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ProtoDef : Tool to help create skeleton implementations of c++ function prototypes

 script karma  Rating 166/52, Downloaded by 3434  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Derek Wyatt
script type
- ctags 5.7 or greater
- PERL (just PERL, you don't need to have Vim compiled with PERL support)
- FSwitch Vim utility (vimscript #2590)

Check out the video demo at: http://www.vimeo.com/4448265

You've got a C++ header file and you've got some prototypes declared in there.  Now you need to create some definitions in a C++ implementation file.  What do you do?  Yank and paste?  Naw :)  Use this plugin instead...

The concept is pretty simple: while in the implementation file, you hit a key and all of the currently undefined function prototypes in the header file are automatically pulled in to the implementation file and inserted at the current cursor position.

- Pure virtual functions are ignored
- Functions that are already defined in the header file are ignored
- Free functions are brought in
- Class name is automatically prefixed to member functions
- Constructors and Destructors sort first
- Only the missing items are pulled in so you can use this utility to bring the implementation file up to match the contents of the header file
- However you format the prototype shouldn't really make a difference.  ProtoDef endeavours to reduce all declarations to a canonical form.

ProtoDef can now be found on GitHub: http://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-protodef
install details
- Extract the archive.
- put doc/protodef.txt into ~/.vim/doc
- put plugin/protodef.vim into ~/.vim/plugin
- :helptags ~/.vim/doc
- read protodef.txt and follow what's in the Setup section to understand what to do with the pullproto.pl file.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
protodef-0.9.5.zip 0.9.5 2010-10-28 7.0 Derek Wyatt Fixed up a regular expression so it matches pointers and references better (pointers and references attached to the name instead of the type, which is hideous).  (Paolo Capriotti)
protodef-0.9.4.zip 0.9.4 2010-10-13 7.0 Derek Wyatt - Made sure that we need at least 7.0 (Timon Kelter)
- Introduced the disable_protodef_sorting variable.
- Added a fix to deal with default parameters that were class
  instances (e.g. MyClass()) (Matt Spear)
- Fixed function prototype parsing in pullproto.pl such that regex
  special characters are deal with nicely (Matt Spear)
- Handle template specializations properly (Matt Spear)
- Ensure that implementations in the header file but outside the class
  definition are not brought in to the implementation (Dmitry Bashkatov)
protodef-0.9.3.tar.gz 0.9.3 2009-09-14 7.0 Derek Wyatt Fixed a bug in the autocmd where the ".C" extension was written as ",C"
protodef_0.9.2.tar.gz 0.9.2 2009-08-23 7.0 Derek Wyatt Added the ability to ignore the namespace (e.g. if you define a namespace block and don't need the prototypes to be prefixed with the namespace).
protodef_0.9.1.tar.gz 0.9.1 2009-05-05 7.0 Derek Wyatt Fixed issue with nested classes.
protodef_0.9.0.tar.gz 0.9.0 2009-05-02 7.2 Derek Wyatt Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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