vim-langtool : list and jump to grammar errors found by LanguageTool
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Downloaded by 608 |
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created by |
Enno Nagel |
script type |
utility |
description |
This Vim plug-in collects all grammar mistakes (of the currently open file)
found by LanguageTool ( into the quickfix (or local)
list from which they can be jumped to.
If you already have LanguageTool installed and start it in the command line by
an executable, say /usr/bin/langtool, then add to your vimrc the line
let g:langtool_cmd = '/usr/bin/langtool'
Otherwise, download and unpack LanguageTool from, say into the folder ~/LanguageTool, and add
to your vimrc the line
let g:langtool_jar = '~/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar'
where the right-hand side, ~/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar, is the
path of the file languagetool-commandline.jar.
The command
populates the location-list with all grammar mistakes found by LanguageTool.
The (location-list) window that lists them can then be opened by :lwindow and
they can be jumped to by :lN respectively :lp. (Have a look at vim-unimpaired
to use convenient mappings instead).
LanguageTool runs in the background by Vim's job feature, provided a custom
:Make command exists, such as
- that of vim-dispatch, or
- with AsyncRun.vim installed (see also Hints below), that defined by
command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Make AsyncRun<bang> -auto=make -program=make -strip <args>
The (quickfix) window that lists the grammar mistakes can then be opened by
:cwindow and they can be jumped to by :cN respectively :cp.
To automatically open the location-list window after LangTool, add autocmd
QuickFixCmdPost lmake lwindow to your vimrc, respectively autocmd
QuickFixCmdPost make cwindow if the :Make command exists. To automatically run
LangTool after saving the modifications to a text, mail or markdown file, add
to your vimrc:
autocmd FileType text,mail,markdown autocmd BufWrite <buffer=abuf> LangTool
Command-line parameters can be passed to LanguageTool by the global variable
g:langtool_parameters and the buffer-local variable b:langtool_parameters. By
let g:langtool_parameters = ''
let b:langtool_parameters = '--autoDetect'
For example, the mother tongue can be set and (categories of) rules enabled and
disabled by adding to your vimrc
let s:enablecategories = 'CREATIVE_WRITING,WIKIPEDIA' .
let g:langtool_parameters = ' --mothertongue de' .
\ ' --enablecategories ' . s:enablecategories .
\ ' --enable ' . s:enable .
\ ' --disable ' . s:disable
:LangTool sets the language that LanguageTool will use to that used by Vim to
spellcheck by
let b:langtool_parameters = '--language ' . &l:spelllang
To avoid that the file is saved before LanguageTool checks it for mistakes,
let g:langtool_save = 0
If you use AsyncRun.vim, add let g:asyncrun_trim = 1 to your vimrc to avoid
empty lines in the quickfix list. Other options, such as g:asyncrun_save might
be of interest.
This Vim plug-in is simpler than vim-LanguageTool and vim-grammarous. In
particular, it lets Vim parse the LanguageTool output to stdout via an
appropriate value of &errorformat; see :help errorformat. (Whereas both
plug-ins implement their proper parser for the deprecated XML output format
of LanguageTool.)
vim-langtool is developed at where issues can be filed.
install details |
Unzip into ~/.vim on Linux and MacOS, or into %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles on Windows.
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