FindOccurrence : Extended mappings for :isearch, :ilist and :ijump.
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created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
This plugin adds the following features to the default Vim mappings for
:isearch, :ilist and :ijump:
- ]I et al. not only list the occurrences, but ask for the occurrence number
to jump to.
- ]I et al. also work in visual mode, searching for the selection instead of
the word under cursor.
- New ]n ]N ]<C-N> <C-W>n <C-W><C-N> mappings that operate on the
last search pattern.
- New ]/ <C-W>/ mappings that query and then operate on a pattern.
Based on the Vim Tip "Search visually":
List occurrences of \<word\> under cursor / word under cursor (g[I) / visual
With any [count], also includes 'comment'ed lines.
[count][I List all occurrences in the file. (Like :ilist)
[count]]I List occurrences from the cursor position to end of
[count][CTRL-I Jump to the [count]'th occurrence in the file. (Like
[count]]CTRL-I Jump to the [count]'th occurrence starting from the
cursor position.
List occurrences of last search pattern quote/:
With any [count], also includes 'comment'ed lines.
[count][n List [count]'th occurrence in the file. (Like
[count]]n List [count]'th occurrence from the cursor position.
[count][N List all occurrences in the file. (Like :ilist)
[count]]N List occurrences from the cursor position to end of
[count][CTRL-N Jump to the [count]'th occurrence in the file. (Like
[count]]CTRL-N Jump to the [count]'th occurrence starting from the
cursor position.
List occurrences of queried pattern:
With any [count], also includes 'comment'ed lines.
[count][/ Without [count]: Query, then list all occurrences in
the file (like :ilist).
With [count]: Query, then jump to [count]'th
occurrence; if it doesn't exist, list all occurrences.
[count]]/ Without [count]: Query, then list occurrences from the
cursor position to end of file.
With [count]: Query, then jump to [count]'th
occurrence from the cursor position; if it doesn't
exist, list occurrences from the cursor position to
end of file.
These eclipse [/ and ]/ motions, but you can still use
[* and ]*.
[count]CTRL-W_/ Query, then jump to the [count]'th occurrence in a
split window.
[count][? Without [count]: List all occurrences of the
previously queried pattern in the file (like
With [count]: Jump to [count]'th previously queried
occurrence; if it doesn't exist, list all occurrences.
[count]]? Without [count]: List occurrences of the previously
queried pattern from the cursor position to end of
With [count]: Jump to [count]'th previously queried
occurrence from the cursor position; if it doesn't
exist, list occurrences from the cursor position to
end of file.
[count]CTRL-W_? Jump to the [count]'th previously queried occurrence
in a split window.
- The [ and <C-W> mappings start at the beginning of the file, the ] mappings
at the line after the cursor. Both are directed forward, so it's easy to
jump to the next match, but to go to a previous match, you have to find out
about the match number and use that.
- Without a [count], commented lines are ignored. If you want to show the list
that includes commented lines, use a high count (e.g. 999) that is unlikely
to produce a direct match.
- x just echoes the occurrence, X prints a list of the occurrences and asks
for the occurrence number to jump to, <C-X> directly jumps to the
occurrence, <C-W>x and <C-W><C-X> split the window and jump to the
- i I <Tab> <C-W>i <C-W><Tab> for word under cursor.
- d D <C-D> <C-W>d <C-W><C-D> for macro definition under cursor.
- n N <C-N> <C-W>n <C-W><C-N> for last search pattern.
- / <C-W>/ for queried pattern.
- List all occurrences excluding / including comments:
[X / 999[X
- Move through all matches excluding / including comments:
[CTRL-X, ]CTRL-X, ]CTRL-X, ... / 1[CTRL-X, 1]CTRL-X, 1]CTRL-X, ...
- Move through every n'th match excluding / including comments:
[CTRL-X, ]Xn, ]Xn, ... / 1[CTRL-X, n]CTRL-X, n]CTRL-X, ... |
install details |
This script is packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor
in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress
the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the
vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim FindOccurrence*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.007 or
higher. |
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