOS INI.
- Optimize Matlab.
- Optimize Airline.
- Optimize `cohama/agit.vim`.
- Add `ToolbarLine` and `ToolbarButton`.
sonokai-0.1.1.tar.gz 0.1.1 2020-04-04 7.4 Sainnhe Park Added

- Add port for kitty, alacritty, tmux and zsh.
- Optimize `Yggdroot/indentLine`.
- Optimize `arakashic/chromatica.nvim`.
- Optimize `numirias/semshi`.
- Optimize `jackguo380/vim-lsp-cxx-highlight`.
v0.1.0 0.1.0 2020-02-19 7.4 Sainnhe Park Initial upload
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