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Expmod : explorer.vim modification for viewing files and relative path

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created by
Mikolaj Machowski
script type
expatch adds 2 new commands to explorer.vim: v and g
v - view graphic file
g - get full file name and store it in global variable

It works also with mouse and <Enter>:
v == <2-LeftMouse> == <Enter> (if file is graphic file)
g == <2-S-LeftMouse>

expmod.vim takes care about global variable. Behaviour of <F8> depends
on file name and file type of current buffer. The most dramatic effects
are if ft=html.
For graphic files it _o_pens new line and inserts:
<img src="relative_path" width="100" height="100" alt="short_file_name"

relative_path is a relative path from edited file to graphic file. E.g.
dimensions are given by identify
short_file_name is short file name ;)
border is default value.

For all other files it inserts:
<a href="relative_path" class="">

<F8> works also for other 'ft' values:
For php: include("relative_path");
For c: #include <relative_path>
install details
This is version for *nix systems. It can be easily modified for other
systems. Alas, it is rather impossible to create one cross-system
version since this plugin depends on external tools:
- xli for viewing graphic files (I believe it is in all systems with
- identify from ImageMagick package for image dimensions

expatch is a patch for regular explorer.vim
patch explorer.vim < expatch

expmod.vim is a plugin file.
Drop it into your plugin directory.

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
expmod.zip 0.3 2002-08-10 6.0 Mikolaj Machowski Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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