altercmd : Alter built-in Ex commands by your own ones
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created by |
Kana Natsuno |
script type |
utility |
description |
*altercmd* is a Vim plugin to provide an easy way to alternate built-in Ex
commands by user-defined Ex commands. This plugin provides |:AlterCommand|
for this purpose. For example, if you define :CD, a custom version of |:cd|,
add the following in your vimrc.
AlterCommand cd CD
With the above setting, you can use :cd as if it is :CD. It means that :CD
will be automatically inserted if you type :cd as an Ex command, so you don't
have to type :CD to use :cd and you'll never encounter mistyping :cd and :CD.
:AlterCommand also supports partial command names. For example, |:help| can
be invoked with :h, :he, :hel or :help.
AlterCommand h[elp] HELP
With the above setting, you can use :h, :he, :hel and :help as if they are
:HELP, your own version of :help.
- Vim 7.2 or later
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