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Searched scripts for "" Showing 4501 to 4800 of 5942 results
Script Type Rating Down
gentypes.py utility 65 755 Colorize types you use while editing code (Linux)
filetype-completion.vim utility 1 755 filetype completion
hdl_plugin ftplugin 38 755 Vhdl/Verilog fast instant and generate testbench file.
CapsulaPigmentorum.vim color scheme -2 755 mod of paintbox
verilog_emacsauto.vim ftplugin 0 755 Minor update based on vimscript #1875
AtelierSavanna color scheme 1 754 Savanna is an understated greenish colorscheme with desaturated colors
vnote ftplugin 0 754 A dairy or note edit and manage tool in vim
adp.vim syntax 21 753 ADP (OpenACS/AOLserver HTML templating format) syntax highlighting
RTL color scheme 22 753 Color highlighting for gcc rtl dumps
command-list utility 0 753 create a list of command and display as needed
tips.vim utility 41 753 Show vim tips everytime when you enter vim
Teradata 13.10 syntax syntax 13 753 Teradata 13.10 SQL and BTEQ syntax file
robo utility 0 753 A vim plugin for Android development.
oengsimple.vim utility 15 753 simplified keymap for Old English (Anglo Saxon)
ensime-vim ftplugin 9 753 Ensime support for Scala and Java files
Nsis color syntax 0 752 Nullsoft install system scripts syntax highlight
eraseSubword utility 332 752 Erase one subword from a camel case word or from a _ delimited word
StickyCursor utility 18 752 remembers the cursor position relative to the window
xpcomplete utility 8 752 Completion for the XP-Framework (php)
Change Syntax utility 2 752 Simple script for changing the current buffer's syntax language
Session-Viminfo-Management utility 0 752 The plug-in improves upon Vim's built-in :mksession and :wviminfo commands.
vim-operator-flashy utility 1 752 Highlight yanked area
antlr3.vim syntax 1 751 ANTLR v3 error parsing for ANT
numbertotext utility 11 751 replace the numbers with the equivalent text to it
softbluev2 color scheme 11 751 softblue,comfortable.
InstantRst utility 0 751 Preview rst document instantly.
tab-syntax syntax 14 750 syntax for guitar tabulatures
kwiki.vim syntax 0 750 Syntax highlighting for kwiki files
reorder-columns utility 7 750 reorder columns.
newt.vim syntax 4 750 NewtonScript syntax highlighting
OCamlJump ftplugin 0 750 Allow to jum between let and in keyword.
cream-iso3166-1 utility 7 748 Find ISO 3166-1 country codes and names
filter utility 7 748 apply filters to text, by filetype
nose.vim utility 0 748 Simple compiler for testing python with nose
qtpy.vim ftplugin 13 748 Quick unit testing for python from within VIM
previewtag utility 8 747 preview the definition and switch it to a new window
ploticus.vim syntax 0 747 Syntax file for Ploticus.
vim-airline-tomato utility 21 747 Pomodoro Technique
tagSetting.vim utility 0 746 Dynamically set tags option by scanning directory structure
pybreak ftplugin 0 746 Fast toggling of set_trace statement in python files, for easier debugging
columcille.vim utility 0 745 split window management
vim-translator utility 13 745 Asynchronou translating plugin for Vim/Neovim
strange color scheme 12 744 A muted vim color scheme for 8- and 256-color terminals, as well as gui vim
delview utility 12 744 'delview' command to delete mkview/loadview files
vim-do utility 7 744 Run shell commands asynchronously and show the output in Vim when they finish
vim-sentence-chopper indent 0 744 version-control friendly formatting of prose (and LaTeX markup)
tex_mini.vim ftplugin 8 743 facilitates the preparation of LaTeX documents in vim
repeat motion utility 16 743 give vim support of repeat motion operations
cdevframework utility -1 743 C/C++ development framework
vim-easy-submode utility 4 743 using vim-submode easily
vim-keeppad utility 0 743 Keep padding!
Melt Vim syntax 4 742 Plugin for Melt files
Area search utility -2 742 Search for area containing keywords
conque-repl.vim utility 0 742 Use vim as a command editor for REPL programs
linepower.vim utility 0 742 local themes for powerline
password bunny utility 0 742 Manage passwords with Vim
uniface.vim syntax 2 741 Uniface Proc language syntax file
emv utility 16 741 emv - external utilitity invoking vim for mass renaming
modelica syntax 2 741 Modelica syntax file
jinja indent 14 741 jinja syntax and indent plugin
cvsps syntax syntax 0 740 Syntax highlight for cvsps files
rectcut utility 177 740 Rectangle Copy
ConsultADict.vim utility 0 740 ConsultADict is plugin that provides easy way to consult a dictionary
ShaderHighLight syntax 2 740 常用的shader文件语法高亮
lilycomment.vim utility 4 740 comment plugin for csharp
R4vim utility 0 740 Plugin to work with R scripts.
Chess files (.pgn extension) syntax 8 739 Chess files: syntax, ftplugin and snippets
tui utility -1 739 Place holder for Vim TUI
vim-c-cr ftplugin 1 739 Finish braces, brackets and parentheses with ctrl+enter in gvim
Vim-janitor utility 0 739 Clean up multiple blank lines and trailing spaces.
vim-Verdin ftplugin 0 739 An omni-complete function for Vim script
"Go" Syntax syntax 3 738 Syntax definitions for Google's "Go" language.
IDSearch utility 11 738 Plugin to supplement id-utils gid command for super-fast find-in-files.
vim-aertre utility 11 738 Adds aertre
svnTools utility 20 738 Perform subversion commands from within vim.
Dictionary utility -1 737 English Dictionary
myvim.vim utility 13 737 useful functions
Django helper utils utility 0 737 Url tag jump, template path import and html client dump
treemenu.vim utility 8 737 customizable treemenu plugin
Toxic color scheme 2 737 Dirty industrial colorscheme.
a new txt2tags syntax syntax 1 737 a new version of txt2tags syntax file
HgCi utility 0 737 Script to be used with autocmd bufwritepost when a commit is needed.
XFST syntax file syntax 9 736 Syntax file for Xerox Finite-State Tools grammars
fwk_ctags utility 1 736   Manage your ctags tags configurations simple and efficent
vison utility -1 736 Completion JSON files with JSON Schema
rhinestones color scheme -1 735 initial upload
vim4rally utility 15 735 Rally ALM Integration for Vim
Syntax for Clustal syntax 0 735 Highlighting for Clustal Alignment
pipe-mysql.vim utility 2 735 MySQL Client for Vim (easy-to-use / hassle-free configuration)
visual-search utility 0 735 Search for or only within visual selection
TagManager (BETA) utility 0 734 Build, manage and keep tag databases up-to-date within Vim
Dictionary file for Luxology Modo Python syntax 1 734 Dictionary file for Luxology ModoScripting
ctrlp-modified.vim utility 0 734 Easily open locally modified files in your git-versioned projects.
rel-jump ftplugin 17 734 Turn up-down motions into jump-motions
ctrlp-cmdpalette utility 1 734 ctrlp extension to search and execute vim commands
vim-js-pretty-template ftplugin 0 734 highlights JavaScript's Template Strings in other FileType syntax rule
vim-office utility 8 734 read common binary files, such as PDFs or those for Libre or Microsoft Office
magic.vim syntax 0 733 Syntax highlighting for file's magic
obvious-resize utility 11 733 Resize Vim windows in an obvious way.
oldenglish.vim utility -1 733 Vim keymap file for Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
conflictslides utility 0 733 Exchange or assemble conflict content
dosbatch indent indent 7 732 Indenting for filetype dosbatch
Visual Mapping Maker utility 3 731 Create a mapping for the visual selected block
kpl.vim syntax 21 731 KPL (A Kernel Programming Language) syntax file
iim.vim syntax 2 731 Syntax Highlighting for iMacros
Tabs only for indentation indent 4 731 Using tabs only for indentation while editing
ambicmd.vim utility 1 731 You can use ambiguous command.
Investigate.vim utility 13 731 A plugin for viewing documentation
extra-instant-markdown utility 0 731 Instant Markdown previews from VIM!
vim-shaderlab syntax 34 731 Unity ShaderLab
emoticon.vim game -2 730
    emoticon omni completion
SpaceBetween utility 1 730 This plugin fix spaces between = { } in your *.rb file before save it automat
nonclobbering-shift utility -1 730 Visual shift without clobbering formatting
vim-preview utility 2 730 The missing preview window for vim
Thousand separator utility 6 729 Vim script to put thousand separator in between numbers.
falcon.vim indent 0 729 Falcon indent file
XMLExpander utility 0 729 XML Pretty Printer
SAPDB_Pascal.vim syntax 0 728 syntax highlighting for pascal source files from SAPDB
cqml.vim syntax 0 728 Syntax definitions for the Component Quality Modelling Language
change-hash-syntax syntax 10 728 Change Ruby hash syntax to 1.9
Providex V6.0 Syntax files syntax 1 728 Providex .vim files Syntax, Indent, colorscheme and ftplugin
rspec.vim syntax 0 728 Rspec syntax highlighting
gsl.vim syntax -1 728 Resaltador de sintaxis para GNU SL
cmdline-insertdatetime utility 0 727 insert date or datetime in command line.
madlang-vim syntax 1 727 Syntax highlighting for the Madlibs DSL
Menu_SQL_Templates.vim utility 3 726 SQL code templates in VIM Menu
Tumble utility 10 726 A plugin to post to the tumblr.vim microblogging service
RubyProxy utility 28 726 Makes most of vims functions available to ruby via a proxy.
vim-select-replace utility 0 725 selectively replace or delete the cur. word or selected text in multiple places
m4pic.vim syntax 4 724 syntax file for (g)pic with m4 macros
compiler/python.vim ftplugin 7 724 improved python compiler script
pp.vim utility 0 724 Pretty-printer for vimscript expressions -- colors -- pretty colors.
easygit utility 11 724 A git wrapper focus on simplily and usability
C_Epita syntax 11 723 Usefull for EPITA students
nice-vim syntax 0 723 Syntax highlighting for Nice programming language
vim-sunflower utility 0 723 Switch colorscheme depending on whether it is day or night.
Vinfo utility 1 723 Read Info documentation files
bufmap.vim utility 15 722 automatically maps buffers to function keys
tintin.vim syntax 5 722 Syntax Highlighting for Tintin++
explorer utility 4 722 Filesystem explorer
vimgcwsyntax syntax 7 722 Vim Syntax File for Google Code Wiki
tabdiff utility 13 722 A different way to diff.
vim-kitchen utility 0 722 initial version
juvenile.vim color scheme 18 722 Colorscheme with only grey comments and non-text
Php Doc ftplugin 6 721 Open's PHP Documentation in Web Browser
tumblr.vim syntax 13 721 Syntax highlighting for Tumblr themes.
RocketJump utility 0 721 Jump to a visible line using alphabetic signs instead of line numbers
djgpp.vim utility 4 720 Compiler file for DJGPP
LogCVSCommit utility 8 720 Script to log CVS commits
ledger.vim indent 0 720 indenting for Ledger accounting files
Embedded Vim Preprocessor utility 12 720 Embedded Vim Preprocessor
zshr.vim utility 0 720 substitute and execute previous command.
reporoot.vim utility 4 720 Change directory to the root of the source code repository
confirm_quit.vim utility -1 720 Ask for confirmation before quitting Vim
pypi.vim utility 22 720 Simple plugin for checking the latest version of the Python package in Vim.
howto ftplugin ftplugin 1 719 ftplugin for browsing HOWTO files
vim-sourcer utility 2 719 Several new commands for sourcing vimscript files
happy.vim syntax 13 718 syntax highlight for happy files
VimMahewinHub indent 12 718 Interface for hub command.
muttaliasescomplete.vim utility 10 717 Omnicompletion for mutt aliases
tranquil.vim syntax 1 717 syntax highlighting for tranquil
doctest.vim utility 0 717   DocTest in vim
vim-signjk-motion utility 0 717 j/k motion with Hit-A-Hint
ZFVimIndentMove utility 12 717 move cursor quickly accorrding to indent
subnetquicksearch.vim utility 0 717 Searches for a highlighted subnet
ASL syntax 11 716 ACPI syntax language
hybridevel utility 0 716 plugin for hybrid program
leglight2 color scheme -2 716 Another light colour scheme based off of legiblelight
vim-sjson syntax 10 716 Syntax highlighting for Bitsquid JSON files.
vimdir.vim utility 9 716 Manage files and directories in vim
vim-auf utility 10 716 Format Your Lines And Be Reminded By Coloring
yiheb-il.vim utility 4 715 Yiddish/Hebrew keyboard map, Israeli layout + finials on shift, Unicode
updt.vim syntax 5 715 Vim syntax file for ClearCase update log.
xchat log syntax syntax 2 714 a syntax file for xchat log files
rpl syntax 5 714 Syntax description file for RPL/2
vera.vim syntax 8 714 Syntax highlighting for Vera
latte color scheme 1 714 milk & cookies colorcheme
cmake syntax 0 714 CMake syntax update
ab-prefix ftplugin 9 714 Conditionally expand abbreviations on a matching prefix.
vim-conda utility 0 714 Conda environment manager
snpsMan2VimSyntax syntax 0 714 Perl script to parse Synopsys man pages to create a vim syntax file
Varrays utility 0 713 Arrays lib based on curly  braces names
bwUtility.vim utility 4 713 This script provides some trivial functionalities
Test::Base syntax syntax 0 713 Test::Base spec syntax hilighting
Execute selection in Python and append utility 6 713 Execute a selection in Python and paste result after
urilib utility 0 713 URI library in vim script inspired by URI.pm
nicer-vim-regexps syntax 3 713 Nicer syntax highlighting for vim regexps.
UtilityFunctions utility 1 713 Data structures and utility functions
mylocalrc utility 2 713 Fixed classical localrc
minimal_gdb utility 5 713 lightweight vim->gdb broker. set and auto export breakpoints to gdb
ZFVimFoldBlock utility 18 713 fold code block using regexp
timecolor.vim utility 1 712 let the time to rotate your colorschemes
timekeeper utility 10 712 keeps a journal of used time
mycomment utility 1 712 quickly toggle comment without thinking
amifmt.vim syntax 0 711 Syntax for AmiFormat
operator-star utility 0 711 This plugin provides the operator versions of |star|, |gstar|, |#|, |g#|.
fso utility 4 710 file system operations under cursor and more
pwdstatus.vim utility 8 710 a statusline that highlights key information (such as the pwd)
last_change utility 9 709 automatically set time-stamp on modification
yacom utility 0 709 easily toggle comments in line(s)
pqmagic.vim syntax 1 708 Syntax Highlighting for "PowerQuest PartitionMagic 7 Pro Scripting Files"
JumpNextLongLine utility 1 708 Jump to the next line that exceeds the &textwidth option.
ethna-switch utility 4 708 PHP Ethna Action/View/Template File Switch Plugin.
AutoCpp utility 5 708 AutoCpp types complex C++ typenames for you.
EasyPeasy utility -1 708 Easily create and include system tags
vim-berks utility 0 708 basic vim/berks integration
vim-pivotal-tracker-jump utility 0 708 Jump to the Pivotal Tracker story under the cursor
vim-task-org utility 4 706 Manipulate TODO/FIXME/etc marks (tasks) in your sources.
z.vim utility 0 706 Help jumping to the most used directories in vim.
stunter.vim utility 0 706 stunter.vim: run vim test
Russian menu for gvim/win32 utility 7 705 Russian menu for GVIM/Windows cp1251
timecolor.vim utility -2 705 let the time to rotate your colorschemes
vimscript utility 0 705 use vim as an interpreter to write shell commands in vimscript like vimsh
tony_light color scheme -3 705 Another Light Colour Scheme
mrtg.vim syntax 0 705 Multi Router Traffic Grapher config file
dks-il2+tex.vim utility 0 704 Mapping deadkeys (accents)
explorer+reader.vim utility 0 704 preview many text files quickly
byter syntax 21 704 byter syntax support
addexecmod.vim utility 16 703 add execute permission automatically at saving file
triangle.vim syntax 1 703 Syntax highlighting for triangle source files
eval.vim utility -1 703 Evaluate line or region with ^C
vim-codequery utility -1 703 An asynchronous code searcher
mup.vim syntax 0 702 MUP syntax file for musical score publication and auto-MIDI generation
colqer utility 35 702 switch to colemak in insert mode
Pretty Printing C like syntax utility 5 702 Format files with C-like syntax
tforge.vim syntax 1 701 Text::Forge syntax file
spacepaste.vim utility 2 701 Interface to spacepaste-based pastebins
shellcheck.vim ftplugin 25 701 Vim wrapper for ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.
SessX utility 4 701 Simple session management
javalog.vim syntax 1 700 syntax highlighting for default java.util.logging output
delete-surround-html ftplugin 0 700 for deleting surrounding html/django tags
logpad-plus-duration utility 0 700 Emulate Windows Notepad logging feature, and log duration of each entry
vim-bemhtml syntax 6 700 Syntax for bemhtml template language
log4perl.vim syntax 0 699 Log::Log4perl configuration syntax
SmartColumnColor utility 0 699 vim plugin for alert when we reach a defined numbers of characters in a line
popup_it utility 38 698 a easy config auto complete popup
processing snipmate utility 8 698 A port of the Textmate bundle to work with processing pde files
random_vim_tip.tar.gz utility 6 697 Python script - not vim - displays random vim command or tip.
PNote utility -1 697 Power Notes
hammer.vim utility 0 697 Transform your markup language of choice to HTML, and open the transformed HTML.
vim-line-numbers ftplugin 0 697 adds line-numbers & ruler to most edit files
unite-gitlog utility 0 697 A unite source for git log
vim-transit utility 0 697 Translates a given text from source language to target language via Google Trans
tie.vim syntax 9 696 Vim syntax file for Tensilica Xtensa TIE extension language
Csound compiler plugin ftplugin 4 696 Csound compiler plugin
vim-rst-sections ftplugin 0 696 Plugin to work with sections in ReST
vim-snoopy utility 4 696 snoop around the script-local things
flyaccent.vim utility 14 695 Flying accents support
Django Projects utility 15 695 Allows you to use django management commands from within vim
vim-whelp utility 0 695 A historical record of your help queries
ModelineCommands utility 4 695 Extended modelines that allow the execution of arbitrary Vim commands.
motion.vim utility 16 694 motion text in command mode
vital-string-interpolation utility 5 694 String interpolation library for vim
vim-checksum utility 0 694 Plugin to cryptographically checksum files
gpg.vim utility 25 693 it seems that this inspired another much better script: gnupg.vim
Maxlen.vim utility 4 693 Find the long lines and mark them.
tumblr.vim syntax 25 693 Syntax highlighting for Tumblr themes
vimloo utility 0 693 Write VimL Script in an Object Orient Style
proc.vim utility 14 692 a system task manager
Vim Title Formatter utility 11 692 Formats the gvim instance titlebar string for efficiency
phpspec.vim utility 0 692 phpspec compiler
Spiderhawk color scheme -4 691 Initial Upload
baancomplete ftplugin 1 691 Omni completion for the baan scripting language
LastBuf.vim utility 4 691 open last closed buffers.
ctrlp-z utility 0 691 fasd interface with ctrlp.vim
vim-toplevel utility 6 691 Quickly change to a root directory.
hiPairs utility 11 691 Highlights the pair surrounding the current cursor position.
usr2latex.pl utility 5 690 Convert vim usrguide txt files to latex
ShowFunc utility -3 690 Show/Jump to Function/Class name
mail_indenter utility 61 690 pretty indentation for e-mail replying
vcsbzr.vim utility 32 690 Bazaar integration for VCSCommand
svk utility 8 690 syntax and a couple of useful commands for svk commit files
iwilldiffer.vim utility 4 690 Show git/hg/bzr add/mode/del signs in buffer
mp.vim indent 8 689 Identation file for MetaPost
sparql.vim syntax 6 689 Syntax file for SPARQL query language for RDF
roo.vim syntax 9 689 Spring Roo syntax highlighting
fatrat.vim utility 12 689 Work with all runtime files for a filetype
mystatusinfo.vim utility 10 689 Display Current Tab info on status line
slapd.vim syntax 0 689 OpenLDAP (database, access and schema) configuration
nour.vim color scheme 0 688 a set of highlights that extend dw_green for a better look
vim-NotableFt utility 0 688 Changes 'f' and 't' to only match notable characters
js_alternate utility 2 688 A JavaScript plugin to easily navigate between alternate files
JHTML syntax file syntax 0 687 Syntax file for ATG Dynamo's jhtml markup.
scratch.vim utility 6 687 a plugin to create a scratch buffer
Scratch* utility 0 687 Create and use scratch buffers in useful ways
projectroot utility 1 687 Automatic guessing of projectroots
Install a Plugin in Vim ftplugin 2 687 symlinks don\\'t overwrite existing files, uninstall only deletes symlinks
RunVim.applescript utility 4 686 AppleScript to launch vim w/in Terminal (Mac OS X)
olga_key syntax 11 686 Syntax file for SPT Group OLGA .key and .genkey files
racket-auto-keywords.vim utility 0 686 Populates syntax keyword racketFunc/racketSyntax/scribbleMarkup
slide show utility 0 686 A tool for viewing source code in a slide show fashion.
Posting utility 5 685 Mappings primarily intended to ease preparing of USENET/eMail articles
falcon.vim ftplugin 0 685 Filetype plugin script for Falcon
Multi-Replace utility 9 685 Perfom non-cumulative multi-replace
alex.vim syntax 8 685 syntax highlight for alex files
helplink.vim utility 14 685 Link to Vim help pages with ease.
oberon.vim syntax 2 684 simple Oberon syntax file
beautiful-pastebin utility 11 684 Extract a code from pastebin
vim-java-sql syntax 0 684 SQL syntax-highlighting within .java files.
deprecated utility 1 683 deprecated
prev | next Showing 4501 to 4800 of 5942 results

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