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vim-latex-live-preview : This plugin provides a live preview of the output PDF of your LaTeX file.

 script karma  Rating 50/20, Downloaded by 1852  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Hong Xu
script type
For more information please check the homepage (GitHub repository page): https://github.com/xuhdev/vim-latex-live-preview

And there's a useful blog post: http://www.topbug.net/blog/2013/06/13/live-preview-of-latex-in-vim/index.html

This plugin provides a live preview of the output PDF of your LaTeX file. The display of the output PDF file will be updated lively as you type (just hold the cursor and you will see the PDF file updated). Currently, vim-latex-live-preview only support UNIX-like systems. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
install details
Before installation, you need to make sure your Vim version is later than 7.3, and is compiled with +python feature. Then copy plugin/latexlivepreview.vim to ~/.vim/plugin.

By default, you need to have evince or okular installed as pdf viewers. But you can specify your own viewer by setting g:livepreview_previewer option in your .vimrc:

let g:livepreview_previewer = 'your_viewer'

Please note that not every pdf viewer could work with this plugin. Currently evince and okular are known to work well. You can check the list of working pdf viewers here:  https://github.com/xuhdev/vim-latex-live-preview/wiki/Known-Working-PDF-Viewers

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-latex-live-preview-0.1.0.zip 0.1.0 2013-04-16 7.3 Hong Xu Initial upload
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