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EnhancedDiff : A Vim plugin for creating better diffs (sometimes)

 script karma  Rating 11/7, Downloaded by 2475  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Christian Brabandt
script type
This plugin allows to make use of the Patience diff algorithm for generating diffs to use with Vim. This needs the git command line tool available.

You can also customize you setup to use any other tool to generated diffs (e.g. mercurial) Read the help on how to configure the plugin accordingly.

See the screenshots at https://github.com/chrisbra/vim-diff-enhanced

This plugin defines the following Ex commands:

:PatienceDiff - Use the Patience Diff algorithm for the next diff mode
:CustomDiff <algorithm> - Use <algorithm> to generate the diff. Use any of


After changing the algorithm, you need to run :diffupdate if you are in diff mode to regenerate the diff.
Note: Those 2 commands use internally git to generate the diffs. Make sure you have at least git version 1.8.2 installed.

:DisableEnhancedDiff - Disable plugin (and use default Vim diff capabilities).
install details
Simply source the file and the plugin will be installed automatically
:e EnhancedDiff-<nr>.vmb
:so %

And afterwards, have a look at the documentation: :h EnhancedDiff

Alternatively, use the plugin manager of your choice for installation

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
EnhancedDiff-0.3.vmb 3 2015-03-05 7.4 Christian Brabandt - update diff, when in diffmode and |:CustomDiff| is used
- run test correctly, when installed via plugin manager (issue
  https://github.com/chrisbra/vim-diff-enhanced/issues/1, reported by
  advocateddrummer thanks!)
- fix small typo (noticed by Gary Johnson, thanks!)
(automatically uploaded)
EnhancedDiff.vmb 0.2 2015-02-25 7.4 Christian Brabandt Updated links to point to the vim.org page
EnhancedDiff.vmb 0.1 2015-02-25 7.4 Christian Brabandt Initial upload
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