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Local configuration : Use different settings for different directories.

 script karma  Rating 62/20, Downloaded by 2387  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Vijairaj R
script type
I work in a project which involves contribution from many other people each with their own coding style. This script helps to load files from different places but with the right settings. I use "ts=4, sw=4, ..." in directories i use, and set it to "ts=8, sw=8, ..." in the root of the linux kernel directory. These configurations are stored in a file called .lvimrc, subdirectories inherit the settings from their parent unless the subdirectory itself doesnot have a .lvimrc file.
install details
Either copy the content to your vimrc file
Source this file in your vimrc.

Create .lvimrc file with the necessary settings in folder you want to customize.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
localrc.vim 0.1 2005-11-24 6.0 Vijairaj R Initial upload
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