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ywvim : Another input method(IM) for VIM, supports all modes.

 script karma  Rating 40/15, Downloaded by 9157  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yue Wu
script type
======= Chinese version =======
如果你是 ywvim 的老用户, 在升级到新版本前, 请注意你的旧版本到新版本间*所有*的发布公告和已知 bugs, 然后查找对应设置的说明, 以免不兼容的改变给你带来不便.
如果你在使用中发现了问题, 在报告之前, 请先查看下面的"已知问题"部分, 确定是否为已知 bug.

下载最新脚本(1.33): https://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=27354
下载最新码表(1.15): https://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=27224

ywvim 是一款不依赖外部输入法的, 在 vim 里输入中文的工具. 支持在 vim 的所有模式下输入中文. 它面向的对象主要为形码用户, 对于拼音用户, 你可以试试有更多功能的 vimim[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2506].
坏消息: ywvim 和 vimim 的键绑定冲突, 你必须在两者中做出选择.

.vimrc 里的设置:
把下面的几行放到你的 .vimrc 中:

let g:ywvim_ims=[
            \['wb', '五笔', 'wubi.ywvim'],
            \['py', '拼音', 'pinyin.ywvim'],
            \['cj', '仓颉', 'cangjie.ywvim'],
            \['wb98', '五笔98', 'wubi98.ywvim'],
            \['zm', '郑码', 'zhengma.ywvim'],
            \['zy', '注音', 'zhuyin.ywvim'],
            \['ar30', '行列', 'array30.ywvim'],

let g:ywvim_py = { 'helpim':'wb', 'gb':0 }

let g:ywvim_zhpunc = 1
let g:ywvim_listmax = 5
let g:ywvim_esc_autoff = 0
let g:ywvim_autoinput = 0
let g:ywvim_intelligent_punc=1
let g:ywvim_circlecandidates = 1
let g:ywvim_helpim_on = 0
let g:ywvim_matchexact = 0
let g:ywvim_chinesecode = 1
let g:ywvim_gb = 0
let g:ywvim_preconv = 'g2b'
let g:ywvim_conv = ''
let g:ywvim_lockb = 1

<Ctrl-Space>, <Ctrl-Shift-Space>, <Ctrl-@>, <Ctrl-\> 输入法开关.

;(分号) 临时英文.

z, ` 临时拼音.(需要输入法变量 g:ywvim_ims 里有一个 'py' 拼音简称的码表)

<Ctrl-^> 设置输入法:
    候选项个数: 候选项个数.
    最大词长: 你想输入的最长的词. 设为 1 为单字模试.

,.-=    上下翻页.

空格或数字选字, 回车输英文.
; 分号选择第二候选词. (感谢在 www.newsmth.net 的 vace 的建议.)



所有变量中, 只有 g:ywvim_ims 是必须要设置的.

1. g:ywvim_ims 是注册你的输入法的变量, 格式为:

      \['输入法的拼音简称', '输入法的中文名称', '码表文件']
比如 \['wb', '五笔', 'wubi.ywvim'], 可以读为: 五笔输入法, 简称为 wb, 码表文件为 wubi.ywvim.
ywvim 会自动扫描 ywvim.vim 的同一目录及其子目录, 如果有同名文件, 以第一个优先.

2. let g:ywvim_py = { 'helpim':'wb', 'gb':0 }

单独设置每个码表的参数, 码表级别优先于全局级别. 码表级别的参数设置格式是:

    g:ywvim_{输入法的简称} = {'参数':'参数设置'}

listmax: 候选框数目.
maxphraselength: 最大词长.
helpim: 反查码表的简称.
zhpunc: 中文标点开关.
matchexact: 精确匹配开关.
gb: 只输入 gb2312 范围汉字.


    let g:ywvim_zy = {'listmax':6, 'maxphraselength':1, 'gb':0}

意思是, 对于注音(zy)输入法, 候选框个数(listmax)为 6, 最大词长(maxphraselength)为 1, 只输入在 gb2312 范围的汉字('gb':0).

你也可以全局设置某个变量, 格式是 let g:ywvim_listmax = 5, 这样就不用为每个码表都设相同的设置了. 下面都是全局变量.

3. g:ywvim_zhpunc: 设置默认中文标点输入开关, 1 为开, 默认打开拼音输入, 2 为关.

4. g:ywvim_listmax: 候选项个数.

5. g:ywvim_esc_autoff: 设置离开插入模式时是否自动关闭 ywvim. 1 为自动, 0 为手动.
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 的 snow 提的要求.)

6. let g:ywvim_autoinput = 1: 支持两种程度的自动模式. 设为 2 为重度自动, 任何单码字都自动上屏. 2 为中度自动, 只在翻页时出现的单码字才上屏.
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 提供的建议)

7. let g:ywvim_circlecandidates = 1: 设为 1 表示可以在候选页中循环翻页.
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 提供的建议)

8. let g:ywvim_helpim_on = 0: 设为 1 表示打开反查码表的功能.

    警告: 对于大码表会导致其速度降低.

9. let g:ywvim_matchexact = 0: 设为 1 表示只显示全码匹配的字.
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 提供的建议)

10. let g:ywvim_chinesecode = 1: 对于有中文字母的输入法(比如注音, 仓颉),
已键入的字母用中文字母来显示, 而不是英文字母. 比如在注音里, 你输入 ji3 后,
显示的是 ㄨㄛˇ, 而不是 ji3
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 提供的建议)

11. let g:ywvim_gb = 1, 设为 1 为只输入 gb2312 范围汉字.

12. let g:ywvim_preconv = 'g2b', 默认简繁转换方向.

13. let g:ywvim_conv = 'g2b', 設置簡繁轉換方向, 'g2b' 為簡軟繁, 'b2g' 為繁轉簡, ''(留空)為關閉
(感谢在 www.newsmth.net 上的 vace 提供的建议)

14. let g:ywvim_lockb = 0, 为 0 时, 在空码是不锁定键盘.

15. let g:ywvim_theme = 'light', 设置输入栏主题颜色, 可选 'light' 或 'dark'.

16. let g:ywvim_intelligent_punc=1,打开智能标点,在数字后输入标点,默认输入英文状态标点,快速再输入同一个标点时,会替换成中文标点。
    let g:ywvim_intelligent_punclist='.,:' 设置支持智能标点的标点符号。

17. let g:ywvim_popupwin=1 使用vim8.2以上的弹窗特性显示候选项。
    let g:ywvim_popupwin_follow_cursor=1 设置候选项弹窗为光标跟随。
    let g:ywvim_popupwin_horizontal=1 设置弹窗的候选项水平排列。
    let g:ywvim_popupwin_force_cmdline 在cmdline时强制使用popupwin特性。

1. 反查码表对于大码表反应速度过慢. 临时解决方案, 换词汇量较小的码表或者把 listmax 设小一点.

2. cmdline中无法正常关闭popupwin。

3. 窗口布局变化时(如Ctrl-w o)不能更新输入法状态提示。

请发反馈, 补丁或建议到 ywupub AT 163 DOT com.


ywvim 用的码表是最简单的普通文本, 所以你可以很容易的定制出自己的码表. 请确保你的码表以 utf-8 的编码保存.

分四部分:[Description], [CharDefinition], [Punctuation] 和 [Main]. 顺序不能颠倒:
[CharDefinition] 是给像注音, 仓颉等有中文字母的输入法用的.
[Punctuation]是标点, [Main]是主码表.

Name=倉頡五代   <== 码表名称.
MaxCodes=5      <== 最大码长.
MaxElement=1  <== 最大词长. 感谢在 www.newsmth.net 的 vace 的建议.
UsedCodes=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz <== 输入法所用到的键位
EnChar=;    <= 临时输入英文的切换键.
PyChar=z    <= 临时输入拼音键.
InputZhSecKeys=; <= 输入第二重码键.
下面选项均为注音用户所设, 其他输入法不必设置.
EndCodes=  <= 结束字码的键位.
InputZhKeys=  <= 输入中文的按键
InputEnKeys=  <= 输入英文的按键
AltPageUpKeys= <= 其他上翻页键
AltPageDnkeys= <= 其他下翻页键

a 日  <== 中文字母的定义在这里定义. 如果没有, 留空即可.

{ 『
" “ ”

a 日 曰 <== 由字码和汉字组成一行.

Q: 增加模糊查找? 增加自动调频?
A: 对于像作者一样的单字形码用户, 模糊查找是完全用不到的功能, 所以没有兴趣也没有时间开发. 如果你希望有该特性, 请发补丁给我.
而自动调频对于形码来说, 简直就是灾难, 但对音码来说可能很有用. 如果你觉得有用, 你也可以发补丁给我. 谢谢.

======= English version =======
If you are a ywvim's old user, before upgrade to the latest version, please have a look at *all* of the release notes and known bugs then look for the more details about the corresponding part of them in the description, because maybe some imcompatible changes have been made between your old version and the latest one.
If you find a bug when using, please look at the "known bugs" section to make sure whether it's a know bug before you report.

Download the lastest script(1.33): https://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=27354
Download the lastest mabiao(1.15): https://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=27224

ywvim is an input method for vim without the help of any external input method tools, it can input chinese in all modes of vim. Its target user is mainly of 形码, and lacks many fancy features for 拼音 users, for such a featureful IM, please have a look at vimim[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2506].
Bad news: ywvim's key mappings conflict with vimim, you have to make a choice between them.

settings in .vimrc:
put some lines like the following into your ~/.vimrc:

let g:ywvim_ims=[
            \['wb', '五笔', 'wubi.ywvim'],
            \['py', '拼音', 'pinyin.ywvim'],
            \['cj', '仓颉', 'cangjie.ywvim'],
            \['wb98', '五笔98', 'wubi98.ywvim'],
            \['zm', '郑码', 'zhengma.ywvim'],
            \['zy', '注音', 'zhuyin.ywvim'],
            \['ar30', '行列', 'array30.ywvim'],

let g:ywvim_py = { 'helpim':'wb', 'gb':0 }
let g:ywvim_zhpunc = 1
let g:ywvim_listmax = 5
let g:ywvim_esc_autoff = 0
let g:ywvim_autoinput = 1
let g:ywvim_intelligent_punc=1
let g:ywvim_circlecandidates = 1
let g:ywvim_helpim_on = 0
let g:ywvim_matchexact = 0
let g:ywvim_chinesecode = 1
let g:ywvim_gb = 0
let g:ywvim_preconv = 'g2b'
let g:ywvim_conv = ''
let g:ywvim_lockb = 0

<Ctrl-Space>, <Ctrl-Shift-Space>, <Ctrl-@>, <Ctrl-\>    Toggle ywvim between on and off.

;(semicolon)    Temporary English key.

z, `            Temporary pinyin input key. (need a abbrev name 'py' pinyin mabiao in g:ywvim_ims)

<Ctrl-^> setup ywvim:
    候选项个数: candidates number.
    最大词长: max pharase length.

,.-=        Pageup/pagedown.

space or num key for input Chinese, Enter inputs English.
; Select the second candiate. Thanks for vace on www.newsmth.net's suggestion.)

NOTE for zhuyin users!!!:
two continual space is pagedown.
Enter is to select the defaut Chinese charator.
English key and Pinyin key don't be bond to any keys by default(you can configure it).


g:ywvim_ims is a must-have variable among so many options.

1. g:ywvim_ims is the variable that registers your input methods, the format is:

      \['English_abbreviation_for_IM', 'Chinese_name_of_IM', 'mabiao_file']

For example, \['wb', '五笔', 'wubi.ywvim'], can be described as: wubi input method, English abbreviation is wb, mabiao file is wubi.ywvim.
ywvim will try to search the dir and subdirs under it, and use the first one if there are files shared with the same name..
the first one is the defaut one.
You can delete the lines of IM that you don't need at all.

2. let g:ywvim_py = { 'helpim':'wb', 'gb':0 }

You can setup a parameter which only has effect on a particular IM, IM's has higher priority on global's. Its format is:

    g:ywvim_{English_abbreviation_for_IM} = {'parameter':'setting'}

These parameters support local effect:
listmax: candidates max number.
maxphraselength: max length of phrase.
helpim: help IM's English abbreviation.
zhpunc: Input Chinese punctuations.
matchexact: show only the exact matched.
gb: set it to 1 means only input Chinese in gb2312.

For instance you can setup like this:

    let g:ywvim_zy = {'listmax':6, 'maxphraselength':1, 'gb':0}

it means, for zhuyin(zy) IM, candidates max rumber(maxlist) is 6, max phrase(maxphraselength) is 1, only input Chinese in gb2312('gb':0).

You also can setup a parameter globally, format is let g:ywvim_listmax = 5, so you can setup a parameter easily for every IM.

3. g:ywvim_zhpunc: toggle the default Chinese punctuation on(1) or off(0).

4. g:ywvim_listmax: maxmum number of candidates.

5. g:ywvim_esc_autoff: whether auto toggle ywvim to be off when escaping from insertmode, 1 means yes, 0 no.
(Thanks to snow on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net who gave this feature request.)

6. let g:ywvim_autoinput = 1:  supports two extends of auto input, set it to 2 is high auto, every singe candiate is auto inputted, 1 is media auto, just auto input when pageup/down.
(Thanks for medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net's suggestion.)

7. let g:ywvim_circlecandidates = 1: set to 1 means circle pages when reaching the end.
(Thanks for medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net's suggestion.)

8. let g:ywvim_helpim_on = 0: set it to 1 means support of help mabiao.

    Warn: The speed is terrible slow for extremly large mabiao.

9. let g:ywvim_matchexact = 0: set to 1 means only show the exact matched Chinese.
(Thanks for medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net's suggestion.)

10. let g:ywvim_chinesecode = 1: when set, show the Chinese alphabets instead of English.
(Thanks for medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net's suggestion.)

11. let g:ywvim_gb = 1, set it to 1 means only input Chinese in range of gb2312.

12. let g:ywvim_preconv = 'g2b', define the preferred simplified-traditional conversion direction.

13. let g:ywvim_conv = 'g2b', direction of auto convertion bwtween Simplified and Traditional Chinese. 'g2b' Simplified -> Traditional, 'b2g' Traditional -> Simplified, '' (Leave it blank) disables feature.
(Thanks for vace on www.newsmth.net's suggestion.)

14. let g:ywvim_lockb = 0, 0 means not to lock up the keyboard when there's no charactor matched with.

15. let g:ywvim_theme = 'light', set color theme of IM bar, value should be 'light' or 'dark'.

16. let g:ywvim_intelligent_punc=1 Turn on intelligent punctation support, when you input a punctation after numbers, the punctuation will be English punctuation, after input the same punctuation once more time quickly, the English punctuation will be replaced by Chinese one.
    let g:ywvim_intelligent_punclist='.,:' Set up the punctuations that support the intelligent function.

17. let g:ywvim_popupwin=1 candidate list supports popupwin feature of vim 8.2。
    let g:ywvim_popupwin_follow_cursor=1 set the popupwin follows cursor.
    let g:ywvim_popupwin_horizontal=1 set the candidate list in popupwin arranged horizontally.
    let g:ywvim_popupwin_force_cmdline force to turn on the popupwin feature when at cmdline.

Known Bugs:
1. Slow issue on big help mabiao. Workaround: use a relative small mabiao, or set the listmax to a smaller value.

2. popupwin can't be closed when at cmdline (statusbar).

3. Can't update the im indicator display when window layout changes (eg Ctrl-w o).

Please send the feedback, patch or advice to ywupub AT 163 DOT com.


Q: Supports fuzzy searching? Supports auto frequency?
A: Author doesn't use fuzzy searching at all, but if you have patch, please send
it to me.
About auto frequency, it's a hell for shape input method, but maybe useful for pinyin users. If you can patch it, please do it and send the patch to the author. Thanks.

Mabiao file format:
The mabiao which ywvim uses is just plaintext, so everyone can create his own mabiao easily. Please make sure the mabiao is in utf-8 fileencoding.

Contains four fields: [Description], [CharDefinition], [Punctuation] and [Main]. They must be appeared in fire in sequences:
[Description] general parameter of a input method.
[CharDefinition] For the IM like zhuyin and cangjie that have Chinese alphabets.
[Punctuation] contains punctuations, [Main] is the main part.

Name=倉頡五代   <== mabiao's name.
MaxCodes=5      <== Max code number.
MaxElement=1  <== max phase length. Thanks for vace on www.newsmth.net's suggestion.
UsedCodes=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz <== All keys that needs to triggle IM input.
EnChar=;    <= occasional English key.
PyChar=z    <= occasional PinYin key.
InputZhSecKeys=; <= Key for input the second candidate.
Following is for ZhuYin alike IM, other IM don't need to set them at all.
EndCodes=  <= Why keys mean input Chinese has ended.
InputZhKeys=  <= Input Chinese's key.
InputEnKeys=  <= Input English's key.
AltPageUpKeys= <= Alternative keys for pageup.
AltPageDnKeys= <= Alternative keys for pagedown.

a 日  <== Definition of Chinese alphabets. If hasn't, leave it blank.

{ 『
" “ ”

a 日 曰 <== Char code and Chinese Charactors.
install details
要使用 ywvim, 你需要 ywvim.vim 脚本和至少一个码表. 要使用简繁转换功能, 你需要 g2b 简繁转换表. 要使用只输入 gb2312 里汉字功能, 你需要 gb2312 范围的汉字列表.

当 ywvim 有新版本时, 一般只需更新脚本即可, 除非有专门通知提示你码表需要更新. 请确保你下的是最新的脚本和码表(版本不一定相同.)

安装 ywvim:
附件 ywvim.vim-<version>.tar.bz2 是 ywvim 脚本.

解压脚本到你的 ~/.vim/plugin 目录下(windows 为 $VIM/vimfiles/plugin).

        $ cd ~/.vim/plugin
        $ unzip ywvim.vim.tar.bz2

安装 ywvim 码表:
附件 ywvim_mb-<version>.tar.bz2 包含了常用码表, 有注音, 行列, 仓颉, 拼音, 郑码, 五笔86 和 98 的码表, 一个 gb2312 范围的汉字列表, g2b 简繁转换表.
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 对注音提供的建议.)
(感谢在 newsmth.net 上的 vace 对 g2b 提供的信息)

解压码表到你的 ~/.vim/plugin 目录下(windows 为 vimfiles/plugin).

        $ cd ~/.vim/plugin
        $ unzip ywvim_mb.tar.bz2

You need both script and at least one of mabiao in order to make ywvim to work. You needs g2b.ywvim for simplified-traditional convertion. You needs gb2312 charactors list for inputing charactors only in gb2312 ranges.

When ywvim has new version, it's general enough to update only the ywvim script, unless there is announcing that info you should need to update the mabiao. Please make sure you use the lastest version of script and mabiao(the version may not be the same).

Install ywvim:
The attachment ywvim.vim-<version>.tar.bz2 is the ywvim script itselt.

Unpack the script into your ~/.vim/plugin.

        $ cd ~/.vim/plugin
        $ unzip ywvim.vim.tar.bz2

Install ywvim mabiao:

The attachment ywvim_mb-<version>.tar.bz2 contains some common input methods mabiao(码表): zhuyin, array, cangjie, pinyin, zhengma, wubi 86/98, a gb2312 charactors list, g2b Simplified and Traditional Chinese convertion list.
(Thanks for medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net's suggestion on zhuyin.)
(Thanks for vace on newsmth.net's info on g2b.)

Unpack the mabiaos into your ~/.vim/plugin.

        $ cd ~/.vim/plugin
        $ unzip ywvim_mb.tar.bz2

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ywvim1.33.zip 1.33 2020-11-02 7.0 Yue Wu 修复和改进光标显示错误。
fixed and improved highlight cursor.
ywvim1.32.zip 1.32 2020-10-31 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 重写临时英文模块。
1. rewritten enmode.
2. 修复智能标点bug。
2. Fixed annoying intelligent punctuation bugs.
3. 中英模式使用不同光标颜色(待完善)。
3. Highlight cursor (buggy).
ywvim_mb-1.15.zip 1.15 2020-07-03 7.0 Yue Wu 删掉文件中多余的行尾空格和^。
Deleted redundant space and ^ in the files.
ywvim1.31.zip 1.31 2020-07-03 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修复空码时显示码表最后一行的bug。
1. Fixed blank code matching the last line of the mabiao file. Thanks newsmth rekanda's report.
2. 修复多余候选项的bug。
2. Fixed redundant candidates. Thanks newsmth rekanda's report.
3. 修复标点'~'的错误提示。
3. Fixed bug of punctuation '~'.
ywvim1.30.zip 1.30 2020-03-17 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修复智能标点误删字符bug,智能标点默认打开。
1. Fixed bug of intelligent punctation feature。let g:ywvim_intelligent_punc=1 by default.
2. 修复lockb的问题。
2. Fixed lockb issues.
3. 修复一些字打不出来的问题。
3. Fixed input issues.
ywvim1.29.zip 1.29 2020-02-05 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 调整默认配色。
1. Adjust default theme.
2. 修复EnMode后不能正常切换输入法的bug。
2. Fix the bug when at EnMode switching IM behave incorrectly.
ywvim1.28.zip 1.28 2020-01-14 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修复popupwin时cmdline的刷新问题.
1. Fixed cmdline's redraw issue when popupwin is on.
2. 修复只有1个候选字时,按第二候选词键会报错错误.
2. Fixed bug: the key for inputing the second candidate got error when has only one candidate.
3. 全新的临时英文模块,修复临时英文错误.
3. EnMode rewritten completely, fixed bugs on EnMode.
ywvim1.27.zip 1.27 2020-01-03 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 改进了popupwin的支持, 在窗口太窄时候选栏自动换行.
1. Improved popupwin feature, autowrap when window is too narrow.

2. 由于在cmdline输入时无法关闭popwin窗口,取消了cmdline的popupwin支持. 若想体验, 可设置 g:ywvim_popupwin_force_cmdline=1.
2. FIXME Disable popupwin when at cmdline because popupwin can't be closed when inputing at cmdline. You still can have a try the bug, set g:ywvim_popupwin_force_cmdline=1

3. 修复命令行输入时的显示问题, 不再需要设置ywvim_dirty_redraw.
3. Fixed redrawing issue at cmdline, no need to set g:ywvim_dirty_redraw anymore.
ywvim1.26.zip 1.26 2020-01-02 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 尝试修复cmdline hit-enter-prompt.
1. Try to prevent hit-enter-prompt.

2. 智能标点默认关闭。
2. Feature intelligent_punc is off by default.

3. ywvim_dirty_redraw默认开启。
3. By default g:ywvim_dirty_redraw is on. let g:ywvim_dirty_redraw=1

4. 支持vim8.2的弹窗特性。感谢QQ KnightG的建议。
4. Added support for popupwin feature of vim 8.2. let g:ywvim_popupwin=1
Thanks KnightG at qq.

5. 默认候选项弹窗为光标跟随。
5. By default popupwin follows cursor. let g:ywvim_popupwin_follow_cursor=1

6. 默认弹窗候选项水平排列。
6. By default candidates in popupwin arranged horizontally. let g:ywvim_popupwin_horizontal=1
ywvim1.25.zip 1.25 2018-11-10 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 支持智能标点. Added support for intelligent punctuations. let g:ywvim_intelligent_punc=1. let g:ywvim_intelligent_punclist='.,:'
2. 增加特殊符号,可以像普通码元一样有选字栏选多个符号。Added support on SpecialPunctuation= in mabiao file to allow the punctation treated as normal code.
3. 增加普通模式的切换键。Added key mapping to toggle im in normal mode. <C-\>
4. 增加选项解决cmdline选字栏显示问题。Added option g:ywvim_dirty_redraw to dirty fix the display on cmdline.
5. 修复\键bug。fixed bug of mapping \. thanks zcallme & wuming.
6. 解决replace模式时选字栏的残留问题。Fixed the candidate bar doesn't disappear properly when in repace mode. Thanks KnightG.
ywvim_mb-1.14.zip 1.14 2018-11-10 7.0 Yue Wu 增加仓颉3码表。Added cangjie3 mabiao. Thanks Arthurmcarthur.
ywvim1.24.zip 1.24 2015-02-11 7.0 Yue Wu fixed keymapping bug for option ywvim_esc_autoff. 修复ywvim_esc_autoff的bug,感谢wuming的反馈。
ywvim1.23.zip 1.23 2014-04-08 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 增加输入法切换键 <C-@>。Added imap/cmap <C-@> for im switching.
2. 修正 Replacing 模式下的 bug。Fixed bug of Replacing mode.
3. 重写了中文补全模块。Rewritten IM module.
4. 重写 gb2312 模块(慢),只在 utf-8 下工作。Improved GB2312 filter module (but slow!), only work for &encoding == 'utf-8'.
5. 修正 -More- 和 hit-enter-prompt 的提示。Fixed unexpected messges of -More- and hit-enter-prompt.
6. 修正进入新 buffer 时,状态栏中 (lang) 的错误提示。Fixed statusbar's bug of (lang) in new buffer.
7. 在输入法设置项中增加候选项数目。Added UI setting for candidate length.
8. 增加选项:g:ywvim_theme,改善输入栏显示。Added option g:ywvim_theme, improved IM bar displaying.
9. 其它修复和改进。Many other bug fixes and improvements.
ywvim1.22.zip 1.22 2012-11-03 7.0 Yue Wu 1) 修复了 buffer encoding 改变时不工作。
Fixed not working when buffer encoding changed.
2) 改善了插入模式下 cmdheight 改变时的使用。
Improved usage when cmdheight changed in insert mode.
3) 修复 g:ywuvim_lockb 特性。
Fixed g:ywuvim_lockb feature.
4) 修复对以符号 (`, \) 作为临时输入拼音键的支持。
Fixed support to use symbols as pychar support (`, \).
5) 增加用 0 键取消当前中文输入(感谢蒋国华的补丁)。
Added: key 0 to cancel Chinese input (Thanks 蒋国华's patch).
6) 改善:防止当取消当前中文输入后会使当前文件被改变(感谢蒋国华的补丁)。
Improved: Prevent file from getting modified if a Chinese input was canceled (Thanks 蒋国华's patch).
ywvim.vim_1.21.zip 1.21 2012-06-22 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修正缺失 g2b.ywvim 和 gb2312.ywvim 文件时导致的错误, 谢谢 Pan Shizhu 的指正.
1. Fixed error when no g2b.ywvim and gb2312.ywvim existed, thanks Pan Shizhu for the report.

2. 修正 '"\ 不能正常工作。
2. Fixed not working keys ('"\).

3. 变量名称改变:g:ywvim_pagec -> g:ywvim_circlecandidates. maxelement -> maxphraselength. PageUpExtraKeys -> AltPageUpKeys, PageDnExtraKeys -> AltPageDnkeys.
3. Variables' name changed: g:ywvim_pagec -> g:ywvim_circlecandidates. maxelement -> maxphraselength. PageUpExtraKeys -> AltPageUpKeys, PageDnExtraKeys -> AltPageDnkeys.

4. 设置 'cmdheight' 防止 hit-enter-prompt.
4. Set the 'cmdheight' to prevent hit-enter-prompt.

5. 修正汉字上屏后的屏幕闪动。
5. Fixed refreshing the screen after inputing.

6. 增加切换输入法快捷键 <C-S-Space>。
6. Added keymap <C-S-Space> to invoke ywvim.

7. 改善对非 UTF8 编码系统的支持。
7. Improved support for non-utf8 encodings.

8. 其他改善和修正。
8. Other impovements and bug fixings.
ywvim.vim_1.20.tar.bz2 1.20 2009-08-02 7.0 Yue Wu 为"空码不锁键盘"优化了快捷键<C-w>的表现.
Improved key map <C-w> behavior for the 'unlocked keyboard'.
ywvim.vim_1.19.tar.bz2 1.19 2009-08-01 7.0 Yue Wu 增加 added:
1. 默认的简繁转换方向. Preferred simplified-traditonal conv direction:
    let g:ywvim_preconv = 'g2b'
2. 空码时不锁定键盘设置. Don't lock keyboard when no matched:
    let g:ywvim_lockb = 0
ywvim.vim-1.18.tar.bz2 1.18 2009-07-25 7.0 Yue Wu 解决了 enmode 与中文标点冲突 bug.
Workaround for enmode conflicts with Chinese punctuations' bug.
ywvim.vim-1.17.tar.bz2 1.17 2009-06-24 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修正在 windows 上的命令行显示 bug.
(感谢在 newsmth.net 上的 vace 的报告)
2. g:ywvim_chinesepunc 改名为 g:ywvim_zhpunc.

1. Fix cmdline display bug on windows.
(Thanks to vace on newsmth.net who catch this bug.)
2. g:ywvim_chinesepunc was renamed to g:ywvim_zhpunc.
ywvim.vim-1.16.tar.bz2 1.16 2009-06-11 7.0 Yue Wu 绕过在 windows 下的 E341 的 bug(这是 vim 的 bug..).
Avoid bug of E341 on windows.(It's a vim's bug..).
ywvim.vim-1.15.tar.bz2 1.15 2009-06-09 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修复非插入模式依赖于插入模式的 bug. 现在可以随时随地在任何模式使用 ywvim 了!
Fixed non insert mode depended on insert mode's bug, now you can toggle ywvim unlimitedly in every mode as you like!

2. 改善了在非插入模式时的显示.
Improved displaying when in non insert modes.
ywvim.vim-1.14.tar.bz2 1.14 2009-06-09 7.0 Yue Wu 修复简繁转换在非 utf-8 下失效问题.
(感谢在 newsmth.net 上的 vace 的报告)

Fixed Sim. <-> Trad. can't work on non utf-8 encoding.
(Thanks to vace on newsmth.net who catch this bug.)
ywvim.vim-1.13.tar.bz2 1.13 2009-06-09 7.0 Yue Wu 1. g:ywvim_helpmbstatus 改名为 g:ywvim_helpim_on.
1. g:ywvim_helpmbstatus is renamed to g:ywvim_helpim_on.

2. 改善了状态栏的颜色显示效果.
2. Improved some hightlights of statusline.
ywvim_mb-1.13.tar.bz2 1.13 2009-06-09 7.0 Yue Wu 码表更新!
g2b.ywvim 简繁词量增加 2466 -> 3145.
(感谢在 newsmth.net 上的 vace 提供信息)
Mabiao updated!
Number of g2b.ywvim's charcotr 2466 -> 3145.
(Thanks for vace on newsmth.net's info.)
ywvim.vim-1.12.tar.bz2 1.12 2009-06-08 7.0 Yue Wu 修复 简繁转换 bug.
(感谢在 newsmth.net 上的 vace 的反饋)
fixed bug on Sim. -> Tra.
(Thanks to vace on newsmth.net who catch this bug.)
ywvim.vim-1.11.tar.bz2 1.11 2009-06-08 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 取消 g:ywvim_whitelstfile, 取消码表级别变量: whitelstfile, wlst. 增加 g:ywvim_gb 和码表级别变量 gb.
1. Abandon g:ywvim_whitelstfile, abandon local varible: whitelstfile, wlst. added g:ywvim_gb and local variable gb.

2. added g:ywvim_conv.
2. added g:ywvim_conv.

3. 取消 <C-m> 切换白名单. 增加 <C-^> g 切换 gb/gbk.
3. Adandon: <C-m> for toggling white list. Added <C-^> g to toggle gb/gbk.

4. 修复 gbk encoding 输入法名称乱码 bug.
(感谢在 www.newsmth.net 上的 vace 反馈)
4. Fix bug on gbk encoding.
(Thanks for vace on www.newsmth.net's report.)
ywvim_mb-1.11.tar.bz2 1.11 2009-06-08 7.0 Yue Wu 碼表更新!
mabiao updated!
增加 g2b.ywvim, 簡繁轉換訶典.
Add a g2b.ywvim, for converting between Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
ywvim.vim-1.10.tar.bz2 1.10 2009-06-08 7.0 Yue Wu 1. <C-m> 切换白名单.
1. <C-m> toggles whitelist.

2. 状态栏输入法名称用不同颜色提示白名单开启状态.
(感谢在 newsmth.net 上的 vace 提供的建议)
2. use different color for differ the status of whitelist.
(Thanks for vace on newsmth.net's suggestion.)

3. 修复 windowns gbk 环境乱码.
3. fix garbled charactor on windows gbk encoding.
ywvim.vim-1.9.tar.bz2 1.9 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu 1. g:ywvim_ims 的格式改变, 请务必要更改格式(详见说明)!
1. Format of g:ywvim_ims has been changed, you must adjust it!

2. 可以单独设置每个码表的参数. 码表级别优先(详见说明).
2. Most variables can be locale on IM now.

3. 增加 g:ywvim_wlst_on, 控制白名单开关.
Added g:ywvim_wlst_on, for controling while list support.

4. 增加 g:ywvim_whitelstfile, 设置白名件文件.
Added g:ywvim_whitelstfile, for setup while list file.

5. 修复精确匹配开启时的空码输出出错的 bug.
fixed a bug which is introduce from matchexact.
ywvim.vim-1.8.tar.bz2 1.8 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 去掉从中文标点转到英文标点错误的虫子.
(感谢在 #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 提供的信息.)
1. Fix a bug when switch punctuation from chinese to English.
(Thanks for medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net's catch.)

2. 增加只显示全码匹配的字 let g:ywvim_matchexact = 1
2. Add a feature for showing the exact matched Chinese. g:ywvim_matchexact = 1.

3. 增加中文字母显示支持: let g:ywvim_chinesecode = 1
3. Add a feature for displaying Chinese alphabets instead of English.
ywvim_mb-1.8.tar.bz2 1.8 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu 码表更新.
1. 增加了 [CharDefinition] 区域.
Added a field of [CharDefinition].
ywvim.vim-1.7.tar.bz2 1.7 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 修复了 g:ywvim_autoinput 在注音上的 bug. (感谢在 #arch@irc.oftc.net 上的 medicalwei 提供的线索)
1. Fix g:ywvim_autoinput bug when using zhuyin.(Thanks to medicalwei on #arch-cn@irc.oftc.net who catch this bug.)

2. g:ywvim_autoinput 现在支持两种程度的自动模式. 设为 2 为重度自动, 任何单码字都自动上屏. 2 为中度自动, 只在翻页时出现的单码字才上屏.
2. g:ywvim_autoinput now supports two extends of auto input, set it to 2 is high auto, every singe candiate is auto inputted, 1 is media auto, just auto input when pageup/down.
ywvim_mb-1.7.tar.bz2 1.7 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu Mabiaos are packed by tar and bzip.
ywvim.vim-1.6.rar 1.6 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 废除 g:ywvim_phasemaxlen.
1. abandon g:ywvim_phasemaxlen.

2. 增加 g:ywvim_helpmbstatus 控制反查码表开启.
2. Add g:ywvim_helpmbstatus for controling help mabiao.

3. 增加 ; 选择第二候选词功能.
3. Add using ; to select the second candiate.
ywvim_mb-1.6.rar 1.6 2009-06-07 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 码表更新.
增加 MaxElement 的支持. 需要全局改变最大词长设置的请修改这行, 临时改变可以通过 <C-^> 设置.
1. mabiao updated.
add MaxElement support, now you need to modify this line for changing global setting for max phase length, for local setting, use <C-^>.

2. 修改了行列码表的错误.
2. fix bug in arrary30.ywvim.

3. 在码表的每一行增加一个空格暂时解决反查码表不能在非 utf-8 下工作的问题.
3. Add a space in each line for dirty workaround help mabiao not working on non-utf8 encoding.
ywvim.vim-1.5.tar.bz2 1.5 2009-06-06 7.0 Yue Wu 1. Add let g:ywvim_autoinput = 1
    auto input the only candidate.
2. Add let g:ywvim_pagec = 1
    circle pageup/pagedown.
ywvim.vim_1.4.tar.bz2 1.4 2009-06-06 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 注音 support is added.
2. Support for new options in mabiao is added.
ywvim_mb_1.4.tar.bz2 1.4 2009-06-06 7.0 Yue Wu 1. 注音 mabiao is added.
2. mabiao file supports more options:
ywvim.vim-1.3.tar.bz2 1.3 2009-06-05 7.0 Yue Wu (1) remove the limitation of whitelist only works for utf-8 encoding.
去除了白名单的 utf-8 encoding 限制.
(2) Fixed bug that whitelist has no effect.
ywvim.vim-1.2.tar.bz2 1.2 2009-06-05 7.0 Yue Wu Add an option: g:ywvim_esc_autoff, now you can set it to 1 to let vim auto toggle the IM to be off when escape from insert mode.
ywvim.vim-1.1.tar.bz2 1.1 2009-06-05 7.0 Yue Wu format of g:ywvim_ims has been changed for convenient usage.
ip used for rating:

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