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eruby.vim : Highlight eruby code blocks within html.

 script karma  Rating 324/140, Downloaded by 8474  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Michael Brailsford
script type
This script properly highlights <% ... %>, <%=...%>, and <%#...%> as ruby code within html.
install details
Save the file eruby.vim to your ~/.vim/syntax directory and add a line in your ~/.vimrc or in ~/.vim/filetype.vim to load this syntax file for all *.rhtm and *.rhtml files.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
eruby.vim 2.0 2002-11-29 6.0 Michael Brailsford Fix to correctly highlight eruby tags within html tags.  Also added comments with instructions to install .rhtml as a new filetype.  Removed the ~/.vim/filetype.vim file from the package.
eruby.tar.gz 1.5 2002-11-22 6.0 Michael Brailsford Fixed the highlighting of blocks that are broken up by html.  Fixed the highlighting of case
statements.   Included the html ftplugins, so that indenting and all the other nice html ftplugins
work.  Thanks to Tim Bates for pointing these out.
eruby_vim.tar.gz 1.0 2002-09-01 6.0 Michael Brailsford Initial upload
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