tinykeymap : Tiny, temporary keymaps
script karma |
Rating 45/12,
Downloaded by 3852 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Tom Link |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin is a 90% clone of Andy Wokula's tinymode (vimscript #2223).
It takes a different approach that hopefully avoids certain problems
without creating new ones. tinymode actually creates maps to do its job,
tinykeymap only creates maps for the entry sequence and uses the
|getchar()| function to handle further input.
This plugin lets users define "temporary keymaps", a.k.a. tinykeymaps,
with the |tinykeymap#EnterMap()| function. Users can define a map to
activate a tinykeymap. Users can then use single key shortcuts to
trigger commands defined with |tinykeymap#Map()|. Pressing an undefined
key or <Esc>, deactivates the tinykeymap.
tinykeymap comes with some example maps to make it easier to ...
buffers ... navigate/operate on buffers
diff ... navigate/operate on |diff|s
filter ... "filter" text in a buffer using folds
lines ... navigate/operate on lines (similar to vimscript #4140)
loc ... navigate the |location-list|
qfl ... navigate the |quickfix| list
tabs ... navigate/operate on tabs
undo ... navigate/operate on the undo tree (with optional support for
vimscript #4177)
windows ... navigate/operate on windows
Example definition for a "tabs" tinykeymap (heavily based on Andy
Wokula's tabs mode for tinymode): >
call tinykeymap#EnterMap('tabs', 'gt', {'name': 'Tabs mode'})
call tinykeymap#Map('tabs', 'n', 'tabnew')
call tinykeymap#Map('tabs', 't', 'norm! gt')
call tinykeymap#Map('tabs', 'T', 'norm! gT')
call tinykeymap#Map("tabs", "^", "tabfirst")
call tinykeymap#Map("tabs", "$", "tablast")
call tinykeymap#Map("tabs", "c", "tabclose")
Example use of the above tinykeymap: E.g. pressing gt3n^c2t will:
gt ... Enter tabs mode
3n ... create 3 new tabs,
^ ... select the first one,
c ... close it, and
2t ... move to the second tab on the right.
A tinykeymap is exited (1) by pressing <Esc> or (2) by timeout (see
tinykeymap comes with the following pre-defined tinykeymaps:
tabs gt :: Operate on tabs
windows <C-W> :: Operate on windows
buffers <Leader>mb :: Operate on buffers
diff <Leader>md :: Make it easier to work with |diff|s
filter <Leader>mf :: Fold lines not matching some pattern (default: word
under cursor)
lines <Leader>ml :: Operate on lines
loc <Leader>mo :: Operate on the |location-list|
qfl <Leader>mq :: Operate on the |quickfix| list
undo <Leader>mu :: Operate on the |undo| tree
Differences to tinymode:
- tinykeymaps and maps may have options (optional)
- tinykeymaps can be buffer-local
- dealing with [count] is easier (if a map contains "<count>", this
placeholder is replaced with the current [count], i.e. a
previously entered number; otherwise the expression is evaluated
[count] times)
install details |
In order to install the vba, open the vba file in VIM and type: >
:so %
See :help vimball for details.
By default, tinykeymap will load all tinykeymaps in your 'runtimepath'.
If this is not what you want, set |g:tinykeymaps_default| in your
|vimrc| file.
Also available via git: http://github.com/tomtom/tinykeymap_vim/ |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
tinykeymap.vba |
0.06 |
2013-10-29 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
- tinykeymap#Info(): display map arg first (patch by Chr Brabandt) - tinykeymap#EnterMap(): Ignore conflicts for maps to the same tinykeymap (patch by Chr Brabandt) - g:tinykeymap#debug: Help debugging - filter tinykeymap: <cr> ... leave folds intact (patch by Chr Brabandt) - tabs: up & down: move tab page left/right - addon-info - autokey, autokey_msecs options - Help template MD5 checksum: 01926a3a2f612acc40569b1b176271be |
tinykeymap.vba |
0.05 |
2012-11-12 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
- g:tinykeymap#mapleader defaults to '<Leader>m' (no need to use mapleader directly) - :TinykeymapsInfo command: give information on loaded tinykeymaps - Fix handling of conflicting maps MD5 checksum: 07833eda99f35110f6d2d527fc088e1c |
tinykeymap.vba |
0.04 |
2012-11-10 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
- If mapleader isn't defined use "\", which is vim's default mapleader MD5 checksum: b982d342ca7cecce4f3fdde81e9003ae |
tinykeymap.vba |
0.03 |
2012-11-09 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
- fix msg variable name typo - Merge branch 'a_little_bit_fix' of https://github.com/NagatoPain/tinykeymap_vim >- g:tinykeymap#mapleader: Check whether mapleader is defined (reported by C Brabandt) MD5 checksum: bbe0b05d5cefcf3d6f9328995762711e |
tinykeymap.vba |
0.02a |
2012-09-29 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
Re-packaged (forgot some files) |
tinykeymap.vba |
0.02 |
2012-09-28 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
- Misc improvements: multi-key maps, more options etc. - Improved "buffers" map - Improved "undo" map - Improved "windows" map - New "diff" map - New "filter" map - New "lines" map - New "qfl" map - Moved maps to autoload/tinykeymap/map - Make sure a map is loaded upon activation - lines, qfl: Highlight the current line if tlib is installed - <count0>: Insert 0 by default - diff: G, P, u maps; highlight current line if tlib is installed - qfl: <cr> calls :cc (not c) - Map for location-list - Call "norm! zz" after some actions - filter: use g:tinykeymap#map#filter#rx instead of g:tinykeymap#filter#rx MD5 checksum: 829fc233090bf9d543c9851d236df60f |
tinykeymap.vba |
0.1 |
2012-08-31 |
7.0 |
Tom Link |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: