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Hardy : Arduino IDE intregation for vim

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created by
Evergreen Tree
script type
vim-hardy provides support for Arduino in vim.  It covers syntax, compilation,
and verification for Arduino code.  I decided to call this plugin "vim-hardy"
because "Arduino" means "hardy friend" in italian. Note that I did not
write the arduino syntax file, it was created by Johannes Hoff, and is available here:

Arduino IDE version 1.5.0 and up is required for the compilation and uploading
of Arduino code.  By default, vim-hardy looks for it in your PATH, but you can
specify an installation directory with "g:hardy_arduino_path`"

To verify an Arduino file, run ":ArduinoVerify".  To compile and upload it, use
":ArduinoUpload".  For information on any options and other features, see

For development versions and bug reports, see the Github repository:

Any feedback can be sent to evergreenubuntu[AT]gmail[DOT]com
install details
Extract to ~/.vim, or ~\vimfiles (Windows).  You will need to regenerate helptags for documentation.  (fill in the install path below)

:helptags ~/.vim/doc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
hardy.zip 1.0.0 2015-05-23 7.0 Evergreen Tree Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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