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Triggers.vim : Helps to toggle definitions (maps, sets, abbr)

 script karma  Rating 2/3, Downloaded by 3366  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Luc Hermitte
script type
This script defines functions that help to toggle the definitions of many things -- like mappings, settings
or abbreviations. The very simple application is to map (/ unmap) a macro when we hit (/rehit) the trigger.
A much more useful application is to map all the definitions from a function when hitting the trigger and
unload them on a second hit and reload on a third, etc..

For examples of use, cf. the header part of the file, or  <http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/general.php >.
install details
Copy the file into {rtp}/plugin, and prefer the latest version from: https://github.com/LucHermitte/lh-misc/blob/master/plugin/Triggers.vim

It can also be installed with lh-misc.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
trigger.tar.gz 1.05 2002-07-10 5.7 Luc Hermitte The placement of the memorized undo files has changed to suit VIM6
systems, and older ones where we can't write files into $VIMRUNTIME.
The creation of the undo files is smoother ; vim should not insult us
triggers.tar.gz 1.04 2002-02-13 5.7 Luc Hermitte Bufferized maps and abbreviations (<buffer> for VIM6) are now valid and correctly handled.
And the two files required are now part of the archive.
Triggers.vim 1.03 2001-10-01 5.7 Luc Hermitte Fix a little synchronisation problem between files thanks to an external script attached to the tarball archive.
Triggers.vim 1.02 2001-07-27 5.7 Luc Hermitte Initial upload
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