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TextTransform : Create text transformation mappings and commands.

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created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This plugin allows you to build your own text transformations. You only supply
the transformation algorithm in the form of a Vim function that takes a string
and returns the transformed text (think substitute()), and TextTransform
will create all appropriate mappings and / or commands with a single call!

Do you often perform the same :substitute commands over and over again? You
may be able to save yourself a lot of typing by creating custom commands and
mappings for it. Because the mappings (like built-in Vim commands such as gU
or g?)  are applicable to text moved over by {motion}, entire lines, and the
visual selection, you'll also have way more flexibility and places where you
can apply them (compared to the line-based range of :substitute).

- Idea, design and implementation are based on Tim Pope's unimpaired.vim
  plugin (vimscript #1590). It implements XML, URL and C String encoding
  mappings, but isn't extensible with other algorithms.
  The TextTransform plugin enhances unimpaired's transformation function with
  handling of text objects and a list of selection fallbacks, and allows to
  not only create mappings, but also transformation commands.
- vim-transform (https://github.com/t9md/vim-transform) pipes the selection
  through (multiple, configurable) external commands.

TextTransform#MakeMappings( {mapArgs}, {key}, {algorithm} [, {selectionModes}] )

                        Create normal and visual mode mappings that apply
                        {algorithm} to the text covered by {motion}, [count]
                        line(s), and the visual selection.

                        When {key} is <Leader>xy, the following mappings will
                        be created:
                        - <Leader>xy{motion}    applies to moved-over text
                        - <Leader>xyy           applies to entire current line
                        - {Visual}<Leader>xy    applies to visual selection
                        For the linewise normal mode mapping, the last
                        character of {key} is doubled, as is customary in Vim.

                        When {key} is empty, only <Plug> mappings are created;
                        mappings are also skipped when there are existing
                        mappings to the <Plug> mappings. When {algorithm} is
                        "MyTransform", the following <Plug> mappings are
                            nmap <Plug>TextTMyTransformOperator
                            nmap <Plug>TextTMyTransformLine
                            vmap <Plug>TextTMyTransformVisual
                       Use this to selectively override or disable individual

                        :map-arguments can be passed in {mapArgs}, e.g.
                        "<buffer>" to make the generated mappings

                        {algorithm} is the name of a function: "MyTransform",
                        or a Funcref: function("MyTransform"). This function
                        must take one string argument and return a string.
                            function MyTransform( text )
                                return '[' . toupper(a:text) . ']'
                       When the text that the mapping applies to spans more
                        than one line, {algorithm} is invoked only once with
                        the entire, newline-delimited text. You need to
                        consider that when using regular expression atoms like
                        ^ and $.
                        If the algorithm needs to inspect the place in the
                        buffer from where the text was retrieved, this
                        information is provided in g:TextTransformContext, a
                        dictionary with the following keys:
                            "mapMode":  indicates what triggered the
                                        transformation, one of
                                        "n": normal mode mapping for line(s)
                                             e.g. <Leader>xyy
                                        "o": operator pending mode mapping for
                                             moved-over text
                                             e.g. <Leader>xy{motion}
                                        "v": visual mode mapping
                                             e.g. {Visual}<Leader>xy
                                        "c": custom Ex command
                            "mode": indicates the selection mode, one of "v",
                                    "V", or "^V" (like visualmode())
                            "startPos": the start position of the text
                            "endPos"  : the end position of the text
                                        the cursor position where the
                                        transformation has been triggered
                            "arguments":List of optional passed command
                                        arguments (when arguments have been
                                        configured for a command; always empty
                                        for mappings).
                            "isBang":   Flag whether a [!] was passed to the
                                        command; always 0 for mappings.
                            "register": Used register (as v:register has
                                        been clobbered). Commands need to pass
                                        :command-register in
                                        {commandOptions} to fill this.
                                        Flag whether the same
                                        TextTransform-algorithm is used
                                        (either through another mapping /
                                        command invocation, or via a mapping
                                        repeat .) as the last time.
                            "isRepeat": Flag whether the last used mapping
                                        with the same algorithm has been
                                        repeated via the . command. For
                                        commands that process each line
                                        individually, is 1 on subsequently
                                        processed lines after the first line.

                        The function can :throw an exception to signal an
                        error. When the original text is returned,
                        TextTransform will print an error that nothing was
                        transformed. Do this when the transformation is not

                        By default, the <Leader>xyy mapping will be applied to
                        the entire line. For some transformations, a different
                        default scope may make more sense, like the text
                        between quotes. After all, the <Leader>xyy mapping is
                        often faster than <Leader>xy{motion} or first doing a
                        visual selection, and is easiest to commit to muscle
                        memory, so it should "do what I mean".

                        The optional {selectionModes} argument is one of:
                        - a single text object (such as "aw")
                        - motion (e.g. "$")
                        - Funcref (for a custom selection)
                        - /-delimited "/{pattern}/" (which selects the text
                          region under / after the cursor that matches
                        - List of
                          [{begin-pattern}, {end-pattern}[, {match}[, {index}]]]
                          [[{begin-pattern}, {offset}],
                           [{end-pattern}, {offset}]
                           [, {match}[, {index}]]]
                          which select [[{index}'d occurrence of] the
                          {match}ed text inside] / full lines around the
                          current position
                        - the string "lines", which represents the default
                        If you pass a list of these, TextTransform tries each
                        selectionMode, one after the other, until one captures
                        non-empty text. For example, the passed list ['i"',
                        "i'", "lines"] will cause TextTransform to first try
                        to capture the text inside double quotes, then fall
                        back to text inside single quotes when the first one
                        doesn't yield any text. Finally, the "lines" will
                        transform the entire line if the single quote capture
                        failed, too.
                        A custom function should create a visual selection and
                        return a non-zero value if the selection can be made.
                        (Otherwise, the next selectionMode in the list is
                        tried.) Here's a senseless example which selects
                        [count] characters to the right of the cursor:
                            function! MySelect()
                                execute 'normal! lv' . v:count1 . "l\<Esc>"
                                return 1

TextTransform#MakeCommand( {commandOptions}, {commandName}, {algorithm} [, {options}] )

                        Create a custom command {commandName} that takes a
                        range (defaulting to the current line), and applies
                        {algorithm} to the line(s). With an optional [!], the
                        usual "Nothing transformed" error is suppressed.

                        :command attributes can be passed in
                        {commandOptions}. For example, pass "-range=%" to make
                        the command apply to the entire buffer when no range
                        is specified. You can pass "-nargs=..." to pass
                        arguments to the algorithm (via

                        {algorithm} is the name of a function or a Funcref,
                        cp. Transform-algorithm.

                        The optional {options} dictionary can contain the
                        following keys:
    isProcessEntireText Flag whether all lines are passed as one
                        newline-delimited string to {algorithm}, like mappings
                        from TextTransform#MakeMappings() do. Off by
                        default, so that each line is passed to {algorithm}
                        individually (without the newline). This allows for a
                        more efficient transformation. For subsequent lines,
                        g:TextTransformContext.isRepeat is set to 1.
                        You need to enable this if {algorithm} transforms the
                        newline, adds or removes lines.

TextTransform#MakeSelectionCommand( {commandOptions}, {commandName}, {algorithm}, {selectionModes} )

                        Create a custom command {commandName} that applies
                        {algorithm} on the TextTransform-selectionModes
                        specified by {selectionModes}, or the current visual
                        selection (when invoked from visual mode).
                        This is useful for algorithms that do not make sense
                        on entire lines. It's the command-variant of the
                        line-based mapping created by
                        TextTransform#MakeMappings(). For seldomly used
                        transformations, a command may have advantages over a
                        mapping: It doesn't take up precious mapping keys and
                        is more explorable via command-line completion.

                        Rest of the arguments as with TextTransform#MakeCommand().

Here's a stupid transformation function that replaces all alphabetic
characters with "X":
    function! BlankOut( text )
        return substitute(a:text, '\a', 'X', 'g')
With this, this single call:
    call TextTransform#MakeMappings('', '<Leader>x', 'BlankOut')
creates this set of mappings:

    <Leader>x{motion}   transforms the text covered by {motion}
    <Leader>xx          transforms [count] line(s)
    {Visual}<Leader>x   transforms the visual selection

You can set up a command for this transformation just as easily:
    call TextTransform#MakeCommand('', 'TextBlankOut', 'BlankOut')
so you can blank out the next three lines via
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim TextTransform*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.042 or
- repeat.vim (vimscript #2136) plugin (optional)
- visualrepeat.vim (vimscript #3848) plugin (optional)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
TextTransform-1.30.vmb.gz 1.30 2024-11-13 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Add range selectionMode that covers full lines between two patterns around the cursor, optionally with offsets, optionally just a match inside that range, optionally one indexed match.
- ENH: Add g:TextTransformContext.triggerPos.
- Mappings created through TextTransform#MakeMappings() now also abort on error.
- BUG: Correctly double special keys with non-alpha characters (like <C-]>). *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.042! ***
TextTransform-1.25.vmb.gz 1.25 2019-03-30 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Minor: Remove debugging output when a command transforms whole lines.
- FIX: Correctly handle command range of :. when on a closed fold. Need to use ingo#range#NetStart().
- The selectionModes argument may (in /{pattern}/ form) contain special characters (e.g. "|" in /foo\|bar/) that need escaping in order to survive.
- Add TextTransform#Selections#EntireBuffer() utility text selection.
- FIX: Redefinition of l:SelectionModes inside loop (since 1.12) may cause "E705: Variable name conflicts with existing function" (in Vim 7.2.000). Move the variable definition out of the loop.
- Don't apply TextTransform#Selections#SurroundedByCharsInSingleLine() when [count] is given; skip to the next selectionMode then.
- Handle non-String results returned by the algorithm via TextTransform#ToText().
- When transforming individual lines and we get multiple lines as the algorithm's result, setline() cannot be used; instead, use ingo#lines#Replace().
- When transforming individual or whole lines and we get multiple / additional lines as the algorithm's result, these need to be accounted for, for cursor positioning and reporting.
- Add TextTransform#ToText() to handle non-String results returned by the algorithm. Floats need to be explicitly converted; Lists should be flattened, too, to yield correct results for the modification check with the original text. Dicts and Funcrefs should not be returned and cause an exception.
- Pass v:count, not v:count1 to (visual)repeat.vim; this matters when using TextTransform#Selections#SurroundedByCharsInSingleLine(), which doesn't handle a count.
- FIX: Do not attempt to restore empty visual mode, as this results in a beep; this can happen when no visual selection wasn't done yet.
- ENH: Add g:TextTransformContext.register for transformations that use a (user-specified) register.
- ENH: Keep the original register contents of the default register (that is used for buffer manipulation) during application of the algorithm. The user may want to access it. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.022! ***
TextTransform-1.24.vmb.gz 1.24 2014-06-19 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Allow optional [!] for made commands, and suppress the "Nothing transformed" error in that case. This can help when using the resulting command as an optional step, as prefixing with :silent! can be difficult to combine with ranges, and would suppress _all_ transformation errors.
- ENH: Add g:TextTransformContext.isBang (for custom transformation commands).
TextTransform-1.23.vmb.gz 1.23 2014-05-31 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Support selection mode "/{pattern}/", which selects the text region under / after the cursor that matches {pattern}.
- Minor: Also handle :echoerr in the algorithm.
TextTransform-1.22.vmb.gz 1.22 2014-03-06 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add TextTransform/Selections.vim.
TextTransform-1.21.vmb.gz 1.21 2014-01-15 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Minor: Use functions for newer ingo-library.
- Need to use ingo#compat#setpos() to restore the selection in Vim versions before 7.3.590.
TextTransform-1.20.vmb.gz 1.20 2013-09-25 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: When the selection mode is a text object, and the text is at the end of the line, the replacement is inserted one-off to the left.
- Implement abort on error for generated commands.
- Add g:TextTransformContext.mapMode context information so that transformations can query from which source (line- or motion-mapping, or custom command) they've been triggered.
- Add g:TextTransformContext.isAlgorithmRepeat and g:TextTransformContext.isRepeat context information (the latter through additional <Plug>TextR... mappings) so that transformations that e.g. query the user for something can skip the query and re-use the previously entered value on a repeat of the mapping. It also allows commands that process the lines individually to do different processing (or caching of expensive values) for the first processed line.
- Allow to pass command arguments, which are then accessible to the algorithm through g:TextTransformContext.arguments.
- Minor: Make substitute() robust against 'ignorecase'.
TextTransform-1.11.vmb.gz 1.11 2013-05-17 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Avoid changing the jumplist.
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433).
- FIX: When the selection mode is a text object, must still establish a visual selection of the yanked text so that g:TextTransformContext contains valid data for use by a:algorithm.
TextTransform-1.10.vmb.gz 1.10 2013-01-21 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: In a blockwise visual selection with $ to the end of the lines, only the square block from '< to '> is transformed. Need to yank the selection with gvy instead of defining a new selection with the marks, a mistake inherited from the original unimpaired.vim implementation.
- Save and restore the original visual area to avoid clobbering the '< and '> marks and gv by line- and motion mappings.
- Temporarily set g:TextTransformContext to the begin and end of the currently transformed area to offer an extended interface to algorithms.
TextTransform-1.03.vmb.gz 1.03 2012-09-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat - For the custom operators, handle readonly and nomodifiable buffers by printing just the warning / error, without the multi-line function error.
- Avoid clobbering the expression register (for commands that us  options.isProcessEntireText).
TextTransform.vba.gz 1.02 2012-07-30 7.0 Ingo Karkat Avoid "E706: Variable type mismatch" when TextTransform#Arbitrary#Expression() is used with both Funcref- and String-type algorithms.
TextTransform.vba.gz 1.01 2012-04-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat In mappings and selection commands, place the cursor at the beginning of the transformed text, to be consistent with built-in transformation commands like gU, and because it makes much more sense.
TextTransform.vba.gz 1.00 2012-04-05 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
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