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RPN : Vim RPN calculator

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created by
Salman Halim
script type

echo Rpn#Eval( '2 3 +' )
echo Rpn#Eval( 2, 3, '+' )

Suggested command:
com! -nargs=+ Rpn echo Rpn#Eval( <f-args> )

Then, Rpn 2 3 + echoes the result.


d: duplicate last entry
r: reverse last two entries
v: square root the last entry

ans: Replaces with the answer from the last entry
install details
Put it in your autoload directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
rpn.zip 1.5 2019-01-16 7.0 Salman Halim New commands:

c: clear the stack
f: print the entire stack
p: display the last entry on the stack (done by default at the end, anyway)
k: set precision (number of decimal places)
K: push the precision onto the stack
!: replace the item with its negative value
Z: replace the item with the number of characters it takes up (number of digits plus decimal point and negative sign)
z: push the size of the current stack
x: remove the entry (pop and destroy)

New special:

tax: Equivalent to multiplying by g:Rpn_taxRate. For example, if you set g:Rpn_taxRate to 1.5, then executing 'Rpn 3 tax' is the same as 'Rpn 3 1.5 *' -- I use it for sales tax calculations
rpn.vmb 1.0 2013-11-25 7.0 Salman Halim Left out a needed file *blush*
rpn.vim 1.0 2013-11-25 7.0 Salman Halim Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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