textobj-rubyblock : A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks.
script karma |
Rating 43/13,
Downloaded by 2018 |
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created by |
Drew Neil |
script type |
utility |
description |
A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks.
Depends on vimscript #2100, which provides a framework for creating custom
text objects.
Also requires that matchit.vim vimscript #39 is enabled.
# Usage #
When textobj-rubyblock is installed you will gain two new text objects, which
are triggered by `ar` and `ir` respectively. These follow Vim convention, so
that `ar` selects _all_ of a ruby block, and `ir` selects the _inner_ portion
of a rubyblock.
In ruby, a block is always closed with the `end` keyword. Ruby blocks may be
opened using one of several keywords, including `module`, `class`, `def` `if`
and `do`. This example demonstrates a few of these:
module Foo
class Bar
def Baz
[1,2,3].each do |i|
i + 1
Suppose your cursor was positioned on the word `def`. Typing `var` would
enable visual mode selecting _all_ of the method definition. Your selection
would comprise the following lines (also, see screenshot:
def Baz
[1,2,3].each do |i|
i + 1
Whereas if you typed `vir`, you would select everything _inside_ of the method
definition, which looks like this (also, see screenshot:
[1,2,3].each do |i|
i + 1
Note that the `ar` and `ir` text objects always enable _visual line_ mode,
even if you were in visual character or block mode before you triggered the
rubyblock text object.
Note too that the `ar` and `ir` text objects always position your cursor on
the `end` keyword. If you want to move to the top of the selection, you can do
so with the `o` key.
# Limitations #
Some text objects in Vim respond to a count. For example, the `a{` text object
will select _all_ of the current `{}` delimited block, but if you prefix it
with the number 2 (e.g. `v2i{`) then it will select all of the block that
contains the current block. The rubyblock text object does not respond in this
way if you prefix a count. This is due to a limitation in vimscript #2100.
However, you can achieve a similar effect by repeating the rubyblock
text-object manually. So if you press `var` to select the current ruby block,
you can expand your selection outwards by repeating `ar`, or contract your
selection inwards by repeating `ir`.
install details |
First of all, ensure that you have installed vimscript #2100, without which
this plugin will not work.
Then, ensure that you have enabled the matchit.vim vimscript #39 plugin. This
can be achieved by running (or placing this in your vimrc file):
:runtime macros/matchit.vim
Finally, you need to ensure that Vim is not running in vi-compatiable mode, and
that filetype plugins are enabled. Placing these lines in your vimrc file will
set up this configuration for you:
set nocompatible
if has("autocmd")
filetype indent plugin on
This plugin is distributed as a vimball, so to install it you just need to
open the file with Vim and run the command:
:source %
If you prefer to manage your plugins using pathogen (vimscript #2332), then
you might prefer to checkout the latest version directly from github:
* https://github.com/nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock
* https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user
script versions (upload new version)
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