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marslo.vim : A dark-background color scheme made by Marslo

 script karma  Rating 111/30, Downloaded by 4249  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marslo Jiao
script type
color scheme
The color made by myself. Including 16 color and 256 color.

The screenshot: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim#screenshot
无图无真相: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim#screenshot

The github repo for my color scheme: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim
详情查看此配色在github上的repo: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim

- Copy the following settings to .vimrc in linux (~/.vimrc) or _vimrc in windows (C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc)
  将如下配置拷贝粘贴至 Linux下的.vimrc(~/.vimrc) 或者 windows下的_vimrc(C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc)

    if has('gui_running') || 'xterm-256color' == $TERM
        colorscheme marslo
        let psc_style='cool'
        colorscheme marslo16

- For Linux, just add the following setting into .bashrc(~/.bashrc). Make sure 256 colors can be supported in Linux Terminal.
  如果是Linux用户,还需要将如下配置粘贴复制至 .bashrc(~/.bashrc) 以保证Linux下的终端可以支持256色(不写也行,只是不好看)

    if [ -e /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color ];
        export TERM='xterm-256color'
    # Ubuntu
    elif [ -e /lib/terminfo/x/xterm-256color ];
        export TERM='xterm-256color'
        export TERM='xterm-color'

Anything wrong, just leave message at: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim/issues
任何问题,请到此配色的github的repo处留言: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim/issues
install details
1. Install by manually:
- For Windows: Download and copy two files (marslo16.vim && marslo.vim) to "colors" folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\colors, for example)
  Windows用户: 下载且拷贝两个文件(marslo16.vim && marslo.vim) 到 "colors" 目录中 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\colors 【64位操作系统】)

- For Linux: Download and copy two files (marslo.vim && marslo16.vim) to ~/.vim/colors
  Linux用户: 下载且拷贝两个文件 (marslo.vim && marslo16.vim) 到 ~/.vim/colors

2. Install by Vundle:

- Add the following setting into .vimrc(linux [~/.vimrc]) or _vimrc(windows [C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc])
  将如下配置拷贝至 Linux用户的.vimrc([~/.vimrc) 或 Windows用户的_vimrc(C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc)

    Bundle 'Marslo/marslo.vim'

- Execute the command in vim/gvim:
  在 vim/gvim 下执行如下命令即可自动安装成功:


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
marslo.vim 0.1.10 2015-08-23 7.3 Marslo Jiao Change marslo256.vim to marslo.vim. Add diff colors for both GUI and Term
marslo16.vim 0.1.10 2015-08-23 7.3 Marslo Jiao Add diff colors for both GUI and Term
marslo256.vim 0.1.9 2014-03-31 7.3 Marslo Jiao Remove the Redundancy comments, and add couple of colors
marslo16.vim 0.1.9 2014-03-31 7.3 Marslo Jiao Remove the Redundancy comments, and add couple of colors
marslo256.vim 1.8.1 2013-12-30 7.3 Marslo Jiao Upload the separate version(256 and 16).
marslo16.vim 1.8.1 2013-12-30 7.3 Marslo Jiao Upload the separate version(256 and 16).
colors.zip 1.8 2013-11-18 7.3 Marslo Jiao Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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