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Trinity : An IDE: the Trinity of taglist, NERDtree and SrcExpl

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created by
Wenlong Che
script type

The latest dev version of Trinity and screenshots can be downloaded from GitHub Homepage:



The Trinity plugin manages Source Explorer, Taglist and NERD Tree, and build them as a great IDE.


1\ Automatic Display of Declarations in the Context Window on the bottom in the (G)VIM window using the script named 'Source Explorer(srcexpl.vim)' :

2\ Symbol Windows For Each File on the left in the (G)VIM window (G)VIM using the script named 'taglist.vim':

3\ Quick Access to All Files on the right in the (G)VIM window using the script named 'The NERD tree(NERD_tree.vim)':

4\ You can change various options of each plugin in trinity.vim according to you request.


In order to build such an IDE that implement the main functions(function list, definition and context explorer, file brower), I had modified the source code of 'NERD_tree.zip 2.13.0'. You would note the comments which begin with 'Wenlong Che add/delete for trinity.vim' in the NERD_tree.vim.
install details
1\ Unzip the 'Trinity-2.2.zip', and copy all the script files into to the plugin directory of Vimfiles, such as ~/.vim/plugin/

2\ Add the followings in your .vimrc or _vimrc and change them by yourself

" Open and close all the three plugins on the same time
nmap <F8>   :TrinityToggleAll<CR>

" Open and close the srcexpl.vim separately
nmap <F9>   :TrinityToggleSourceExplorer<CR>

" Open and close the taglist.vim separately
nmap <F10>  :TrinityToggleTagList<CR>

" Open and close the NERD_tree.vim separately
nmap <F11>  :TrinityToggleNERDTree<CR>

3\ Enjoy vimming :-)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
Trinity-2.2.zip 2.2 2018-06-19 7.0 Wenlong Che Add the configurations for supporting Source Explorer v6.0. More details, please refer to the Change Log via https://github.com/wesleyche/SrcExpl
Trinity-2.1.zip 2.1 2013-03-22 7.0 Wenlong Che Add the default keys for Source Explorer's fast way to multi-defs jumping. More details, please refer to the Change Log via https://github.com/wesleyche/SrcExpl
Trinity-2.0.zip 2.0 2012-09-20 7.0 Wenlong Che 2.0
Support the Named Buffer Version of Source Explorer (v5.1 and above).
trinity.zip 1.6 2012-02-24 7.0 Wenlong Che Add one new user interface named 'TrinityUpdateWindow' for updating Trinity window positions. e.g. when you use Quickfix together with Trinity, you may need to call this function for recover the window positions.
trinity.zip 1.5 2009-12-31 6.0 Wenlong Che I modified the options of 'ctags' program for Source Explorer (srcexpl.vim) V4.0.
The response time was less than 0.2 second each tagging with the new version. The environment I tested is below:
source code: linux-2.6.25 (17308 files)
size of tags: 60.1MB (691327 lines)
trinity.vim 1.4 2009-03-04 7.0 Wenlong Che Add a new configure global variable named g:SrcExpl_updateTagsKey for the Source Explorer (srcexpl.vim) V3.9 when initializing the trinity plugin.
trinity.vim 1.3 2009-02-10 7.0 Wenlong Che Modified some configure global values of the Source Explorer 3.6 (srcexpl.vim) when initializing the trinity plugin.
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