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open-browser.vim : Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor

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" This is my setting.
let g:netrw_nogx = 1 " disable netrw's gx mapping.
nmap gx <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
vmap gx <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)

" Open URI under cursor.
nmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-open)
" Open selected URI.
vmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-open)

" Search word under cursor.
nmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-search)
" Search selected word. vmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-search)

" If it looks like URI, Open URI under cursor.
" Otherwise, Search word under cursor.
nmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
" If it looks like URI, Open selected URI.
" Otherwise, Search selected word.
vmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)

" In command-line
:OpenBrowser http://google.com/
:OpenBrowserSearch ggrks
:OpenBrowserSmartSearch http://google.com/
:OpenBrowserSmartSearch ggrks


We have tested on these environments.
- Ubuntu 9.10 GNOME
- Windows XP
- Cygwin
- Mac OS X

Thanks for testing:
- mfumi (Mac OS X)
- iicebar (Windows XP)

install details
unzip zip file, and move them to ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles (Windows).

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
open-browser-v2.0.0.zip 2.0.0 2018-03-11 7.4 tyru * [Fix] Vim hangs until a browser exits (close #68)
* [Feature] Add DevDocs to search engines (#69)
* [Feature] Open multiple URLs when selecting in visual-mode (#70)
* [Feature] If there are no words on cursor, find next URL after cursor. (#71)
* [Fix] Allow the url without dots like http://localhost/ (#80)
* [Fix] ':OpenBrowser' won't open '' (#82)
* [Feature] Support MSYS2 (fix #92)
* [Feature] Support Windows Subsystem for Linux (#105)
* [Feature] Add fileformat.info as search engine
* [Feature] Write internal code as vim-jp/vital.vim modules; easily reuseable as Vim script library (vital is embeddable library and mechanism: it provides node_modules directory for Node.js, or vendor directory for Go) (#113)
* More many improvements and bugfixes
NOTE: this is the final release for Vim 7.4 support.
open-browser.vim-0.1.1.zip 0.1.1 2015-02-28 7.0 tyru - Avoid hit-enter-prompt when opening URL
- Add English/Japanese menus
- Allow to disable the default search engines
- Add g:openbrowser_short_message
- Improve URI/URL handling
- Improve vimproc.vim integration
- Improve open-browser-github.vim integration
- Improve ghq command integration
- Change structure of g:openbrowser_browser_commands
- Remove g:openbrowser_{isfname,iskeyword}
- ...and fixed many many problems...
openbrowser.zip 0.0.7 2011-12-01 7.0 tyru - Support some search engines (alphabetically)
  Most search engines were suggested by stardiviner, thanks!
  - Ask Ubuntu
  - Baidu
  - Blekko
  - CPAN (search.cpan.org)
  - DuckDuckGo
  - GitHub
  - Google Code (en)
  - PHP (www.php.net)
  - Python (docs.python.org)
  - Twitter Search
  - Twitter (user)
  - VeryCD
  - Wikipedia (en)
  - vim.org
- Fix bug: command-line completion did not return all matched search engines,
  it returned only first matched search engine.
- Fix bug: if the key contains "-" in g:openbrowser_search_engines,
  it does not work.
- Change s:expand_keyword() syntax. It recognizes only {vim expression}.
  (see :help openbrowser-option-syntax for details)
  - Change default value of g:openbrowser_open_rules
  - Change default value of g:openbrowser_search_engines
openbrowser.zip 0.0.6a 2011-11-27 7.0 tyru - Allow b:option, w:option, t:option not only g:option.
- Fix Mac OS X environment detection.
  (Thanks Chomo for the report. and sorry to forget including your name in 0.0.6 changelog. I've uploaded again.)
- Fix the problem that open-browser.vim does not work on cygwin.
  (Thanks toooooooby for the patch. and sorry to forget including your name in 0.0.6 changelog. I've uploaded again.)
openbrowser.zip 0.0.5 2011-06-30 7.0 tyru (NOTE: Next release will break some backward compatibility, maybe)
- Document fix/improvement
- Add :command-completion to :OpenBrowserSmartSearch.
- :OpenBrowserSmartSearch: allow {search-engine} option
  like :OpenBrowserSearch
- Minor bug fixes
openbrowser.zip 0.0.4 2011-06-21 7.0 tyru - Improve |:OpenBrowserSearch| completion
- Add <Plug>(openbrowser-search)
- Add <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
- Merge Daniel Hahler's branch. thanks!
- Spawn a browser in background
  - This fixes freezing when spawning a browser
- Change |g:openbrowser_fix_schemes| default value
  - Add pair: "ttps" => "https"
- etc.
openbrowser.zip 0.0.3 2011-03-09 7.0 tyru - Implement g:openbrowser_default_search.
- Implement g:openbrowser_search_engines.
- Implement g:openbrowser_open_filepath_in_vim.
- Implement g:openbrowser_open_vim_command.
- Separate plugin/openbrowser.vim to autoload/openbrowser.vim to save the memory.
- Bundle urilib.vim (autoload/urilib.vim)
- Fix bug: openbrowser should open URI which has no scheme
  (e.g.: example.com)
openbrowser.zip 0.0.2 2010-06-28 7.0 tyru - Rename |g:openbrowser_isfname| to |g:openbrowser_iskeyword|.
variable |g:openbrowser_isfname| is still available for
backward compatibility.
- Specialize |g:openbrowser_iskeyword| value to get URI in <cword>.
- More readable messages.
openbrowser.zip 0.0.1 2010-06-27 7.0 tyru - Support opening file path.
- Fix minor bugs.
openbrowser.zip 0.0.0 2010-06-26 7.0 tyru Initial upload
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