dirconf.vim : project specific vim config and notes
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created by |
Anders Thøgersen |
script type |
utility |
description |
This vim plugin is for maintaining project specific configuration and keeping
notes associated with the project. The configuration and notes are kept
outside of the project source directory.
I created this plugin because I wanted to change settings between different
projects I am working on that use different plugin settings and be able to
work on these projects in the same vim instance.
For example:
One project uses `eslint` with a specific configuration, while another project
uses `eslint` with a different configuration.
One of these projects uses `tern` for JS completion, where another uses
`vim-flow` completion.
With this plugin I am able to work on these projects within the same vim
instance using something like the following context files:
One for running `eslint` and `flow`:
let g:javascript_plugin_flow = 1
" Source the file to define flowcomplete#Complete
if ! exists('*flowcomplete#Complete')
let g:tern_disable = 1
let g:flow#flowpath = a:dir . '/node_modules/.bin/flow'
let g:neomake_javascript_enabled_makers = ['eslint']
let g:neomake_javascript_eslint_args = ' --config ' . $HOME . '/.eslintrc-react'
source ~/.vim/bundle/vim-flow/autoload/flowcomplete.vim
set omnifunc=flowcomplete#Complete
Another dirconf context file for running `eslint` and `ternjs` for completion:
let g:neomake_javascript_enabled_makers = ['eslint']
let g:neomake_javascript_eslint_exe = a:dir . '/node_modules/.bin/eslint'
let g:neomake_javascript_eslint_args = ' --config ' . $HOME . '/.eslintrc-backend'
let g:tern_show_argument_hints = 1
let g:tern_show_signature_in_pum = 1
Please send comments and bugreports here: https://github.com/aklt/dirconf.vim |
install details |
Unzip in your vim folder or use your favourite plugin manager |
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