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AutomaticLaTeXPlugin : Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features.

 script karma  Rating 630/169, Downloaded by 135178  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marcin Szamotulski
script type

This is a complete plugin with lots of tools to make editing of TeX/LaTeX file more friendly. Its main features include: background compilation, forward and inverse search for both dvi and pdf (okular), extended completion, AMSRef query for bibliography references, font preview, support for projects with multiple tex files, and much much more. For a detailed list of features see:
After looking there you can read the complete documentation in vim (:help atp)

Want to help to develop: fork me at GitHub:

    You can get the latest snapshots (stable/unstable releases) on
    or if you have ATP version 9.2 or higher using :UpdateATP command
    inside vim (check out :help atp-:UpdateATP)


    This plugin includes: vimscript#3109  (LatexBox by David Munger).
install details
To install open the vimball file and source it ':so %' or ':source %'. You can use $HOME/.atp.vim configuration file to set the atp variables, which is handy for local-buffer settings.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
AutomaticTexPlugin_12.5.vmb 12.5 2014-04-12 7.4 Marcin Szamotulski A few bug fixes.
AutomaticTexPlugin_12.4.vmb 12.4 2014-01-25 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski New release.
AutomaticTexPlugin_12.3.vmb 12.3 2013-04-28 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski see ':h atp-news'. First release which supports windows os.
AutomaticTexPlugin_12.2.vmb 12.2 2013-01-28 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski A new version with a few fixes. See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_12.1.vmb 12.1 2012-09-26 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski Fixes for ATP 12 release + some small amendments, see ":help atp-news".
AutomaticTexPlugin_12.vmb 12 2012-09-21 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski New release, with lots of bug fixes, major updates and great new features. For the news look at ":help atp-news" .
AutomaticTexPlugin_11.vmb 11 2012-05-15 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See for changes at \":help atp-news\".
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.6.4.vmb 10.6.4 2011-12-28 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski New release with some small changes, see :help atp-news
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.6.3.vmb 10.6.3 2011-12-11 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.6.2.vmb 10.6.2 2011-12-10 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski For changes see ':help atp-news'.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.6.1.vmb 10.6.1 2011-10-09 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.6.vmb 10.6 2011-09-25 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.5.vmb 10.5 2011-09-12 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski version 10.5, see ':help atp-news'.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.3.vmb 10.3 2011-08-27 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski * Skim and Xpdf (ver. 3.03) with both inverse and reverse searching.
* normal r which acts on both opening and closing bracket simultaneously.
* Tab completion is faster.
* MakeLatex shows errors of bibtex/biber/makeidx.
and some other changes and fixes.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.2.vmb 10.2 2011-08-15 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_10.vmb 10 2011-08-08 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.7.4.vmb 9.7.4 2011-07-22 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.7.1.vba 9.7.1 2011-07-13 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-vim. I forgot to add package files in 9.7 release.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.7.vba 9.7 2011-07-13 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-vim and enjoy new features ;)
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.6.1.vba 9.6.1 2011-06-13 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski Check :help atp-news. ATP has a new web page http://atp-vim.sf.net, with RSS news reader, you can get the RSS content with http://sourceforge.net/projects/atp-vim .
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.6.vba 9.6 2011-06-05 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.5.vba 9.5 2011-05-22 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news. (Tags added).
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.4.3.vba 9.4.3 2011-05-10 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski Patches for 9.4 release.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.4.2.vba 9.4.2 2011-05-08 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski Fixes for 9.4 release.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.4.1.vba 9.4.1 2011-05-08 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski Small fixes for 9.4 release.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.4.vba 9.4 2011-05-08 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski See :help atp-news
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.3.5.vba 9.3.5 2011-04-22 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski see :help atp-news
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.3.vba 9.3 2011-04-17 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski see :help atp-news for changes.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.2.7.vba 9.2.7 2011-04-13 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski - This update contains several small changes and one important fix (for those who do not use bibtex). See :help atp-news.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.2.vba 9.2 2011-04-09 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski * This release is a major step forward ;) see long list of changes :help atp-news, thanks for Ivo Lopez for the help!
Major news:
- new compelation using python script
- progress bar for compelation
- UpdateATP[!]    = to get new Stable/Unstable release directly from SourceForge project hosting site.
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.1.1.vba 9.1.1 2011-03-21 7.3 Marcin Szamotulski See ver 9.1 (important fix in doc file, thanks to I.Lopez)
AutomaticTexPlugin_9.vba 9.0 2011-03-18 7.0 Marcin Szamotulski See :h atp-news for changes [ there are some NEW features :), and many fixes! ]
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