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viewdoc : Flexible viewer for any documentation (help/man/perldoc/etc.)

 script karma  Rating 83/31, Downloaded by 8052  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alex Efros
script type
Flexible viewer for any documentation source (help/man/perldoc/etc.) for any
file type inside Vim in easy to use, consistent, smart and configurable way.

* You can configure how (keys/commands) documentation will be open.
   By default it will replace standard mapping for key K and command :help
   plus add mapping for <F1> key and new commands :man, :doc, etc.

* You can configure where (buffer/window/tab) documentation will be open.
   Can open new docs in one dedicated (K) or new (<F1>) buffer/window/tab.
   Support all work styles:

   - full screen (no tabs, one window, open files/docs are in hidden buffers),
   - windowed (no tabs, many windows with open files/docs),
   - tabbed full screen (many tabs, each with one window, open files/docs are
     in different tabs),
   - tabbed (many tabs with many windows inside tabs).

* You can easily navigate to next/previous topic while viewing documentation
   using <C-]> and <C-T> (or alternative keys <CR> and <BS>), just
   like you use tags for navigation within source code and Vim's help.

* Even closing documentation buffer/window/tab is easier, smarter and more
   configurable than ever before. :)

* Smart detection of documentation source and topic when opening
   documentation for <cword> (word under cursor) - can use current syntax
   highlight (to find topic's context) and surrounding text (when topic
   doesn't include important special symbols because of 'iskeyword' value).

* Smart completion for available documentation topics when opening
   documentation using command (just like Vim's :help command works).
   (Some documentation sources may not support this.)

* Supported documentation sources:

   - man pages
   - Vim's help
   - custom documentation in vim help format: (CSS 2.1, CMake, LaTeX, …)
   - perldoc
   - godoc
   - pydoc (python)
   - pman (php)
   - OS Inferno man pages
   - ri (ruby)
   - bash's help
   - GNU info (smart support for: awk, make, m4, automake)

* Support for new documentation sources and file types can be easily added by
   external plugins or within ~/.vimrc file.

* You can have several documentation sources for same file type, and choose
   which one should be used on-the-fly.

* Can be used as console man page viewer instead of /usr/bin/man.

Tested only in Linux, but should work in any *NIX.

Source: https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-viewdoc
install details
Using pathogen (recommended).
a) Using source:
    $ git clone https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-viewdoc.git ~/.vim/bundle/viewdoc/
    $ vi
b) Using .zip archive:
    $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/viewdoc/
    $ unzip viewdoc.zip -d ~/.vim/bundle/viewdoc/
    $ vi
c) Using  .vmb vimball:
    $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/viewdoc/
    $ vi viewdoc.vmb
    :UseVimball ~/.vim/bundle/viewdoc

Plain install without pathogen.
a) Using .zip archive:
    $ unzip viewdoc.zip -d ~/.vim/
    $ vi
    :helptags ~/.vim/doc
b) Using .vmb vimball:
    $ vi viewdoc.vmb
    :so %
    :helptags ~/.vim/doc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
viewdoc.vmb 1.14 2020-12-21 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.14 2020-12-21 7.0 Alex Efros Improve Windows compatibility for vim help.
viewdoc.vmb 1.13 2019-06-23 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.13 2019-06-23 7.0 Alex Efros Update godoc plugin for compatibility with Go 1.12.
Fix: restore doc file type on <BS>.
viewdoc.vmb 1.12 2018-11-20 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.12 2018-11-20 7.0 Alex Efros Update godoc plugin for compatibility with Go 1.11.
Added g:viewdoc_winwidth_max, thanks to @merrilymeredith.
Fix neovim compatibility, thanks to @olmokramer.
Fix help plugin, thanks to @critiqjo.
viewdoc.vmb 1.11 2015-08-20 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.11 2015-08-20 7.0 Alex Efros Improve info plugin, thanks to @critiqjo.
viewdoc.vmb 1.10 2015-07-09 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.10 2015-07-09 7.0 Alex Efros Add Go (golang) support.
viewdoc.vmb 1.9 2014-07-08 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.9 2014-07-08 7.0 Alex Efros Add new handlers:
* Ruby (ri)
* bash's help
* GNU info (smart support for: awk, make, m4, automake)
* LaTeX (help_custom)
Perldoc and Ruby support ANSI (need Improved AnsiEsc plugin).
Improve Python support.
Added support for multiple documentation providers per filetype.
Added option to search for the word which is being looked up in the buffer.
Make :h work.
Renamed [Scratch] to [DocN].
Add b:topic.
Added {{winwidth}} support in h.cmd (man and perldoc already using it).
viewdoc.vmb 1.8.1 2014-05-16 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.8.1 2014-05-16 7.0 Alex Efros fix compatibility with vim-7.3
viewdoc.vmb 1.8 2014-04-25 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.8 2014-04-25 7.0 Alex Efros fix compatibility with vim-7.4.260
viewdoc.vmb 1.7 2013-11-26 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.7 2013-11-26 7.0 Alex Efros improve compatibility with windows and *bsd
viewdoc.vmb 1.6 2013-08-02 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.6 2013-08-02 7.0 Alex Efros minor bugfixes
viewdoc.vmb 1.5 2012-11-26 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.5 2012-11-26 7.0 Alex Efros added plugin for OS Inferno man pages
viewdoc.vmb 1.4 2012-11-26 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.4 2012-11-26 7.0 Alex Efros Added PHP (pman) support.
Python (pydoc) plugin now provide :pydoc command with autocomplete.
Used pydoc command now configurable (to choose python 2 or 3 docs).
Other minor improvements.
viewdoc.vmb 1.3 2012-05-11 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.3 2012-05-11 7.0 Alex Efros minor bugfixes and improvements
viewdoc.vmb 1.2 2012-01-20 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.2 2012-01-20 7.0 Alex Efros added smart detection for help handler
added smart detection for perl handler
implement autocomplete for :perldoc
added ftplugins for vim,help,perl,perldoc
viewdoc.vmb 1.1 2012-01-19 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.1 2012-01-19 7.0 Alex Efros significantly improve docs
added g:viewdoc_dontswitch
added g:viewdoc_openempty
few minor fixes
viewdoc.vmb 1.0 2012-01-18 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
viewdoc.zip 1.0 2012-01-18 7.0 Alex Efros Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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