VcsMessageRecall : Browse and re-insert previous VCS commit messages.
script karma |
Rating 10/4,
Downloaded by 2421 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin automatically persists commit messages from Git, Mercurial,
Subversion (and potentially other version control systems) when Vim is invoked
as the commit message editor. It sets up mappings and commands to iterate
through stored past messages, and recall the contents (without the boilerplate
text at the bottom of each message) for use in the currently edited message.
This way, you automatically collect a history of (committed or aborted) past
messages, and can quickly base your current message on contents recalled from
that history.
- svn_commit (vimscript #1451) will look in the current directory for aborted
subversion commit log messages, and then read in the newest one to your
current commit log.
- vim-git-msg-wheel (vimscript #5750) shows a completion menu with the last
Git commit messages (titles only), by querying Git's log.
See MessageRecall-message-usage for the available mappings and commands.
The commit messages are stored separately for each repository, no matter from
which subdirectory of the repository you're committing. The message store is
located in a directory below the version control system's metadata directory:
If you need to recall messages from a different repository, you can pass that
path to the :MessageRecall command or use the |:MessageStore|[!] command to
add / change to another message store. Alternatively, the plugin can be
reconfigured to use a single, global message store.
You commit a set of changes via "git commit". Vim is invoked on the
.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file, which so far just shows the boilerplate comments at
the bottom of the file.
You press CTRL-P to recall the previous commit message, because this commit is
related to it, and you want to re-use parts of its description. The previous
commit message is inserted above the boilerplate.
Was it that message? You browse through some more via CTRL-P and CTRL-N, then
start editing. Oh, there also was some useful information in the third last
commit. A 3_CTRL-P opens that message in the preview window (because your
current message is now modified, and therefore won't be replaced).
From there, you yank and paste the sentence into your current commit message.
You could have also incorporated the entire message via :3MessageRecall,
either from the preview window, or directly inside the current message.
Finally, you finish your message. But DUH! you actually forgot to fix
something. You bail out via :cquit!, and Git aborts the commit. Nothing is
lost, though. On the next try, a simple CTRL-P or :MessageRecall will retrieve
your carefully crafted text. |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim VcsMessageRecall*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.038 or
- Requires the EditSimilar plugin (vimscript #2544), version 2.00 or higher.
- Requires the BufferPersist plugin (vimscript #4115), version 1.50 or higher.
- Requires the MessageRecall plugin (vimscript #4116), version 1.11 or higher.
The message store is located in a directory below the version control system's
metadata directory; to change the name:
let g:VcsMessageRecall_StoreDirName = 'commit-msgs'
The message store directory can be overridden (globally if you want to have a
single shared store for all repositories, or for a particular repository (e.g.
via a local vimrc plugin) with a buffer-local variable). This dirspec should
end with g:VcsMessageRecall_StoreDirName.
The MessageRecall configuration can be tweaked by adding options into a
Dictionary, e.g. for Git:
let g:VcsMessageRecall_git_MessageRecallOptions = {
\ 'ignorePattern': "^Merge branch",
Options provided by VcsMessageRecall ("range", "whenRangeNoMatch") can be
overridden, too. For example, if you use a localized version of the VCS
utilities, you have to adapt the patterns for the boilerplate detection in the
"range" option.
The plugin recognizes Git message trailer keys that start with an uppercase
letter, followed by alphanumeric characters and dashes, with a colon as the
separator. If you've configured different trailers, you need to adapt the
let g:VcsMessageRecall_git_MessageTrailerPattern = '[[:upper:]][[:alnum:]-]*:'
To disable trailer recognition, set this to an empty string.
Alternatively, you can override the autocmds after the plugin has been
sourced, e.g. in a file ~/.vim/after/plugin/VcsMessageRecall.vim
For example, to use a single, global message store for all Subversion commits:
autocmd! VcsMessageRecall FileType svn,svn.*
\ call VcsMessageRecall#Setup(
\ $HOME . '/.svn-commit-msgs',
\ '--This line, and those below, will be ignored--',
\ g:VcsMessageRecall_svn_MessageRecallOptions
\ )
The plugin automatically discovers adjacent repositories as completion
candiates for the :MessageStore command (unless these are already set in
b:MessageRecall_ConfiguredMessageStores). The algorithm can be tweaked via a
corresponding Funcref. |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
VcsMessageRecall-1.10.vmb.gz |
1.10 |
2025-02-07 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Exclude Git commit message trailers from the stored message. These are commit-specific metadata and either auto-generated or explicitly passed from "git commit --trailer". Recalling them is (mostly) wrong. *** You need to update to MessageRecall.vim (vimscript #4116) version 1.50! *** *** You need to update to BufferPersist.vim (vimscript #4115) version 1.11! *** |
VcsMessageRecall-1.06.vmb.gz |
1.06 |
2024-10-03 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Minor: Make the "commit-msgs" directory name configurable via g:VcsMessageRecall_StoreDirName.
- ENH: Configure the MessageRecall plugin (version 1.40 or higher) to have :MessageStore {dirspec} directly accept the working copy root directory; i.e. the version control system's {metadata}/commit-msgs part can be omitted now.
- ENH: Allow overriding the MessageRecall options via g:VcsMessageRecall_{git,hg,svn}_MessageRecallOptions Dictionaries.
- Ignore Git "Merge branch(s) '...'" commit message boilerplate by default. This can be undone via: let g:VcsMessageRecall_git_MessageRecallOptions = {}
- BUG: Git uses a slightly different boilerplate message for merges.
- Store the original commit message in the default register when replacing it.
- Git may have a merge commit warning in front of the usual boilerplate.
- ENH: Allow tweaking the adjacent message store discovery via g:VcsMessageRecall_{git,hg,svn}_AdjacentMessageStores configuration.
- ENH: Consider message stores from Git submodules (contained, adjacent) and the superproject for :MessageStore completion if such exist.
- ENH: Allow overriding of the message store directory via g:VcsMessageRecall_StoreDirspec; e.g. to share the superproject's message store with submodules. |
VcsMessageRecall-1.05.vmb.gz |
1.05 |
2020-02-24 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Message stores from working copies that are located next to the current one are configured (in |b:MessageRecall_ConfiguredMessageStores|) automatically for easy access via :MessageStore {dir}. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.038! *** |
VcsMessageRecall-1.04.vmb.gz |
1.04 |
2014-12-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Factor out function to and use ingo-library.
- Support Subversion 1.7 repository layout with only a single .svn directory inside the working copy root.
- FIX: Make Mercurial root dir detection work when CWD is outside of the working copy. *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.012 (or higher)! ***
- FIX: On Cygwin and Mercurial, the system() calls have a trailing newline, which breaks the concatenation and leads to strange errors. |
VcsMessageRecall.vba.gz |
1.02 |
2012-07-12 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- FIX: Typo in function name breaks Subversion support.
- FIX: Avoid determining message store location when a stored message is edited.
- Split off VcsMessageRecall#Setup() to consolidate the setup duplicated for each VCS and to introduce error handling. Exceptions should not reach the user, as this aborts the opening of the file. Rather, just print out the error and continue.
- Revise range regexp again to also match an empty line above the boilerplate; this will be discarded by BufferPersist, anyway. We need a match in that case to properly replace a just-opened, otherwise empty commit message via CTRL-P or :MessageRecall. |
VcsMessageRecall.vba.gz |
1.01 |
2012-06-28 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Revise range regexp to avoid capturing an empty line before (more empty lines before) the boilerplate, and to avoid capturing the first line of the boilerplate when at line 1. |
VcsMessageRecall.vba.gz |
1.00 |
2012-06-25 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
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