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R-MacVim : R plugin for MacVim (R Vim Mac, R MacVim)

 script karma  Rating 4/5, Downloaded by 1573  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Randy Lai
script type
## What is it?
- It is a R plugin for MacVim.

- It allows you to send selected words, lines and blocks to R (by CMD+r).

- It also allows you to source the whole R file (by CMD+R).

- It also allows you to change your working directory (by CMD+d).

- It also allows you to comment or uncomment single or multiple lines (by CMD+3).

- Key maps are changable (see below).

- For development and bug reports:

- Stable updates will be uploaded to:

- This plugin aims at being simple. For more plugins, see:
Vim-R-plugin: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628
install details
## Installation

- Copy the file r.vim to ~/.vim/ftplugin/

- You can change the key mappings by

        let g:r_macvim_RSource     = '<D-R>'
        let g:r_macvim_RSend       = '<D-r>'
        let g:r_macvim_RChgWorkDir = '<D-d>'
        let g:r_macvim_RComment    = '<D-3>'

- If you want to use R.app instead of R64.app, also add the following to your .vimrc file:

        let g:r_macvim_use32 = 1

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
R-MacVim_v1.0.6.zip 1.0.6 2012-10-28 7.3 Randy Lai v1.0.6
R-MacVim_v1.0.5.zip 1.0.5 2012-10-27 7.3 Randy Lai v1.0.5
R-MacVim_v1.0.4.zip 1.0.4 2012-10-26 7.3 Randy Lai Simplify the plugin
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