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Mail_Sig.set : Erase signatures at the end of your replies

 script karma  Rating 23/8, Downloaded by 2818  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Luc Hermitte
script type
This file defines an alternative to the macro :

                          map ,kqs G?^> *-- $dG

It comes as a command. This time, VIM won't complains about not found ^> *-- $ pattern. BTW, It also deletes all the empty lines (quoted or not) just above the signature to delete.

Older versions (for VIM 5.7) of the file define the function Erase_Sig().
The latest version (for VIM 6.x) defines the command :EraseSignature.

It can also delete up to two signatures -- some mailing lists add another dashes-delimited
signature. And it keeps our signature that may be automatically inserted by some MUAs
like Mutt.

Since v1.4: the operator-pending mode mapping '--' is defined. Hitting d--, c-- or y--
will delete, change or yank lines until our own signature (if present) or the end of the file.
install details
Drop the file wherever you want ; {rtp}/ftplugin/mail beeing, IMO, the best place.

And uncomment the call to the command at the end of the file if you don't want the
operation to be automatic ; you may want define a mapping (like ,kqs for instance)
that will invoke :EraseSignature.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
Mail_Sig_set.vim 1.4 2002-07-03 6.0 Luc Hermitte New operator-pending mode mapping : --. It matches lines until our own signature or the end of the file.
Mail_Sig_set.vim 1.3 2002-07-01 6.0 Luc Hermitte Now, the script can erase up to two previous signatures (inserted by some mailing lists), and more important, it doesn't delete our signature when automatically inserted by the MUA.
Mail_Sig.set 1.2 2001-07-27 5.7 Luc Hermitte Initial upload
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