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user name fishburn
first name David
last name Fishburn
email dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com
registered Vim
user or sponsor
no, or user has chosen to conceal his donation

Script Contributions

sql.vim ftplugin for SQL (Common for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, ...)
SQLUtilities SQL utilities - Formatting, generate - columns lists, procedures for databases
sql.vim SQL indent file for Sybase SQL Anywhere and Oracle
sql.vim Syntax file for Sybase SQL Anywhere
SrchRplcHiGrp.vim Search and/or replace based on a syntax highlight group
hamster.vim Hamster (Classic | Playground) syntax file
hamster.vim Hamster (Classic | Playground) indent file
hamster.vim Hamster (Classic | Playground) filetype plugin
WhatsMissing.vim Shows what is missing (or not) between 2 buffers
YankRing.vim Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes
SQLComplete.vim SQLComplete is a SQL code completion system using the omnifunc framework
Flex Development Support Flex development support, ftplugin, indent, syntax, code completion, ...
OutlookVim Use Vim to edit the body of an email for Microsoft Outlook
SyntaxComplete OMNI Completion based on the current syntax highlights
sqlhana.vim sqlhana.vim : Syntax file for SAP HANA
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