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back_to_recent_buffer.vim : Goes back to the previous buffer (rather than C-O previous position).

 script karma  Rating 10/4, Downloaded by 1174  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
joey twiddle
script type
Sometimes I use Ctrl-] a few times to read some code, perhaps navigating up
and down in the files I visit.  Then I want to get back to where I was
before, but Ctrl-O may require a lot of hits.

Here we introduce an alternative, that goes back to the previous file, not
the previous position.  The default mapping is on C-U.

If you would rather go back to the last piece of code you were editing, see

BUG TODO: If there is no previous buffer, will loop forever!  We could check
to see if we don't move at all, then abort.
install details
drop in plugin/

Edit the mapping in the script if you do not want it to overwrite C-U.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
back_to_recent_buffer.vim 1.3 2012-10-24 6.0 joey twiddle Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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