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zeavim : Execute the documentation browser Zeal from Vim

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created by
Kabbaj Amine
script type
Zeavim allows to use the offline documentation browser Zeal(http://zealdocs.org) from Vim.

# Features:
    * Search for word under cursor, a motion or a visual selection.
    * Search without losing focus from Vim if Zeal is already opened (Need wmctrl on UNIX).
    * Possibility to specify dynamically a docset.
    * Narrow search with a query.
    * Allows using multiple docsets.
    * Docset name completion.
    * Define you own docsets using file types, extentions or regex.
    * Supports docsets specific to file names (e.g gulpfile.js)
    * Works on GNU/Linux and Windows.

You'll find the last version on https://github.com/KabbAmine/zeavim.vim
Don't forget to rate it if you find it useful ( Or useless ;) ).


1. <leader>z
    Search for word under cursor with the docset defined automatically.

2. gz{motion}
    Search for a motion with the docset defined automatically.

3. <leader><leader>z
    Narrow search with a docset and a query (A default docset is provided).
        - Multiple docsets can be defined, just separate them by a comma.
        - The docset name can be completed using tab, see completion for that.

Please refer to the documentation(https://github.com/KabbAmine/zeavim.vim/blob/master/doc/zeavim.txt)  or the README file(https://github.com/KabbAmine/zeavim.vim/blob/master/README.md) for more informations and how to configure zeavim.
install details
Manual installation
Install the distributed files into Vim runtime directory which is usually `~/.vim/`, or `$HOME/vimfiles` on Windows.

Using Pathogen
Simply extract the file into `bundle` directory.

Using Vundle
Just add the following line in the Vundle part of your vimrc
    Plugin 'KabbAmine/zeavim.vim'
Then proceed to the installation of the plugin with the following command:

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
zeavim.tar.gz 2.1.0 2016-01-13 7.0 Kabbaj Amine * New feature: Search for a motion using <Plug>ZVMotion
* Internal refactoring
* Bug fix
zeavim.tar.gz 2.0.1 2015-12-23 7.0 Kabbaj Amine 2.0.1
    DEGRADATION: Fix the issue where default mappings were not working
    Fix code example in the documentation
    Big refactoring
    Update documentation and screens
    Add a version badge and use now semantic versionning
        Remove <Plug>ZVKeyword and ZvK command, the functionality is natively supported by <Plug>ZVKeyDocset
        Supports docsets for specific file names
        Don't lose focus anymore on Unix if Zeal is opened (Needs wmtcrl)
        Allows using regex in g:zv_file_types
        Allows using multiple docsets with multiple completion for Docset
zeavim.tar.gz 1.4.4 2015-09-27 7.0 Kabbaj Amine * Some refactoring
* Update documentation
### Changes
* Rename g:zv_added_files_type to g:zv_file_types
* Rename g:zv_zeal_directory to g:zv_zeal_executable
zeavim.tar.gz 1.4.2 2015-04-17 7.0 Kabbaj Amine Follow zeal 0.1.0 changes:
- No more --query in zeal's command.
- Docsets names are now in lower case.
zeavim.tar.gz 1.4 2015-03-22 7.0 Kabbaj Amine Update to v1.4:
- New option added: g:docsets_dir > Specify zeal docsets directory for automatic command completion.
- Add docset completion to ZvKeyDocset (\\z).
- Shows now docset name after calling ZVKeyDocset (\\z).
- No more simple quotes in Windows in zeal's query.
- Doc updated.
- Some refactoring & code cleaning.

zeavim.tar.gz 1.3 2015-02-21 7.0 Kabbaj Amine - Change key mapping process: g:zv_disable_mapping works now just as it should be.
- Correct script variable name.
zeavim.tar.gz 1.2 2014-12-04 7.0 Kabbaj Amine - Add completion when using the command Docset
- You can also add docset names for the competion in g:zv_lazy_docset_list
zeavim.tar.gz 1.1 2014-10-02 7.0 Kabbaj Amine - No more latency, the plugin works instantly.
- Add a way to specify manually a docset (:Docset).
- Documentation updated.
- Clean the code.
zeavim.tar.gz 1.0.3 2014-08-23 7.0 Kabbaj Amine Symbolic update to 1.0.3:
- Clear vim screen after calling zeavim (For tmux).
- Possibility to disable default mappings added.
- Commands for main functions added.
zeavim.tar.gz 1.0.2 2014-07-31 7.0 Kabbaj Amine Put the cursor in his initial position after Zeal visual calling.
zeavim.tar.gz 1.0.1 2014-06-11 7.0 Kabbaj Amine No changes, the 0.1 is simply for an updated doc.
zeavim.tar.gz 1.0 2014-06-09 7.0 Kabbaj Amine Initial upload
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