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autolink : find and insert URLs for links in Markdown and ReST

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created by
Adrian Sampson
script type
This vim plugin automatically finds and inserts URLs for links in Markdown and
ReST documents.

## Search for URLs

autolink.vim uses the [Blekko][] search engine API to find URLs matching the
link IDs in [Markdown][] and [reStructuredText][] reference-style links. It
automatically inserts the first link found.

[Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
[reStructuredText]: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
[Blekko]: http://blekko.com/

For example, say you have this document:

    I think [Markdown][] is really great.

    [Markdown]: need a URL for this

With your cursor on the last line, you can type ``<leader>ac`` (for
*auto-complete* link) and the last line will become:

    [Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/

Behind the scenes, the plugin searches on Blekko for the word "Markdown" and
inserts the first result's URL, a reasonable guess for a relevant link on the
subject, in the appropriate place. This also works in ReST documents on
hyperlink target lines like `.. _Markdown: link goes here`.

## Create Link Definitions

This plugin can help you insert the markup for reference-style links. For
example, suppose you have just typed this paragraph:

    I prefer the [vim text editor][vim].

Type ``<leader>am`` (for *auto-make* link) to add a definition for the link
below the current paragraph:

    I prefer the [vim text editor][vim].


This also works in ReST for reference-style links like `` `foo`_``.

The plugin is careful to insert newlines between text paragraphs and blocks of
link references to make your document look nice.

## All Together Now

To insert and complete a link definition in one fell swoop, use ``<leader>al``
(for *auto-link*, the name of this plugin). This will add a reference to your
link after the current paragraph, fill it out with a search result, and then
jump back to your current cursor position to let you keep writing. (If your leader is `\`, then it's like typing ``mq\am\ac`q``.)
install details
Clone from GitHub into your pathogen bundles directory:
git clone git://github.com/sampsyo/autolink.vim.git

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
autolink.tar.gz 0.1 2012-04-18 7.0 Adrian Sampson Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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