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ruscmd : Support command mode in Russian keyboard layout

 script karma  Rating 138/44, Downloaded by 3435  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alex Efros
script type
This plugin will let you enter command mode (NORMAL) commands using Russian keyboard layout. Also it will let you enter few most used commands in command line mode in safe way (only full commands translated). This is usually enough to avoid switching between Russian and English layouts just to control Vim.

Works only with Unicode.

Source: https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-ruscmd
install details
Using pathogen (recommended).
a) Using source:
    $ git clone https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-ruscmd.git ~/.vim/bundle/ruscmd/
b) Using .zip archive:
    $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/ruscmd/
    $ unzip ruscmd.zip -d ~/.vim/bundle/ruscmd/
c) Using  .vmb vimball:
    $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/ruscmd/
    $ vi ruscmd.vmb
    :UseVimball ~/.vim/bundle/ruscmd

Plain install without pathogen.
a) Using .zip archive:
    $ unzip ruscmd.zip -d ~/.vim/
b) Using .vmb vimball:
    $ vi ruscmd.vmb
    :so %

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ruscmd.vmb 1.5 2024-09-10 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
ruscmd.zip 1.5 2024-09-10 7.0 Alex Efros Add support for :wqa, thanks Ra1ze505.
ruscmd.vmb 1.4 2013-10-11 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
ruscmd.zip 1.4 2013-10-11 7.0 Alex Efros Add support for multi-key combinations (like ZZ).
ruscmd.vmb 1.3 2012-01-18 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
ruscmd.zip 1.3 2012-01-18 7.0 Alex Efros fix abbrev to work only in command line
ruscmd.vmb 1.2 2012-01-17 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
ruscmd.zip 1.2 2012-01-17 7.0 Alex Efros replace cmap with cabbrev; add ability to disable abbrev and/or maps
ruscmd.vmb 1.1 2012-01-15 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
ruscmd.zip 1.1 2012-01-15 7.0 Alex Efros initial upload
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