SearchHighlighting : Highlighting of searches via star, auto-highlighting.
script karma |
Rating 40/12,
Downloaded by 4170 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin changes the star command *, so that it doesn't jump to the next
match. (Unless you supply a [count], so 1* now restores the old * behavior.)
If you issue a star command on the same text as before, the search
highlighting is turned off (via :nohlsearch); the search pattern remains
set, so a n / N command will turn highlighting on again. With this, you
can easily toggle highlighting for the current word / visual selection.
With the disabling of the jump to the next match, there is no difference
between * and # any more, so the # key can now be used for some other mapping.
This plugin also extends the star command to visual mode, where instead of
the current word, the selected text is used as the literal search pattern.
The auto-search functionality instantly highlights the word under the cursor
when typing or moving around. This can be helpful while browsing source code;
whenever you position the cursor on an identifier, all other occurrences are
instantly highlighted. This functionality is toggled on/off via <Leader>*. You
can also :nohlsearch to temporarily disable the highlighting.
- mark.vim (vimscript #2666) can highlight several patterns in different
colors simultaneously.
- SearchAlternatives.vim (vimscript #4146) can add and subtract search
alternatives via mappings and commands.
- To also show the number of matches when selecting a word (*, g* etc.),
you can append the corresponding command to the <Plug> mapping (see
nmap <silent> * <Plug>SearchHighlightingStarm`:%s///gn<CR>g``
The SearchPosition.vim plugin (vimscript #2634) provides an extended
version of that command.
I came up with this on my own; however, the idea can be traced back to
francoissteinmetz and da.thompson in the comments of vimtip #1 (now at
map <silent> <F10> :set invhls<CR>:let @/="<C-r><C-w>"<CR>
- highlight_word_under_cursor.vim (vimscript #4287) implements the search
auto-highlighting of the whole and optionally current word.
- HiCursorWords (vimscript #4306) highlights the word under the cursor, with
optional delay and limited to certain syntax groups.
- Matchmaker ( highlights the word
under the cursor with matchadd(), not the current search pattern.
- star search (vimscript #4335) changes the behavior of * to not jump to the
next match, and includes the visual search from the next plugin
- provides searching of the
visual selection
- visualstar.vim (vimscript #2944) provides searching of the visual selection
- select & search (vimscript #4819) can use either n/N or * in the visual
selection, and (like this plugin) can avoid jumping.
- vim-cursorword (vimscript #5100) automatically underlines the current word
in the current window (like :SearchAutoHighlighting), but uses :match
instead of search
- vim-asterisk (vimscript #5059) is quite similar, providing a z* mapping that
also doesn't jump, visual *, more intuitive smartcase handling, and can keep
the cursor position when jumping (like ,*)
- searchant.vim (vimscript #5404) hooks into the built-in search commands and
provides a separate highlighting for the match last jumped to.
* Toggle search highlighting for the current whole
\<word\> on/off.
g* Toggle search highlighting for the current word
{Visual}* Toggle search highlighting for the selection on/off.
For a blockwise-visual selection, not just lines
that match the block's lines on their own are matched,
but all occurrences that contain the block's text,
though not just with the same vertical alignment (that
isn't possible to assert with Vim's regular
expressions), and only the first line's match is
highlighted. For example, a match on
will also match all three occurrences in
foo my foo is tell foo
bar inside bar bar
but not a single
{count}* Search forward for the {count}'th occurrence of the
{count}g* word nearest to the cursor.
ALT-8 Toggle search highlighting for the current whole
\_sWORD\_s on/off. With [count]: Search forward for the
[count]'th occurrence.
g_ALT-8 Toggle search highlighting for the current WORD
on/off. With [count]: Search forward for the
[count]'th occurrence.
[count],* Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of the
word under the cursor, keeping the cursor at the
current position within the word's matches (via
Observes the new non-jumping behavior of the star
commands without a [count].
[count],g* Like above: variants of the searches that keep the
,_ALT-8 cursor at the current relative match position.
,g_ALT-8 Note that if you have set mapleader to ",", some of
these would conflict with other plugin mappings; you
have to define|SearchHighlighting-configuration|
[count],n Repeat the latest "/" search [count] times, keeping
the cursor at the current position relative to the end
of the current match (via search-offset).
Like ,star, but reuses the last search pattern
instead of searching for the word under the cursor.
As such, the cursor can also be outside a match (but
still within the same line), and a corresponding
offset (the smallest possible if there are several
nearby matches) is chosen.
[count],N Repeat the latest "?" search [count] times, keeping
the cursor at the current position relative to the
start of the current match (via search-offset).
Note: To avoid another set of mappings, the search
direction and offset anchor (start or end of match)
are combined here. The search direction can easily be
reverted via |n|/|N|, anyway.
<Leader>* Toggle auto-search highlighting (using the last
{what}; default is "wword").
{Visual}<Leader>* Toggle auto-search highlighting; when turning on, a
{what} value of "selection" is used (but the preset
isn't changed; the original value is used for a later
non-visual mode auto-search).
:SearchAutoHighlighting [{what}]
Turn on automatic highlighting of occurrences of
{what} in normal mode, and the selected text in visual
/ select mode. Possible values:
cchar: current character under cursor
wword: whole cword, like star; this is the default
wWORD: whole cWORD, delimited by whitespace
cword: current word under cursor
cWORD: current WORD under cursor
line: current text in line, excluding indent and
trailing whitespace
exactline: exact current line
from-cursor:only consider the text from the beginning
of the line up to the cursor; ignore text
before the cursor
to-cursor: only consider the text from the cursor to
the end of the line
selection: only highlight selected text, in normal
mode, nothing is selected
*-iw: allow for variations in whitespace (also
newline characters, i.e. allow a match
distributed over multiple lines), and
ignore any comment prefixes (e.g. /*, #),
*-nw: allow for variations in whitespace and also
direct concatenation of lines (i.e. without
any whitespace in between)
Turn off automatic highlighting. With [!], also turn
off all tab page- and window-local ones.
:SearchAutoHighlightingWinLocal [{what}]
:SearchAutoHighlightingTabLocal [{what}]
Like :SearchAutoHighlighting, but limit the effect
to the current window / tab page. Different {what}
occurrences can be configured for each instance.
Like :NoSearchAutoHighlighting, but only for the
current window / tab page. With [!], it explicitly
turns off Auto Search (even if a higher scope still
has it active), without it, it will still consider the
higher scopes. |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim SearchHighlighting*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.040 or
If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the
<Plug>SearchHighlighting... mapping targets _before_ sourcing the script (e.g.
in your vimrc):
nmap <Leader>& <Plug>SearchHighlightingWORD
nmap <Leader>&& <Plug>SearchHighlightingGWORD
nmap <Leader>*. <Plug>SearchHighlightingCStar
nmap <Leader>**. <Plug>SearchHighlightingCGStar
nmap <Leader>&. <Plug>SearchHighlightingCWORD
nmap <Leader>&&. <Plug>SearchHighlightingCGWORD
nmap <Leader>** <Plug>SearchHighlightingAutoSearch
If you do not want the new non-jumping behavior of the star commands at all:
let g:SearchHighlighting_NoJump = 0
let g:SearchHighlighting_ExtendStandardCommands = 1
If you want the new non-jumping behavior, but map it to different keys:
let g:SearchHighlighting_ExtendStandardCommands = 1
nmap <Leader>* <Plug>SearchHighlightingStar
nmap <Leader>g* <Plug>SearchHighlightingGStar
vmap <Leader>* <Plug>SearchHighlightingStar
If you want a mapping to turn off hlsearch, use this:
nmap <A-/> <Plug>SearchHighlightingNohlsearch
vmap <A-/> <Plug>SearchHighlightingNohlsearch
To toggle hlsearch (temporarily, so that a new search or n command will
automatically re-enable it), use:
nmap <F12> <Plug>SearchHighlightingToggleHlsearch
vmap <F12> <Plug>SearchHighlightingToggleHlsearch
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
SearchHighlighting-2.11.vmb.gz |
2.11 |
2023-03-14 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Minor: Also trigger LastSearchPatternChanged during auto-search whenever the search pattern changes.
- Trigger separate SearchHighlightingAutoSearch User event for plugins that just want to react on auto highlighting.
- Add :SearchAutoHighlighting cchar for the current character |
SearchHighlighting-2.10.vmb.gz |
2.10 |
2019-10-31 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Add ,n and ,N variants of ,* that reuse the last search pattern, and therefore also allow offsets outside of the match itself. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.040! *** |
SearchHighlighting-2.01.vmb.gz |
2.01 |
2019-07-11 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Add ...-iw / ...-nw variants of exactline, line, selection that match ignoring whitespace differences / and no whitespace.
- Trigger LastSearchPatternChanged User event to notify other plugins (e.g. my SearchRepeat.vim plugin (vimscript #4949)) of the change of register /.
- :SearchAutoHighlighting commands inform the SearchRepeat.vim plugin that the change in register / is automatic, not initiated by the user, so that the current custom search is kept active instead of reverting back to standard search.
- ENH: Add from-cursor and to-cursor (and -iw, -nw variants) for :SearchAutoHighlighting. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.036! *** |
SearchHighlighting-2.00.vmb.gz |
2.00 |
2017-01-27 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Allow tab page- and window-local Auto Search Highlighting via new :SearchAutoHighlightingTabLocal, :SearchAutoHighlightingWinLocal commands.
- ENH: Support v:hlsearch (available since Vim 7.4.079) via an alternative set of functions that don't use the s:isSearchOn internal flag.
- BUG: Handle "No string under cursor" for ,* mapping correctly by returing the :echoerr call, not 0.
- BUG: Off-by-one in ,* on second-to-last character.
- ENH: <A-8>, g<A-8> mappings star-like search for [whole] cWORD (instead of cword).
- Generalize the ,* mapping to support all four variants of the * mapping (whole / current, cword, cWORD), too.
- Only define default ,* etc. mappings when the map leader isn't set to ",", which would make it conflict with the <Leader>* Auto-Search mapping. Thanks to Ilya Tumaykin for raising this issue.
- Don't show strange whitespace matches on ":SearchAutoHighlighting wWORD" caused by empty \%(^\|\s\)\zs\ze\%(\s\|$\) pattern. Set completely empty pattern then.
- Re-enable search highlighting when switching to a window that has Auto Search. Clear search highlighting when switching from a window that has Auto Search to one that hasn't, and search highlighting was previously turned off.
- Save and restore the Auto Search pattern from a selection source when updating. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.023! *** |
SearchHighlighting-1.22.vmb.gz |
1.22 |
2014-06-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Add <Leader>* visual mode mapping that turns on auto-search only for selected text (without affecting the original {what} default).
- Add "selection" value for {what} in :SearchHighlightingAutoSearch that only highlights selected text. |
SearchHighlighting-1.21.vmb.gz |
1.21 |
2014-05-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Also abort on :SearchAutoHighlighting error.
- Remove duplicate /.*.*/ in pattern for visual blockwise search. |
SearchHighlighting-1.20.vmb.gz |
1.20 |
2013-11-29 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Add ,* search that keeps the current position within the current word when jumping to subsequent matches.
- Correctly emulate * behavior on whitespace-only lines where there's no cword: Issue "E348: No string under cursor".
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.015 (or higher)! ***
- For a blockwise visual selection, don't just match the block's lines on their own, but also when contained in other text.
- BUG: For {Visual}*, a [count] isn't considered. |
SearchHighlighting-1.02.vmb.gz |
1.02 |
2013-01-21 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- For a blockwise visual selection, don't just match the block's lines on their own, but also when contained in other text.
- BUG: For {Visual}*, a [count] isn't considered. |
SearchHighlighting-1.01.vmb.gz |
1.01 |
2012-12-03 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
FIX: Prevent repeated error message when an invalid {what} was given to :SearchAutoHighlighting. |
SearchHighlighting-1.00.vmb.gz |
1.00 |
2012-11-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: