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SpecialLocationComplete : Insert mode completion for special custom patterns.

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created by
Ingo Karkat
script type
Most custom completions are about particular bases, contexts, patterns, or
buffers, and are pretty fixed about them. But sometimes a special completion
(for example, only XML tag names) would be very useful, but it would be
overkill to write a complete custom completion for it (even though the
CompleteHelper.vim library makes this quite simple).
This plugin provides a generic, configurable framework for defining custom
completions through simple configuration objects, allowing both global and
buffer- or window-scoped completions. So if you e.g. need completion of
expressions inside <% ... %> for a particular filetype, you can quickly define
such, and assign it to a completion key.

Inspired by

- Check out the CompleteHelper.vim plugin page (vimscript #3914) for a full
  list of insert mode completions powered by it.

In insert mode, invoke the special completion via CTRL-X CTRL-X; you will
then be prompted for another key that selects the particular completion.
You can then search forward and backward via CTRL-N / CTRL-P, as usual.

CTRL-X CTRL-X {key}[...]Find special matches configured for {key}[...] (see
                        Further use of CTRL-X CTRL-X will copy additional text
                        (what exactly is customizable, too).

The plugin ships with the following global default completions:
CTRL-X CTRL-X t         Find pure tag names (without attributes and the
                        surrounding <...>) in opening and closing tags.
CTRL-X CTRL-X T         Find complete tags (everything inside and including
                        the <...>). Further use will copy following complete
                        tags (without text in between).
CTRL-X CTRL-X CTRL-T    Find tag attributes (name="value") in tags.
CTRL-X CTRL-X it        Text between arbitrary tags (<...>text here</...>),
                        starting with the base. If none is found, do a relaxed
                        search for the base anywhere between arbitrary tags.
                        Unlike the it text object, the surrounding tags need
                        not match; they can be _any_ opening or closing tags!
CTRL-X CTRL-X num       Find decimal numbers starting with / containing the
CTRL-X CTRL-X hex       Find hexadecimal numbers (with or without "0x" prefix)
                        starting with / containing the base.
CTRL-X CTRL-X uuid      Find UUIDs (c2e9853b-4d8e-48b6-af5a-ef0e6279fa61 and
                        c2e9853b4d8e48b6af5aef0e6279fa61) starting with /
                        containing the base.
install details
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
    vim SpecialLocationComplete*.vmb.gz
    :so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.

- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.044 or
- Requires the CompleteHelper.vim plugin (vimscript #3914), version 1.40 or

For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

This completion can provide an arbitrary number of special completions; these
can be available globally, or only in particular buffers or windows. Each
completion is defined by a configuration object under a (correspondingly
scoped) Dictionary; the key is the (sequence of) character(s) that must be
typed after the i_CTRL-X_CTRL-X completion mapping. The following example
shows the defaults (which are modeled after the built-in keyword completion),
and explains their use:
    let g:SpecialLocationCompletions = {
    \   'k': {
       The key(s) (after i_CTRL-X_CTRL-X) to invoke. No key-notation
        supported; i.e. use ^T (as a single char) for <C-t>.
    \       'priority': 1000,
               Number that influences the position of the completion in the
                printed hints; lower numbers appear first.
    \       'description': 'keywords',
               An (optional) explanation appended to the key in the prompt. >
    \       'complete': '.,w,b,u'
               Specifies what is searched, like the 'complete' option. The
                default depends on the config variable scope: visible windows
                for w:, the current buffer for :b, and everything
                configured in 'complete' for g:.
    \       'base': '\k\*\%#',
               The pattern to locate the completion base (before the cursor). >
    \       'patternTemplate': '\<%s\k\+',
               With the base inserted at "%s", yields the pattern used to
                search for completions. Can also be a List of pattern
                templates; these are then searched sequentially until one
                pattern yields matches.
    \       'emptyBasePattern': '',
               Optional alternative pattern to 'patternTemplate' that is used
                when there's no base. Can also be a List; these are then
                searched sequentially until one pattern yields matches.
    \       'repeatPatternTemplate': '%s\zs\s*\k\+',
               When repeating the completion, yields the pattern to search
                for completions. "%s" is replaced with the full completion,
                "%S" is replaced with just the last added completion part.
                Alternatively, common repeat patterns can also be built from
                the following parts characterized by an anchor, a matching
                atom, and a non-matching in between (this is the default):
    \       'repeatAnchorExpr': '\<',
    \       'repeatPositiveExpr': '\k',
    \       'repeatNegativeExpr': '\%(\k\@!\.\)',
               Note: You can't mix-and-match here, if you want to override
                repeatNegativeExpr, you also need to specify the previous ones!
    \   }
In addition, any other a:options from CompleteHelper#FindMatches() can be
specified, too. These are passed to the CompleteHelper function.

If you already have a complete-function implementation, and you want to
include it in the SpecialLocationComplete under a key (instead of assigning a
separate |i_CTRL-X|-... mapping), you can add its 'completefunc' value via
    \       'completefunc': 'MyPlugin#Complete',
The plugin will just forward the trigger then, and offer repeat completions
based on the inserted text, too.

If you want to use a different mapping, map your keys to the
<Plug>(SpecialLocationComplete) mapping target _before_ sourcing the script
(e.g. in your vimrc):
    imap <C-x><C-x> <Plug>(SpecialLocationComplete)

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
SpecialLocationComplete-2.10.vmb.gz 2.10 2024-11-21 7.0 Ingo Karkat - ENH: Allow to configure existing 'completefunc' with a custom key here, too.
  *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.044! ***
SpecialLocationComplete-2.00.vmb.gz 2.00 2019-05-20 7.0 Ingo Karkat - FIX: CompleteHelper#Repeat#Processor() condenses a new line and the following indent to a single space; need to translate that. Otherwise, repeats using %S in the a:options.repeatPatternTemplate will not work on tab-indented or multi-line matches.
- ENH: Add new <C-t> default completion of full tag attributes (e.g. <tag foo="bar">).
- ENH: Support Lists of a:options.patternTemplate and a:options.emptyBasePattern; these are searched sequentially until one yields matches. This allows fallbacks, e.g. a relaxed search anywhere vs. a strict search for base at the beginning.
- ENH: Add new it default completion for text between tags.
- ENH: Add default completions for decimal and hexadecimal numbers, UUIDs.
- ENH: Support sorting of completions via a:options.priority.
SpecialLocationComplete-1.00.vmb.gz 1.00 2015-02-24 7.0 Ingo Karkat Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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