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ArgsAndMore : Apply commands to multiple buffers and manage the argument list.

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created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
This plugin supports you with batch processing many files by extending the
built-in :windo, :argdo, etc. commands. You can filter the argument list,
add files _not_ matching a pattern, convert between arguments and quickfix
list, and apply arbitrary Ex commands (also partially) via :Argdo, then
analyze any errors and retry on an argument list where the successfully
processed arguments have been removed.

- The :ArgsNegated command was inspired by the following Stack Overflow
- vim-qargs (https://github.com/nelstrom/vim-qargs) has a :Qargs command
  similar (but more simplistic) than :CListToArgs.
- vim-lister (https://github.com/tommcdo/vim-lister) also has (among others)
  :Qargs and :Largs commands, and an :Afilter equivalent of :ArgsFilter (that
  takes a pattern instead of an expression, though).
- Pretty Args (vimscript #4681) provides an :Arg command which takes
  filename-modifiers to print a shortened argument list, e.g. just the
- JustDo (vimscript #4981) provides a :BufDo command that skips unmodifiable

:[range]Bufdo[!] {cmd}  Execute {cmd} in each buffer in the buffer list, then
                        return back to the original one.
                        Any encountered errors are also put into the
                        quickfix list.

:[range]BufdoWrite {cmd}
                        Execute {cmd} in each modifiable buffer in the buffer
                        list and automatically persist any changes (:update).

:[range]Windo {cmd}     Execute {cmd} in each window, then return back to the
                        original one.
:[range]WindoWrite {cmd}
                        Execute {cmd} in each window showing a modifiable
                        buffer and automatically persist any changes (:update).

:[range]Winbufdo {cmd}  Execute {cmd} in each different buffer shown in one of
                        the windows in the current tab page (once per buffer),
                        then return back to the original one.
:[range]WinbufdoWrite {cmd}
                        Execute {cmd} in each different modifiable buffer
                        shown in one of the windows in the current tab page
                        (once per buffer) and automatically persist any
                        changes (:update).

:[range]Tabdo {cmd}     Execute {cmd} once in each tab page, then return back
                        to the original one.

:[range]Tabwindo {cmd}  Execute {cmd} in each open window on each tab page,
                        then return back to the original one.
:[range]TabwindoWrite {cmd}
                        Execute {cmd} in each open window on each tab page,
                        that shows a modifiable buffer and automatically
                        persist any changes (:update).

:[range]Argdo[!] {cmd}  Execute {cmd} for each file in the argument list, then
                        return back to the original file and argument.
                        [range] is emulated for older Vim versions, but can
                        only be used interactively (not in scripts).

                        In contrast to :argdo, this also avoids the
                        hit-enter prompt (all files will be processed
                        without further interaction from you), and an error
                        summary will be printed.
                        To work on the errors / arguments with errors, you can
                        use :ArgdoErrors and :ArgdoDeleteSuccessful.
                        Also, any encountered errors are put into the
                        quickfix list.

:[range]ArgdoWrite[!] {cmd}
                        Execute {cmd} in each modifiable buffer in the
                        argument list and automatically persist any changes
:[range]ArgdoConfirmWrite[!] {cmd}
                        Like :ArgdoWrite, but confirm each write, allowing
                        to review the automatically applied changes of {cmd}
                        before persisting them. When you quit the argument
                        processing before the last argument, this will not
                        return to the original file (to make it easier to
                        process the remaining arguments again).

:ArgdoErrors            List all error messages that occurred during the last
                        :Argdo command, and for each unique error, print the
                        argument number and filespec.

:ArgdoDeleteSuccessful  Delete those arguments from the argument list that
                        didn't cause any error messages during the last
                        :Argdo command.

:[N]ArgDrop[!] [N]      Delete the current [N] argument(s) from the argument
                        list and edit the next one instead. Complains when the
                        current file is not contained in the argument list
                        unless [!] is given (which is also required to
                        abandon changes in the current buffer).

                        Delete any files from the argument list that do (with
                        [!]: not) exist in the file system (actually: can[not]
                        be read).

:[range]ArgsFilter {expr}
                        Apply the filter() of {expr} to the files in the
                        argument list (i.e. values from argv(), referenced
                        as v:val), and keep only those where {expr} yields
                        true. This allows you to :argdelete multiple
                        arguments at once and to delete without specifying the
                        full filename.

:[range]ArgsFilterDo[!] {expr}
                        Apply the filter() of {expr} to the argument list
                        within the context of each argument, and keep only
                        those where {expr} yields true. In contrast to
                        :ArgsFilter, this allows filtering based on buffer
                        contents (or buffer variables, buffer settings).
                        For example, remove all arguments whose buffers have
                        more than 100 lines:
                            :ArgsFilterDo line('$') <= 100
:[range]ArgsSort[!] [f][i][l][n][N]|{func-name}
                        Sort the argument list. [!] reverses the order; all
                        other arguments like sort().

:ArgsNegated[!] {arglist}
                        Define all files except {arglist} as the new argument
                        list and edit the first one.

:[range]ArgsList[!]     List each argument number and filespec in a neat list
                        (not just one after the other as :args). With [!],
                        expand all arguments to absolute filespecs.
:[range]ArgsList[!] {glob}
                        List each argument number and filespec that matches
                        (with [!]: does not match) {glob} in a neat list.
                        Matching and printing is done to the full filespec.

:[range]ArgsToQuickfix  Show all arguments as a quickfix list.

:CListToArgs            Convert the files in the quickfix list to arguments.

:LListToArgs            Convert the files in the window's location list to
:[count]LListToArgsAdd  arguments.

:CList[!], :LList[!]    List each file that has listed errors in the quickfix
                        / location list in a neat list. With [!], expand all
                        to absolute filespecs.
:CList[!] {glob}        List each file that has listed errors in the quickfix
:LList[!] {glob}        / location list that matches (with [!]: does not
                        match) {glob} in a neat list. Matching and printing is
                        done to the full filespec.

:[range]CDoEntry {cmd}  Execute {cmd} on each entry in the quickfix /
:[range]LDoEntry {cmd}  location list (limited to buffers in [range]).

:[range]CDoFile {cmd}   Execute {cmd} once on each file that appears in the
:[range]LDoFile {cmd}   quickfix / location list (limited to buffers in

:[range]CDoFixEntry {cmd}
:[range]LDoFixEntry {cmd}
                        Execute {cmd} on each entry in the quickfix / location
                        list (limited to buffers in [range]). If the {cmd}
                        does not abort and changes the buffer (i.e. increases
                        b:changedtick), that entry is removed from the
                        quickfix / location list. Else, the original entry is
                        augmented with error information. (Entries for buffers
                        outside [range] are kept as-is.)
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim ArgsAndMore*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.043 or

After each {cmd}, an extra Ex command (sequence) can be executed. By default,
a delay of 100 ms is introduced here. This allows you to abort an interactive
:s///c substitution by pressing CTRL-C twice within the delay. (Without the
delay, it may or may not abort.) To also persist any changes to the buffer,
you could use:
    let g:ArgsAndMore_AfterCommand = 'update | sleep 100m'

During :argdo, syntax highlighting of freshly loaded buffers is turned off for
performance reasons, but for interactive commands, it is useful to have syntax
highlighting. Therefore, the :Argdo and :Bufdo commands detect interactive
commands and overrule the default syntax suppression then. By default, this
applies to the :substitute command with the :s_c flag; you can adapt the
pattern to match other commands, too:
    let g:ArgsAndMore_InteractiveCommandPattern = '...'

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ArgsAndMore-2.20.vmb.gz 2.20 2024-10-03 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add :ArgDrop command.
- Add :ArgsDeleteExisting specialization of :ArgsFilter. Useful to throw out files that have been removed from the file system (with !), or to drop files that have been created and saved (without !).
- FIX: :ArgsNegated does not handle arguments with escaped spaces and cmdline-special characters (e.g. #).
- Add :WindoWrite, :WinbufdoWrite, :TabwindoWrite variants that automatically persist any changes (like :ArgdoWrite).
- Only iterate over modifiable buffers in the :*Write commands; skip buffers where 'modifiable' is unset (e.g. terminal buffers), to avoid errors on attempted modification and :update.
- ENH: Add :ArgsSort command. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.043! ***
ArgsAndMore-2.11.vmb.gz 2.11 2019-06-10 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Support [range] on :ArgsFilter.
- Add :ArgsFilterDo variant of :ArgsFilter.
- Use proper error aborting for :Bufdo, :Argdo, and :[CL]Do*.
- FIX: Avoid creating jump on :bufdo / :windo / :tabdo.
- Support [!] on :Bufdo[Write], :Argdo[[Confirm]Write], ArgsFilterDo to force iteration when the current buffer has unpersisted modifications and 'hidden' isn't set (just like with the built-in :argdo, :bufdo). *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.035! ***
ArgsAndMore-2.10.vmb.gz 2.10 2015-03-08 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: :Bufdo..., :Win..., :Tab... in recent Vim 7.4 defaults to wrong range. Forgot -range=% argument.
- Add :CDoFile, :CDoEntry, :CDoFixEntry commands for iteration over quickfix / location list.
ArgsAndMore-2.00.vmb.gz 2.00 2015-02-09 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Use ingo#msg#WarningMsg().
- ENH: Keep previous (last accessed) window on :Windo. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for the patch.
- ENH: Keep alternate buffer (#) on :Argdo and :Bufdo commands. Thanks to Daniel Hahler for the suggestion.
- Handle modified buffers together with :set nohidden when restoring the original buffer after :Argdo and :Bufdo by using :hide.
- FIX: :Argdo may fail to restore the original buffer. Ensure that argidx() actually points to valid argument; this may not be the case when arguments have only been :argadd'ed, but not visited yet.
- Support the -addr=arguments attribute in Vim 7.4.530 or later for :Argdo... commands. With that, relative addressing can also be used non-interactively.
- Support ranges in :Bufdo..., :Windo..., :Tabdo... if supported by Vim.
- Support ranges in :ArgsList and :ArgsToQuickfix if supported by Vim.
- Switch to ingo#regexp#fromwildcard#AnchoredToPathBoundaries() to correctly enforce path boundaries in :ArgsList {glob}. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.023! ***
ArgsAndMore-1.22.vmb.gz 1.22 2014-03-24 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add :CList and :LList, analog to :ArgsList.
- FIX: :ArgsList printed "cnt" is zero-based, not 1-based.
- Add :ArgdoConfirmWrite variant of :ArgdoWrite.
- Also catch custom exceptions and errors caused by the passed user command (or configured post-command). *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.017! ***
ArgsAndMore-1.21.vmb.gz 1.21 2013-11-22 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: Use the rules for the /pattern/ separator as stated in :help E146 in the default of g:ArgsAndMore_InteractiveCommandPattern.
- Minor: Exclude further special buffers from syntax enabling.
- :ArgsList also handles ** and [...] wildcards.
- Move escapings.vim into ingo-library. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.014! ***
ArgsAndMore-1.20.vmb.gz 1.20 2013-07-19 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.007 (or higher)! ***
- ENH: Add :ArgdoWrite and :BufdoWrite variants that also perform an automatic :update.
- ENH: Add errors from :Argdo and :BufDo to the quickfix list to allow easier rework.
- Avoid script errors when using :Argdo 3s/foo/bar
- ENH: Enable syntax highlighting on :Argdo / :Bufdo on freshly loaded buffers when the command is an interactive one (:s///c, according to g:ArgsAndMore_InteractiveCommandPattern), but for performance reasons not in the general case.
- In :{range}Argdo, emulate the behavior of the built-in :argdo to disable syntax highlighting during to speed up the iteration, but consider our own enhancement, the exception for interactive commands.
ArgsAndMore-1.11.vmb.gz 1.11 2013-01-21 7.0 Ingo Karkat FIX: Factor out s:sort() and also use numerical sort in the one missed case.
ArgsAndMore-1.10.vmb.gz 1.10 2012-09-10 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Add g:ArgsAndMore_AfterCommand hook before buffer switching and use this by default to add a small delay, which allows for aborting an interactive s///c substitution by pressing CTRL-C twice within the delay.
- Add :Bufdo command for completeness, to get the new hook, and the enhanced error reporting of :Argdo.
ArgsAndMore-1.01.vmb.gz 1.01 2012-08-28 7.0 Ingo Karkat - Do not use <f-args> because of its unescaping behavior.
- FIX: "E480: No match" on :ArgsNegated with ../other/path relative argument; need to issue a dummy :chdir to convert relative args before doing the :argdelete.
ArgsAndMore.vba.gz 1.00 2012-07-30 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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