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stunter.vim : stunter.vim: run vim test

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created by
Anders Thøgersen
script type
Stunter is for running test of vim scripts.

Here is a sample script:

    runtime stunter.vim

    " Need this to get the script id of the script being tested
    fun! s:SID()
      return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\\zs\\d\\+\\ze_SID$')

    " Get the Test(functionName, arguments, expectedReturnValue) function
    let Test = Stunter(s:SID())

    fun! s:TestMe1(a)
      return 30 + a:a

    fun! g:TestMe2(a)
      return 10 * a:a

    fun! TestMe3(a, b)
      return a:a + a:b

    call Test('s:TestMe1', [12], 42)
    call Test('g:TestMe2', [12], 120)
    call Test('TestMe3', [100, 8], 108)

If you `:source` a file with the above contents it should output:

    ok..1  s:TestMe1(12) == 42
    ok..2  g:TestMe2(12) == 120
    ok..3  TestMe3(100, 8) == 108

Please report bugs and issues here:

install details
unpack stunter.vim.zip from your ~/.vim directory or clone it from https://github.com/aklt/stunter.vim
using your favorite vim plugin manager.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
stunter.vim.zip 0.1.0 2017-06-25 8.0 Anders Thøgersen Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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