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Improved AnsiEsc : Improved AnsiEsc.vim : ansi escape sequences highlighted and concealed

 script karma  Rating 26/31, Downloaded by 9920  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alex Efros
script type
This is improved version of AnsiEsc.vim (vimscript #302).


*  updated to latest author's version: 13e (Dec 06, 2012)
*  add support for simple ANSI sequences like "bold" (without defining color)
*  add support for 16-color 'light' escape sequences (by Andy Berdan, merged from https://github.com/berdandy/AnsiEsc.vim)
*  disable \swp and \rwp maps if g:no_plugin_maps or g:no_cecutil_maps exists
*  disable DrChip/AnsiEsc menu if g:no_drchip_menu or g:no_ansiesc_menu exists

Source: https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc
install details
Using pathogen (recommended).
a) Using source:
    $ git clone https://github.com/powerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc.git ~/.vim/bundle/AnsiEsc/
    $ vi
b) Using .zip archive:
    $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/AnsiEsc/
    $ unzip AnsiEsc.zip -d ~/.vim/bundle/AnsiEsc/
    $ vi
c) Using  .vmb vimball:
    $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/AnsiEsc/
    $ vi AnsiEsc.vmb
    :UseVimball ~/.vim/bundle/AnsiEsc

Plain install without pathogen.
a) Using .zip archive:
    $ unzip AnsiEsc.zip -d ~/.vim/
    $ vi
    :helptags ~/.vim/doc
b) Using .vmb vimball:
    $ vi AnsiEsc.vmb
    :so %
    :helptags ~/.vim/doc

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
AnsiEsc.vmb 13.4 2019-04-07 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
AnsiEsc.zip 13.4 2019-04-07 7.0 Alex Efros - minor fixes
AnsiEsc.vmb 13.3 2016-02-17 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
AnsiEsc.zip 13.3 2016-02-17 7.0 Alex Efros - more colors support
- minor fixes
AnsiEsc.vmb 13.2 2015-08-24 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
AnsiEsc.zip 13.2 2015-08-24 7.0 Alex Efros - updated to author's version: 13i (Apr 02, 2015)
- add support for simple ANSI sequences like disable bold/italic/etc.
- minor fixes
AnsiEsc.vmb 13.1 2014-07-07 7.0 Alex Efros vimball
AnsiEsc.zip 13.1 2014-07-07 7.0 Alex Efros Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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